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Pond - The Real Story

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  • #16
    Very good, now both parties have told their story and everyone can make their own decision about the whole thing.

    I've met girls and LB's that have been "stalker lights" and if the truth lies in SD's corner he has my full sympathy.

    For me this is not about taking any sides since it is impossible for me to know the truth.  The important thing for me is that Pond might be a risk to be involved with in the future and therefore I will not have any contact with her (not that I planned to either).  This is why forums like this is usful to me, since I learn who to visit and who to avoid.

    Anyways, I have a feeling this thread is not over  
    Back in LOS in February  


    • #17
      Good to finally have your side of the story SD. It is understandable you took a while to post your side while trying to sort out this situation. Unfortunately it led to a lot of speculation, which happens in a vacuum of information.

      One thing that is clear from this story and others - Thailand is NOT the same as our home countries. Things do not work the same and the culture very different. Getting in trouble in Thailand is much easier than trying to get out of it. A cautionary tale for anyone visiting or staying in the LOS.

      As Blueballz says "Be careful out there!".

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      • #18
        Stalkers are obsesive-compulsive once they get the urge and the need it is very hard for them to stop unless they get professional help and even that doesn't work sometime.

        A friend once set down with a woman at a coffee shop drank his coffee had some small chat with her and left. Well the next thing he knows all kind of shit is being left on his door step;card, books, flowers and other gifts with notes professing undying love. Just think if he had fucked her what he could have got. She finally moved and it stopped


        • #19
          (mistertim @ Nov. 19 2007,07:17) having just read your story, i find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place.
          What planet did you escape from? We're talking a customer/hooker relationship here, not a steady girl friend/boy friend thing. You're suggesting that if I choose to eat at a lot of different restaurants because my taste on those days varies, that my "local" restaurant owner should be mad and upset.....and it's OK if he stalks me? Get real!!!!!!!!
,  you're really a guy?..............  


          • #20
            (SamplerDoc @ Nov. 19 2007,23:12) First of all I choose to post here on the Board where I have been a member the longest time (1.5 years) vs. a board that I have been on a few weeks.  Secondly, after reading that outrageous thread on that lb69 board and seeing the 95%+ support for an individual that posted a thread filled with pure BS with no facts or evidence whatsoever€¦.there is no way I could give that facts there without a bias already existing.

            I don't believe you did yourself any great service by remaining silent, and not responding immediately to all the allegations.

            As Stogie has pointed out on numerous ocassions, the members on LB-69 aren't all blessed with the incredible intellect normally attributed to members of AsianTS however I'm sure they would have been interesting hearing your version of events.

            That they all want to pass the plate around and send Pond a donation even I find rather amusing.

            Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


            • #21
              (mistertim @ Nov. 19 2007,19:17) butterflied all over the place. butterflying is generally frowned upon by both lbs and ggs. however if one is discreet and dont rub thier noses in it. it is accepted in small doses.   if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one.
              If it was the case...I should have been a post-op long time ago or may be I'm not a butterfly. . ....
              So many Ladyboys so little time..


              • #22
                samplerdoc, i´m the guy judging the Goldfingers contest with you few weeks back. I a sorry for the way the other forum thrashed you, i was one of the few that had my doubts. Pond was praised like a saint.
                I had one of her friends telling me that she would hire a thai to kill me for 5k. Sweet huh.
                Good that you gave us your side of the story.
                Ladyboys lie? I had no idea.
                Take care, see you in Pattaya soon


                • #23
                  (mistertim @ Nov. 20 2007,01:17) find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place. you are therefore showing huge disrespect for for the culture and people of thailand, regardless of how they earn thier daily bread.
                  That´s bullshit. Sex and butterflying is not disrespectful in Thailand p4p scene.


                  • #24
                    Its not hard to tell even at this early stage that this one will run and run .......

                    The only people who know "the facts " of the "relationship" are Pond and Samplerdoc , the rest of us can just take a view on it all .

                    I have a funny feeling just like similar threads , neither party will come out of this with much credit .

                    I havent a clue (as most people posting here and on other boards ) to what the real truth is , and Ive a feeling we never will .

                    For what its worth I take people as I find them .....

                    I met Samplerdoc briefly in 131 and found him an alright guy

                    I met Pond in 131 and had quite a few hot sessions with her , shes great fun , honest ... a nice kid , and despite whats said I wouldnt have a problem spending time with her again .

                    Stalker / nutcase , whatever , not in my experience

                    but then you could say Im biased , I,d some hot sex with Pond and not with Samplerdoc  

                    Well I imagine this will make interesting reading  
                    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                    • #25
                      I was very jealous of you and your year long sabatical when we met in sept. But iam not sure now, thats some crazy shit. I think i would have to move away from the scene for a while, Phuket always sounds good.

                      And whats this crazy talk about another forum, there is only 1 lb forum.
                      Pussy Stinks


                      • #26
                        You have my sympathies too SD - I also had a few more vague threats like that before ............. and for no good reason ...........

                        Just one thing ............... why didn't you change ur simcard to stop all the verbal shite ........... that would have been the first thing I did in that siutation ??

                        Anyway, let's hope its all over now - am sure she'll find the police interest a deterent - and look for another fine chappie!!


                        • #27
                          (mistertim @ Nov. 20 2007,01:17) " if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one."

                          "the english addage applies here i think....
                          Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned .. william shakespeare 16th centuary"
                          Can someone please enlighten me? Do poachers dogs really screw around more than any other dogs? Or alternatively, what is the manner of a poachers dogs screwing around compared to other dogs which results in them being kicked/abused?

                          And has Mistertim really failed to grasp the difference between a woman scorned and a ladyboy?

                          And has he no understanding of the concept of prostitution.

                          Answers on a postage stamp to............

                          Cheers Sombat
                          Somchai Admin LBLB Forum - ladyboys, travel and free porn


                          • #28
                            (mistertim @ Nov. 20 2007,00:17) having just read your story,  i find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place. butterflying is generally frowned upon by both lbs and ggs. however if one is discreet and dont rub thier noses in it. it is accepted in small doses.   if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one.
                                           the question is would you behave like this in your own country, as i imagine you probably wouldnt, you are therefore showing huge disrespect for for the culture and people of thailand, regardless of how they earn thier daily bread.
                                           personally i think you were lucky she only attacked your motorbike, i Know some lbs and gg who would converted you into a post op.
                                        the old english addage applies here i think....
                             Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned ..   william shakespeare  16th centuary
                            Could be the stupidest post of the year!


                            • #29
                              I don't believe you did yourself any great service by remaining silent, and not responding immediately to all the allegations.
                              Correct. Big, big mistake
                              Mister Arse


                              • #30
                                I disagree... The posters on that forum aren't exactly intellectual heavywieghts. There's nothing he could have done or said to change the direction of that pack of gullible idiots.

