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Pond - The Real Story

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  • #46
    Did he look better than her in her dress?

    Maybe he flicked his hair back better!

    Or maybe she's just a disturbed and dangerous hooker who should be avoided...


    • #47
      That was a bit of an eye- opener. Thanks for posting SD. Just joined today and saw your post, a bit of a lynch mob over on the 'other' forum.


      • #48
        Not sure who looked better on the night! Pond won on the elbow test!!

        Pond probably has a rap sheet as long as your arm - probably done the same to many other customers and has a history of violent behaviour. Screw them and enjoy.

        Hell we pay them the money for our pleasure and that should be an end to it - getting involved is just crazy as they are all junk heads as this story proves without doubt. Surprised that they are not all in jail.


        • #49
          I notice this thread is titled '' Pond - The Real Story ''
          Probably a more appropriate heading should be SamplerDoc's Side Of The Story

          Whilst SD took an advised decision not to post on the 69 forum, doubtful whether we shall see Pond over here defending her corner.
          Those of us who visit the ladyboy bars and brothels of Thailand are only too aware of what highly strung creatures we are dealing with and something I quite quickly learnt was to place them in the box ''handle with care''  
          Sure, I enjoy good friendships with many of the LB's who are topics of our everyday conversation on this forum, but I also realised that they should not be under any illusions as to what your intentions are towards them.  I don't know but perhaps that is where SD's problems with Pond started.
          I have never met SamplerDoc (doubtless I shall in January) but I have enjoyed some great moments in Pond's company both as her paying customer and having a casual drink in 131. Certainly her disgraceful behaviour described in this ''side of the story'' has never surfaced in my company.
          But I'll tell you what fellas.....If a ladyboy had damaged my motor cycle in the way described by SD, I would immediately be posting a warning to fellow mongers especially if she had the audacity to claim something quite different had happened.


          • #50
            (Fred_Nguyen @ Nov. 20 2007,11:27)
            (jimslim @ Nov. 20 2007,05:17) I havent a clue (as most people posting here and on other boards ) to what the real truth is
            Probably would be a good idea to just shut-the-fuck-up then !

            The world would be a better place if you and the rest of the gormless duffers just took a pass on opening your big mouths.

            Oh dear oh dear , and you usually save your rants for the Muslims ....

            I really hope we meet face to face someday , I dont imagine I would be a gormless duffer or a wanker then
            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


            • #51
              IMHO lbs jeleausy is bigger then GGs.
              1. because Lbs are stronger and more powerful
              2. because they are actually boys
              3. TiT


              • #52
                (rossco @ Nov. 20 2007,15:56) Pond probably has a rap sheet as long as your arm - probably done the same to many other customers and has a history of violent behaviour. Screw them and enjoy.

                Hell we pay them the money for our pleasure and that should be an end to it - getting involved is just crazy as they are all junk heads as this story proves without doubt. Surprised that they are not all in jail.
                I am confused. How can Rossco write this on asiants when he has recently written the following elsewhere? Seems to have trouble with consistency!

                Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:57 pm on another board by Rossco

                €œAnother member PM'd me this morning asking me to give Pond the money - this I will gladly do as she is a good person who I see in 131 regularly.€ Rossco

                Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:35 pm on another board by Rossco
                Just heard from Pond. The coward did not show up at the police station so they charged Pond 3000 baht. To clear her criminal record requires further payment - not clear on this one but TIT.

                I hope to see her later and check out all that happened but I hope SamplerDoc is feeling some guilt over all of this. ( It is at this point Rossco publically names Samplerdoc on the board whereas before Pond has simply referred to him as MrXXXX sic)

                Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:06 pm on another board by Rossco

                €œPond now has a police record which is more difficult to resolve - it is now a blight on her record. She is now branded as a trouble maker. It is hard enough surviving as a working LB with the normal prejudice exercised by the BIB but now if they "raid", round up or pick her up then she has a sheet with BIB.

                A shame that the "victim" ( Samplerdoc sic) did not consider all of this prior to involving the authorities. Short sighted maybe but I cannot understand why?€ Rossco

                Perhaps there are darker motives at work- but who knows. Me, I just stick with confusion for the moment!
                Somchai Admin LBLB Forum - ladyboys, travel and free porn


                • #53
                  If a ladyboy had damaged my motor cycle in the way described by SD...
                  No "If..." It's a fact. The video I have is very clear. The police found bits of his bike in her apartment and she admitted it!

                  (I'll post the video in a day or two...)

                  Why can't she defend herself on this forum? She seemed keen to spout crap on the other one.

                  Maybe rossco is just now finding out what ACTUALLY happened. That post above was made on the 5th - it's now the 20th!

                  Actually SD DID go to the copshop at the designated hour, but Pond got there several hours earlier.

                  Anyone want to have whipround for SD so he can hire a bloke to bump her off?


                  • #54
                    Sombat wrote:
                    "I hope to see her later and check out all that happened but I hope SamplerDoc is feeling some guilt over all of this. ( It is at this point Rossco publically names Samplerdoc on the board whereas before Pond has simply referred to him as MrXXXX sic)"

                    I have to correct you, in the very beginning POND posted Samplerdocs REAL name... which was later moderated as Mr. XXXX.


                    • #55
                      Hi Entrox

                      Thanks for that info. Its unfortunate that the moderators missed that one.

                      Somchai Admin LBLB Forum - ladyboys, travel and free porn


                      • #56
                        Getting in trouble in Thailand is much easier than trying to get out of it.
                        good line

                        i kinda fell for an lb hooker last time i was in los, thought she was different as she only started work- went to college blah blah etc.........
                        fortunately i wasn't a total mook and woke up to the cunning ways of the lb hooker without too much stress ....

                        i know this has been said before- but its all angles, everything these birds say and do is an angle. Call me a skeptic but the whole pond thing from the start just seemed like another angle to me. All the fellas who wired cash over to her just seemed to play into it.


                        • #57
                          Pond in her original post admitted what she had done:

                          after i wake up i lost 1200 baht,i know he take it but how can i do he not give to me i walk out his room break his mirrow and little at sit of his motorbike

                          So she admits damaging the bike at the outset. Why because she claims he took money. This was all on the same night (Oct 31st) that Mr X, dressed as a LB, caroused town with Pond (who he states he broke up with at end Sept).

                          So nobody was hiding the facts - video or not.

                          Why Mr X did not post for 20 days - who knows?
                          Why would a LB prefer the police to deal with the problem rather than make restitution - who knows?
                          Why Mr X did not post his "problem" to advise BM's of the dangers of Pond - who knows?
                          Why did Pond ring me from the police station at 19.00 when Pond and Mr X were to be at the station at 18.00 for her to settle the balance of 1800 (2800 damages less 1000 paid) - who knows?
                          Why would Pond, with limited English, post her story - who knows?
                          Why would Pond single out Mr X for her wrath - who knows?

                          With regard to the "threats" made to Mr X - how many of us have had a LB shout bad things at us?

                          Great story BUT "Who Knows"?

                          Who is on 1st Base - Groucho Marx


                          • #58
                            Why Mr X did not post for 20 days - who knows?
                            Why the fuck should he? He's not answerable to anyone, least of all a band of cowardly anonymous online vigilantes who want him bumped off!


                            • #59
                              Why the fuck shouldn't he? If the allegations were true I would have thought a post to warn off other BM's would have been useful. One of the objectives of the forum IMHO.

                              There are only 2 people who know what happened - shame it became a soap - but then soap is a cleaner!


                              • #60
                                guess I better get on lb69 to see what all this "he said" "she said" is all about. Is Rossco the new savior/protector for the Pattaya LB's now that Franck is out of the picture? Remember the Franck-Moo saga?
                      ,  you're really a guy?..............  

