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No more pictures

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  • No more pictures

    Well just got back from another great trip to LOS. It was very last minute but stayed for 9 nights 5 in BKK and 4 in Phuket.

    Anyway to the meaning of my post. On my first night in BKK I walked into cascades and was greeted by the usual suspects. One I had known for a while did not come and say hello and in fact seemed to be deliberately ignoring me. I wondered why and called her over. Seems some pictures (tasteful) I posted of her on here got back to some idiot calling himself her boyfriend and he called her to tell that he did not like that she had allowed some customer to take her pictures and put them up. This same guy obviously reads here and looks at all the other pictures on here, fucking hipocrisy if you ask me.

    Well this fool basically stopped me bar fining her that night as I could just feel the tension between her and I. I just do not understand the mentality of these fools. Firstly he does not support her so she is working in a bar to support herself and how she gets that income is up to her. Second her pics are on many websites and she has been featured here more than once.

    So in short so as to not risk getting any of the girls off side and them not letting me take any pictures I will not post any of them anymore.

    Too bad stayed with 15 girls in the 9 days and got some nice pics. Not to mention the thousands I have in the bank now.

  • #2
    hhhmm while i understand your sentiments entirely, it is not clear to me what purpose this serves other than harming the majority of well meaning good people here. some twit is going to make you take this action?
    This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
    Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


    • #3
      Originally posted by (relpax @ Jan. 09 2006,03:41)
      hhhmm while i understand your sentiments entirely, it is not clear to me what purpose this serves other than harming the majority of well meaning good people here.  some twit is going to make you take this action?
      The purpose it serves is entirely selfish. If I do not post pictures on here then the girls so called boyfriends/benefactors will not complain to them and I will still get to take pictures for myself.

      Whilst I do not agree with these guys pulling the strings given the girls are posing for pornographics such as this so why should a pic from an admirer such as me be an issue?

      Maybe this twit will own up on here if he has any courage at all and explain to the other forum members why he would do such a thing.


      • #4
        Trust me Ozzie, your way better off not dealing with any girls like this... It's your gain there loss. Hell... there are so many girls there it's almost laughable when I hear stuff like this.

        You say he's not supporting her.... well I know for a fact that he is because this is the only way to control them,,, MONEY $$$. It's the same old story we here all the time... poor bloke on vacation in LOS loses his mind and thinks he's found the perfect girl for himself working in a bar in Thailand. He plans to take her back some day and marry her so they can live happily ever after together but in the mean time he doesn€™t want to lose her and he doesn€™t want any other guys to touch her so he tells he not to work in the bar anymore... she says "ok me no work bar no more.. I go school... you send me money for me, my family and school". The guy falls for it... she takes his money and still works at the bar...

        He finds out from the photos that she's still working and calls her up and threatens to cut her off or maybe even did. She's now piss off because she's missing this income supplement that was helping her build the addition to her parents home in the village for her 5 sisters and 10 brother to sleep in.

        I had a guy PM€™ing me about a particular Cascade girl I was talking about. He was very to the point and wanted to know exactly what my relationship with her was€¦ he was kind of a creepy guy but I didn€™t tell him anything but she€™s a friend because if he was sending her money every month I wanted her to keep getting it€¦ all the power to the girls who can embezzle€¦ that€™s the way I look at it!


        • #5
          Originally posted by
          You say he's not supporting her.... well I know for a fact that he is because this is the only way to control them
          He is giving her a small amount with small being the appropriate word. Probably the same size as his brain. I will not say how much suffice to say he is giving her less in a month than some of these girls can earn in a night. I explained to the girl in question that if he is not paying her a substantial amount then she is better off letting guys like me take her pictures and post reports on the forum as she will end up with more customers especially if she gets a good report. She understood this I think and we are back on good terms now.


          • #6
            If the girl is getting in trouble with people who are throwing money at her then you have to see it from her angle.

            Some of these guys get very possesive and behave quite irrationally when they think they have a girl all to themselves.

            There are some real mugs out there and it's the girls job to separate them from their money. When this fails or the plans become unstuck; the girls will take it out on whatever (or whoever) they feel is the reason... and it's never themselves that are to blame!


            • #7
              Given its Cascade being talked about here - the LB could hardly say " I just work service - not go with customer" given that all the service staff are guys which of course if one of main excuses used in gogo and beer bars


              • #8
                Originally posted by (mardhi @ Jan. 08 2006,15:34)
                " I just work service - not go with customer" given that all the service staff are guys which of course if one of main excuses used in gogo and beer bars  
                the service staff might all be guys in there but I think you can barfine them too if you're into that...I had one guy in there hitting on me all night long .... not my thing but I could tell what he was after.... ME!


                • #9
                  If you have not agreed with her about using the pictures, you can post the pictures taken in public.

                  As sad above, there is a lot of stupid men around.

                  I don`t know how many times guys have called when I stay with them:
                  I stay with my family, very cold here.....
                  I`m realy boring stay home, you have to send me some more money.....

                  Same time I give them BJ
                  Do not marry a Thai girl.
                  Use for 3 days only!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by
                    If you have not agreed with her about using the pictures, you can post the pictures taken in public.
                    Not sure what you meant here. Was that suppose to say you can't post their pictures if they have not agreed?

                    Anyway I always ask and this particular girl actually said I could but had forgotten until I reminded her.


                    • #11
                      I don't agree Ozzie with your concolusion on what you will do.

                      I once had a similar situation, and a friend of mine reminded me, duh, like there's only 500,000 more girls here!

                      You cannot let yourself get embroiled in their problems. They have a problem with a moron who thinks they're celibate, well, that's her problem, absolutely not yours. Also, this is a rare occurence, so who cares if you lose one out of 15? What difference does it make if you lose 5 out of 15 possible companions. There will be more than 15 new ones next time you come, you know that.

                      One last point for any morons out there, and I know there are some. YOU CANNOT KEEP A GIRL OUT OF A BAR, EVEN WITH MONEY. Like, get real. These are 17-25 year old girls, in the prime of their life. Do you know what kind of appartments they live in? Pretty dodgy, I've seen several. There is no fucking way in hell a 17-25 beautiful girl is going to sit in her appartment because some moron gives her money, no matter what the amount. They need a life. So, what do they do? Go with their friends, i.e., the bar, or after the bars close, in one of the street hot spots. This is just common sense, think about it. And you are even more stupid if you think she'll go home and live with mama and papa in some boring as hell little village in Issan. Imagine yourself in your prime. Can you imagine staying in a no air con tiny appartment, or sitting at home with ma and pa on the farm, because some girl sends you money, who may cut it off any day, any minute?

                      Also, I'd like to remove one other myth. You cannot work in a bar and not take out guys. If you don't take anyone one, first of all, you must pay the bar 8 bar fines, i.e., 8 * 600 = 4800 Baht. Your salary is 8000 baht, meaning you'd take home 3200 Baht for one month's work, i.e., $75 USD. Like ya. Who's going to do that? Also, most likely if you take no customers, the mamasan will fire you after one month. They don't want girls in the bar, they want them out of the bar, because that is how the bar makes money. It does not make money form beer.

                      If you want someone to stay loyal to you, there is only ONE way. Live with her.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Jan. 09 2006,09:51)
                        I don't agree Ozzie with your concolusion on what you will do.

                        I once had a similar situation, and a friend of mine reminded me, duh, like there's only 500,000 more girls here!

                        You cannot let yourself get embroiled in their problems. They have a problem with a moron who thinks they're celibate, well, that's her problem, absolutely not yours. Also, this is a rare occurence, so who cares if you lose one out of 15? What difference does it make if you lose 5 out of 15 possible companions. There will be more than 15 new ones next time you come, you know that.

                        One last point for any morons out there, and I know there are some. YOU CANNOT KEEP A GIRL OUT OF A BAR, EVEN WITH MONEY. Like, get real. These are 17-25 year old girls, in the prime of their life. Do you know what kind of appartments they live in? Pretty dodgy, I've seen several. There is no fucking way in hell a 17-25 beautiful girl is going to sit in her appartment because some moron gives her money, no matter what the amount. They need a life. So, what do they do? Go with their friends, i.e., the bar, or after the bars close, in one of the street hot spots. This is just common sense, think about it. And you are even more stupid if you think she'll go home and live with mama and papa in some boring as hell little village in Issan. Imagine yourself in your prime. Can you imagine staying in a no air con tiny appartment, or sitting at home with ma and pa on the farm, because some girl sends you money, who may cut it off any day, any minute?

                        Also, I'd like to remove one other myth. You cannot work in a bar and not take out guys. If you don't take anyone one, first of all, you must pay the bar 8 bar fines, i.e., 8 * 600 = 4800 Baht. Your salary is 8000 baht, meaning you'd take home 3200 Baht for one month's work, i.e., $75 USD. Like ya. Who's going to do that? Also, most likely if you take no customers, the mamasan will fire you after one month. They don't want girls in the bar, they want them out of the bar, because that is how the bar makes money. It does not make money form beer.

                        If you want someone to stay loyal to you, there is only ONE way. Live with her.
                        I agree with everything you say here Ziggy.

                        Yes I know there are plenty of ladyboys out there and more getting off the bus everyday. I just can't be bothered with all the bullshit. If there are fools like this guys who think they can keep them out of the bar, then let them live in fantasy land.


                        • #13
                          Hi Ozzie,

                          What I find most strange is the fact this particular LB has appeared in a number of professional shoots, but this guy is getting his nose out of joint because of a couple of your holiday snaps ?

                          I have to agree that these guys must live in fantasy land.

                          Please don't deny your fellow forum members the opportunity to see the photographic diary of your latest trip !

                          Why should we all suffer because of this misguided man ?  

                          Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                          • #14
                            Here is a sample of my picture diary hope you enjoy
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              A realy sexy girl you have there!

                              Holiday photos: Sorry for the jpg compression.
                              Attached Files
                              Do not marry a Thai girl.
                              Use for 3 days only!

