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Finally, she's gone

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  • #31
    (Stewart @ Mar. 04 2007,22:05) I can have some sensible and interesting conversations in the Philippines,  But in Thailand, give me a break, and most people who say otherwise are talking out of their asses if you ask me.
    Stewart is  "spot on" here  and  I still find it amazing that grown men can spend days on end with a young  Thai ladyboy, or even just a couple afternoons walking around the malls and eating food, going to the Cinema, hearing "up to you"  87 times,  etc.....  outside the sex  we westerners  have absolutely  NOTHING in common with young  Thai people, thank you  Stewart  for pointing this out but of course there will be the naysayers  who are shaking their heads now and saying "no way, Lek and I really  DO have a deep and meaningfull relationship on all levels".  blaaaaahhh

    Love the name of this thread by the way, I have said that to myself at least 100 times.

       I took one long trip with a very smart Thai  ladyboy once; 10 days to her home and environs.  That was cool because she was smart and could talk about many topics and seeing where she grew up {Chiang Rai} was nice also. A Visa trip to  HK for 3 days with a savvy  ATS superstar and 4 days on Samui with another one are about  the extent of how much I can take outside short-times with these girls, and that's in 8 years of travelling in Thailand.

     Spot on about PI girls also, they you CAN talk to and they know western culture and can talk english really well, etc....  very smart ones like Trisha are actually a joy to be with for a few days, much more than with Thai ladyboys.  Nice seeing you at  JSB  the other night by the way, fancy that!

    Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
    -Dennis Miller


    • #32
      And that's why I keep going back to my Cebu girl...despite the fact
      that she eats grease, farts alot and costs me a fortune every time I
      see her...we can communicate...

      But I'm still not to Chiang Mai next week with an Obs Chiang
      Mai beauty...Suspect I will never learn...
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #33
        (kahuna @ Mar. 08 2007,17:18) But I'm still not to Chiang Mai next week with an Obs Chiang
        Mai beauty...Suspect I will never learn...
        Just an incurable romantic I suspect......  ready to have the scent on you from yet another Nana bar, kahuna?

        I still find it amazing that grown men can spend days on end with a young Thai ladyboy
        Fortunately or not, kahuna hasn't grown up yet.......he told me that!


        • #34
          I dont see what the big deal is - ladyboys are for sexual enlightenment and your mates are for beers and conversation. Sometimes the two overlap - but funny enough its like oil and water being together but heho, cant do anything about that - just accept it and deal with it.



          • #35
            (TTChang @ Mar. 08 2007,17:34) buttafly:
            I still find it amazing that grown men can spend days on end with a young Thai ladyboy
            Fortunately or not, kahuna hasn't grown up yet.......he told me that!
            The scent is already there TTC...

            Tom Robbins reminds us that we're "...never too old to have a happy childhood."  And I'm living mine my way...

            I just spent 4 wonderful days with a beautiful older Chiang Mai girl in Pattaya who I have know for some time...No drama, no tears, no demands...just a sweet girl who luv me to mut...

            Spent 3 days with a Guess girl in Pattaya...and same same...a little drama and communication problem...but overall a good trip...

            And spent nearly 3 weeks with my Cebu Thailand...and except for a couple episodes of hormone was very very enjoyable...although I was sick of eating falang food...

            Now I will try the younger Chiang Mai version...but I have spent enough nights with her to have some hope that a short trip will be enjoyable by both of least I'll get to see Chiang Mai with a tour guide...And I don't even have to pay her way..she is already there visiting mama and papa...

            But most importantly...when you walk down the street with this girl everyone...Thai and falang alike.. looks at her...she isn't passable at all...but her face is absolutely magnificent...And the body isn't bad either...

            As Stogie often reminds us...Chaing Mai is the real home of ladyboys...
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #36
              You guys are comparing English speaking Filipinas and Thai speaking Ladyboys...the reason why you think Thai ladyboys have nothing to say is because most of you are too lazy to learn Thai. I speak Thai and can guarantee you that Thais are light years ahead of Filipinos as it relates to intelligence...this is of course a generality and there are exceptions. Think of it like this, compare the success of the two countries and that should tell you the difference of the overall intelligence of each country. Filipino people are very warm, friendly and kind but intelligence is not a description you will never hear about their culture.

              Now before you call me racist, I am merely responding to those who think that Thais are shallow and have nothing to say.
              brock landers


              • #37
                Bloody racist!  

                Well - I don't know enough flippers to comment on them but I have met thousands of 'so called' educated Thais. (I was a corporate teacher for a couple of years!) Thais (generally) lack initiative and imagination. It's the way they are raised that makes them this way. They are affectionate and child like. Happy-go-lucky and short-sighted.

                I haven't bothered to learn Thai because the rewards for doing so won't ever pay off.

                I AM prejudiced and if you show me a person who isn't I'll show you a liar!

                (I'm not proud of it and I make an effort not to be, but it's a fact that I am and I'm stuck with it.)  


                • #38
                  (Tiberius @ Mar. 06 2007,14:40) You don't pay them for the sex, you pay them to leave afterward...
                  Tiberius, that is a fucking classic.

                  If I can be so bold as to propose a solution to a question I posed myself, after reviewing your learned comments I would like to offer the following:

                  Gents, I believe we demean ourselves by debating the pros and cons of Filipino and Thai LB's. The issue is surely not a racial one and actually to do with the whole concept of ladyboys.

                  Lady "boys" - we are talking about children who look like ladies; or, more accurately, sexual beings who fuck like adults and relate like children.

                  I guess I accept that we are totally mismatched at a conversational level (I would never kid myself the difference is always intellectual although it may often be) but emotionally we are similar.

                  Some of you guys appear to be totally at ease with the idea of fucking/being fucked by men with breasts/women with cocks and, with enough booze under my belt, I probably kid myself I am too.

                  Sober and faced with a totally beautiful LB I am a blithering idiot who is messed up about why I think sucking her cock is the most exciting thing I have ever done and at the same time racked with guilt about taking a penis in my mouth.

                  I have to assume that most LB's are confused about their sexuality. As a couple we make a pretty conflicted pair. Why, then, are we not able to relate? Because we hide our discomfort in different ways.

                  I macho it - hang around with my cock hanging out and pray she'll piss off pronto. She focuses on her beauty - bags her friends and plays up her past and the people that can't resist her.

                  In retrospect, no great surprise we can't relate post sex. We are totally different.

                  The answer to the questions I posed to start this thread is there are no answers. Unless I get to grips with my needs I will remain incapable of dealing with an egomaniacal 19 year old after I have shot my bolt.

                  To those of you who have this under control, I dip my hat. For the rest of us sad confused fuckers - get used to it. Post-coital let down is a reality.

                  Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                  • #39
                    You see guys on this site who SAY they have a proper relationship. My guess it is 99% bullshit - this is a blind Internet sex tourists porno forum after all.
                    When it comes to this topic there is not much difference between a lady and a LB. If you go to Nana, Guess, Cowboy etc you aren't going for conversation. You are going for sex.

                    That simple.

                    If you are going to see one of the girls for anything else then you need to read Stephen Leather's Private Dancer - a book.

                    Of course there are those annoying times when a friend is in from overseas and he or she drags you around.

                    If you want conversation then go to a bar where there are women who are well educated, even overseas educated, etc. Turn them on with your mind and then your wallet (if needed) rather than the other way round.

                    It should also be understood there are massive cultural differences. After living many years in Thailand or even overseas one begins to accept and learn.

                    Remember you get what you pay for.

                    ADDED IN: BTW I never take my lawyer out for lunch as he charges me for his time. He knows what I want done and I know what it is going to cost.


                    • #40
                      Damn was I pissed when I added that last post. Got to stop doing that - posting drunk, not drinking.

                      Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                      • #41
                        (newwriter @ Mar. 09 2007,01:45) messed up about why I think sucking her cock is the most exciting thing I have ever done and at the same time racked with guilt about taking a penis in my mouth.
                        Ladyboys are exotic and erotic, thats why the excitement....i would shed those guilt pangs ASAP. I think of sex with GGs as mostly two dimensional but LBs its three dimensions all the way.

                        We are like a small exclusive club that are fortunate enough to enjoy the experience of she male sex. The only reason to feel guilty is that your having more than your fair share of all things sexual when compared to others, many of whom probably reside in a dreary bedtime world.

                        We are the lucky ones. what are the odds that you may never have had these feelings. Its almost like a win on the sexual lottery.


                        • #42
                          Well said that man!!!!

                          One of our London Ladies had a strapline on her eros page that said

                          "One taste of transexual and you will never look back" how true how true



                          • #43
                            (newwriter @ Mar. 04 2007,19:25) Have some of you guys actually found girls you could talk to about anything other than sex and  the long term plans they have for family, friends and their cock?

                            I guess it shouldn't be surprising that a middle-aged man has trouble connecting with a 19-23 year old girl but I have to assume some people are managing it. What is the secret?
                            I think such a feat is difficult enough in English (my mother tongue) so to even attempt to try to do this with someone who's only real mastery of your language consist of several variants of the word "fuck" is too much to expect.

                            My advice is to forget about it. Somehow I don't think you flew halfway around the world for a little conversation now did you?
                            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

