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  • #31
    (donnnnnny @ May 17 2006,13:41) Your  right as allways robin. Ive never har  any trouble in kk3 but  as allways i pay as i go  Ie  pay  for each drink as its  served.  as for the gang of shemales at the door of kk3 trying to pickpocket me  , they reminded me of the shemales on copacabbana  beach, fucking comical lol. mind you if you  were pissed  or  dropped your guard, both  lots  would have lightened my wallet or pocket.
    Thailand is a breeze  compared to the philipines also,
    david  hows the taxi club these days??  i hav'nt been there for  probibly  3  years.  cheers donnnnny

    Taxi club is fine last time i there about a month ago it was in its white amazon lb phase again not many asians . Did walk of the dance floor high as a kite from passive pot smoke nothings changed there lol

    Sounds like i def stay away from kc area sounds like a spot to end up broke.


    • #32
      If it's my first time I'd definitelt try everything, mate! Just make your own picture. What's the big deal? Getting ripped off for 2 what! But maybe you'lll find your shag of the month there??!!
      Don't plan too much, just let it flow!




      • #33
        (Mai-Kee @ May 17 2006,16:49) If it's my first time I'd definitelt try everything, mate! Just make your own picture. What's the big deal? Getting ripped off for 2 what! But maybe you'lll find your shag of the month there??!!
        Don't plan too much, just let it flow!


        Yes i will from all i have seen and heard for this trip i will stick to the tried and true for now.
        I think once i have the first trip i will know what to expect.


        • #34
          What im surprised at is that some expect not to be ripped off. These bars aint run by the salvation army..

          come on get real.. If you go to any sex bar anywhere in the world you have to expect to get stung in some way... its the norm, from Hong Kong to London to Prague.....they will all take the shirt off your back and the skin off your feet if they can.

          KC3 isnt the only bar overcharging, ive been overcharged in ALL the NANA bars.

          Thailand sex trade is a bit soft edged and i agree that its a walk in the park compared to the Stork Club in London or the High Heel bar in Taiwan. So dont complain to much....

          Ive seen guys in London hostess bars get ripped for thousands of pounds, likewise in Hong Kong and Taiwan. I got charged a fortune once for a bowl of peanuts once in the Suzy Wong Bar in Wanchai and the guy was going to cut my bollocks of if i didnt stump up the folding stuff... now thats a real problem.


          • #35
            I lived in Hong Kong for 3 years, 89-92 I frequented Wanchai at least once a week & my mates who lived down that way 2-3times a week. The Chinese scam merchants that run these bars & treat the Philippino & Thai girls that were working in them at the time like dirt, tried the same scams on us from the day we arrived to the day we left. Hence we used to fly to Manila on fridays come back sundays, merely for less scams & more fun. Yes I did say less scams in Manila, when D'Pilar & Mabini were in full swing before that idiot Lim wrecked it all, it was a great place!!

            The scams run in NaNa, Patpong, Soi 33, Soi Cowboy RCA & all the other entertainment places, Pattaya, Phuket, etc etc are really very low key & nothing compared to whats going on else where, as Tomcat says, wise up & get real. If you are getting seriously scammed in the LOS, then i think you need to stay at home, because you will be eaten alive if you go to anyother destination in Asia or South America.

            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


            • #36
              For me being new it was simply a fact finding mission for questions and  giving responses.

              Each country is different each place has its own little scams etc. From my experence malaysia is different to singapore. I worked six months in singapore ,the way ot works is very  different from the way the drink bars across the causeway in johor in malaysia work. Theres a different moral code that applies to what is tolerated and what is not. Many gg and lb work singapore work under a greater level govenment watching then say in sydney or the usa. If they do not play by the rules they may not get another chance to earn big money in singapore.

              I would have been a fool not ask questions about a new place i am visiting and get the lay of the land.

              This site is awesome for the content the information which is available from members etc.
              i   the people who started this site and those who support it

              love this place learnt many things


              • #37
                It is all relative guys. For those who have been to Rio etc then sure KC3 is a walk in the park. Also I agree KC3 is not the only bar ripping customers off by padding the bill etc this will happen in the Nana bars too if you drop your guard.

                As TC said no big deal to pay for an extra couple of drinks or maybe overpay a little for a ST as is not much money in the grand scheme.

                Just keep your wits about you and use common sense.

