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  • #91
    we're talking about two different things here. i am aware of 'rapid hiv tests'. what i like to see some documentation of, is what happened in nana. on the other hand, why would someone lie about this? but the fact remains that a jump from 4% to 30+% is nothnig but sensational. the claim is also camouflaged by saying something like "some big gogo..". if ryan had said, in obsession gogo following girls where testing pos for hiv: a, b, c, d etc .., would it still be ok?


    • #92

      you seem like a bit of a cunt and therefore although i think ryanwhatshischops is a prat i will jump to his defence

      i had rapid hiv test. it is a blood prick applied to a piece of card. it is 99% or si accurate with the 1% (or so) being mostly flase positives

      so there u go. u can get them done in most private clinics in europe and asia

      some clinics dont like them becasue there is a higher tendency for false positive i.e fuck i'm going to die reactions when in fact your not


      • #93
        asshole, cock sucker, wanker, cunt - what kind of kids are you really

        maybe you should bother to read through all the posts, at least the latest ones.
        and, cunt is a bold word from a guy who's so pussywhipped by his wife he's scared join this site cos she might find out he likes chix w dix from the visa print-outs


        • #94
          you seem like a bit of a cunt
          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


          • #95
            cunt is a bold word from a guy who's so pussywhipped by his wife he's scared join this site cos she might find out he likes chix w dix from the visa print-outs
            Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


            • #96
              I have made some basic enquiries of people who I know work in Nana Plaza (mamasans, manager and girls). None of them have any knowledge of any tests being done in the bar in question other than routine Drug tests - which are done outside and normally involve mutliple bars. So unless any other 'evidence' comes up from a reliable source, I dont see how we can give any credibility to the posters claims about the incident. As its also not been proven, I dont any point in naming the bar either.



              • #97
                Interesting thread. Too bad there aren't really reliable and believable statistics for the NEP bars.

                I wonder if I could take one of these little test kits into the bar and test my girl before I barfine her ... wouldn't that be a laugh!


                • #98
                  (Groundhog @ Sep. 09 2006,09:49) I wonder if I could take one of these little test kits into the bar and test my girl before I barfine her ... wouldn't that be a laugh!
                  OK ... this is an idea that should be given a bit more thought. Here is the test (it costs around US$20, a bit cheaper in Thailand)

                  The OraQuick Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test (OraQuick) is a screening test for HIV-1, the virus that causes AIDS. It is a single-use qualitative immunoassay that detects antibodies to HIV-1 in a fingerstick sample of blood. As with all HIV screening tests, a reactive test result needs to be confirmed by an additional, more specific test.

                  To perform the test, the fingertip is cleaned with alcohol and pricked with a lancet to get a small drop of blood. The blood is collected with a specimen loop and transferred to a vial, where it is mixed with a developing solution. The test device is then inserted into the vial. Results of the test can be read in as little as 20 minutes.

                  In the clinical studies by the manufacturer, OraQuick correctly identified 99.6% of people who were infected with HIV-1 (sensitivity) and 100% of people who were not infected with HIV-1 (specificity). FDA expects clinical laboratories to obtain similar results.

                  OK, so add it up:

                  Test: $20 (or a multiple if 60% actually test positive)
                  Barfine: $15
                  Whoopie: $30-100

                  Probably a good deal for anyone who's ever gotten shit on their dick ... mmmm


                  • #99
                    Oh... and for the 20 minute wait for results ... sit back and have another beer, and watch the show


                    • I see some enterprising soul is advertising the el quickie HIV tests in various bars, clubs and gay venues around bkk

                      Especially on notice boards around Silom area
                      Not sure if I would trust the source bkk being what it is, probably pay a lot of money for a nice fake test


                      • (Winston @ Sep. 09 2006,12:18) I see some enterprising soul is advertising the el quickie HIV tests in various bars, clubs and gay venues around bkk

                        Especially on notice boards around Silom area  
                        Not sure if I would trust the source bkk being what it is, probably pay a lot of money for a nice fake test  
                        I'd say there is a major moral hazard here ... If I was a mamsan or owner, I get some blotter paper and vials and cook up a test that was always HIV- (it's an inexact science, you know). I think I'll buy mine in the US


                        • You should have taken that ladyboy straight to the hospital for a Elisa and PCR-DNA test.

                          My buddy had to take those drugs after he was in contact with an HIV+ partner. He got pretty sick the first few weeks, but he made it out alive.

                          Best of luck.
                          * Third World Media
                          * Black Ops Media


                          • Only just picked up on this thread, but amazed at some of the denial/dismissal/abuse of what may or may not be 'facts of a testing raid' in Nana.  Yes this board is for entertainment (and A++ on that score), but let's all get real on the business end of what we enjoy.

                            Just looking again at the websites on HIV etc, to see the risk of what I'm about in Nana this week. Everyone entitled to take their own risks, but I'm intending to be a LOT more cautious.   Ok -  boring bla bla bla....

                            Presumably the LB bars have similar STD testing regimes to those in GG bars, monthly (or is it three-monthly?) testing etc (for what?).  But if 'clear' test only costs a couple of hundred baht extra, then why bother?  Or maybe AsianTs sideline: quick testing kits with every subscription?

                            Anyone in Bkk to join me for a raid on Obsessions, 7th Oct, kit in hand? (typo!)


                            • has anyone actually got that kit and used it??

                              that would be great!!

                              Do you think they'll ever make one for all the other diseases??


                              • (etan @ Oct. 17 2006,23:33) has anyone actually got that kit and used it??

                                that would be great!!

                                Do you think they'll ever make one for all the other diseases??
                                Those tests are garbage.

                                DO NOT BET YOUR LIFE ON THEM!!!!!!!!

                                Do your homework on rapid kits, they don't work. The FDA has only approved 2 of them and one of those you send your blood in for testing, the other one is for med professionals only.

                                If you use those tests, you are a fool.

                                * Third World Media
                                * Black Ops Media

