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Pond - The Real Story

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  • #61
    I've been in a he said/she said situation and it was very unpleasant.

    She is a gg and she was also an unhinged brass with a predilection for lying and stalking.

    Long story short: she had an ex who paid for her 3M THB house in Surat Thani, she played him good for years, she wanted me (?new game?), she stabbed him (not too seriously, but stabbing someone is serious enough for me), she also wanted her father and brother to 'pay him a visit' it was only when she was on the phone to them that I managed to persuade her otherwise, and she wanted to shack up with me in her nice house. That's why I don't go to Samui any more, I would dearly love to but I won't. I'm shit scared she'll still be floating around somewhere.

    You live and learn.

    SD I know where you're coming from, and I understand that you tried to be friends and make a nice split BUT you can't. it doesn't work like that. You should have cut all communication from the end. Not go out on the piss with her and take her calls and try to be nicey nicey, it don't work.

    Fuck 'em as much as you like but when they get strange exit immediately and cut off all forms of communication, move if necessary, but don't try to be nice and NEVER stay friends, they will only try to tap you up again one way or another.

    I didn't want to post here, as I didn't want to get involved in a forum battle, I've never met you or her but I can relate to your situation and I've seen it before.

    Good luck, you might need it, but then again her threats are probably empty like 99% of Thai threats but it's the odd 1% you have to be careful of.

    (was gonna write something here but thought better of it, pm me if you're interested about the guy I was gonna mention)

    I've made kathylc  


    • #62
      (was gonna write something here but thought better of it, pm me if you're interested about the guy I was gonna mention)
      What a tease!!
      Mister Arse


      • #63
        (rossco @ Nov. 20 2007,07:25) Great story BUT "Who Knows"?

        Who is on 1st Base - Groucho Marx
        'who's on first' was a comic routine created by abbott & costello, not groucho marx.

        but i guess if you live your life with the philosophy of "Who Knows", that's probably just as irrelevant as who wronged whom in this incident.


        • #64
          (mistertim @ Nov. 19 2007,11:17) having just read your story,  i find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place. butterflying is generally frowned upon by both lbs and ggs. however if one is discreet and dont rub thier noses in it. it is accepted in small doses.   if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one.
                         the question is would you behave like this in your own country, as i imagine you probably wouldnt, you are therefore showing huge disrespect for for the culture and people of thailand, regardless of how they earn thier daily bread.
                         personally i think you were lucky she only attacked your motorbike, i Know some lbs and gg who would converted you into a post op.
                      the old english addage applies here i think....
           Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned ..   william shakespeare  16th centuary
          hey mistertim,

          i really really want to go to thailand to pay a ladyboy to suck my dick, but since it would be *wrong* for me to have more than one do so, i was hoping if you could tell me which ladyboy is the absolutely best dicksucker in all of thailand so that i can stay faithful to her forever and not be tempted to become an awful awful butterfly and end up like a poachers dog all covered with the fleas of promiscuity! and also please let me thank you for setting these whoremongers straight! they are *so* disrespectful i am embarassed to be of the same genus.

          in my home country i stupidly paid a hooker for sex a few years ago and i know better than to stick my thingie in anybody else's honeypot here, but i thought if i travelled half way around the world then i wouldn't be dishonoring that dear sweet prostitute i paid -- do you think that would be okay? if not, please do tell me what to do because i am becoming ridiculously horny but want to do the right thing! thank you again. and god bless.


          • #65
            (thaibound @ Nov. 21 2007,02:06) please do tell me what to do because i am becoming ridiculously horny but want to do the right thing! thank you again. and god bless.
            ok, what you *have* to do is:

            1 - go to LOS

            2 - take a whore ST, over pay her plus give big tip

            3 - fall in 'love'

            4 - take her LT for the next 13 days of your holiday

            5 - go home

            6 - send her money

            thereby respecting their customs

            I've made kathylc  


            • #66
              Like sands through an hourglass............

              So goes the "Days of Our Lives"

              You know what..........this is a private feud between two consenting adults that escalated to parmeters way bgeyond where they should have because a disgruntled hooker decided to try and solicit the assistance of a bunch of fucking horndogs who have hopes that by putting their allegiances behind this disgruntled hooker they will in turn receive gratutitous sex in return upon their next visit to the LOS..........what a waste of fucking time and space..........Doc didn't need to try and answer the accusations posted on any fucking site by this disgruntled Ho'.......and by doing so he has obviously unleashed the closet weinies like MrTimmyboy........what a freaking joke but I guess it's something to read when I get bored with the football threads...........


              Attached Files
              It's good to matter what the pay

              Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

              Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
              ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

              "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


              • #67
                I agree I think a lot of posters showed their true colors on this thread and that is why they should all rethink their positions in life and what got them there because acting like they just did will not get them booty either.


                • #68
                  Not so much intended for this forum but from what I have read on the other forum it was to the point of ridiculous with the blind leading the blind all waiving around a couple of brown notes thinking they are really fucking heroes!!


                  • #69

                    Absolutly not my business...but SamplerDoc sounds serious...
                    And may clever, first be quiet...let the other post their shit and than make a sudden death with the right counterattack....

                    Of course I understand him had also experiences with a stalking LB...but me fuck back...


                    Go your way SamplerDoc.....
                    Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                    • #70
                      (smuttleydfs @ Nov. 21 2007,10:42) You know what..........this is a private feud between two consenting adults...Doc didn't need to try and answer the accusations posted on any fucking site by this disgruntled Ho'...
                      absofuckinglutely right...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #71
                        IT'S  a  strange world, and it seems to be the silly season right now. mint dumped me at airport(broken shoe)  pouge mahone  gets a  hell raising experiance  from his soon to be postie sweety, and tHEN sample doc GETS HIS BIKE DAMAGED..
                        FUcking hell what a bunch of  silly little wallys we are as half the board gets in a slanging match with THE OTHER HALF, over a whore and a board member
                        .some guy called tim scalds  the  guy for being a butterfly         and insulting the thai culture?? em  hows that???  that one really cracked me up
                        STogie stirs the pot  and thats his  job to do so. and if i may say so "stogie you  do a great  job sir"
                        The  great master(missionary) said it  "you pay your  money and take your chances"
                        We  have all had moments of  love with these hookers and  even me after 20 odd years in thailand got  hooked on a hooker.Never again
                        ' so the morel of the story is???
                        DONT GET INTO  A RELATIONSHIP WITH ANY THAI WHORE.  there worse  than western women and thats saying something
                        DID it once and deffinatly will never  do it a gain.
                        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                        • #72
                          (thaibound @ Nov. 21 2007,10:06) i am becoming ridiculously horny
                          As Socrates stated two Millenia ago , the male libido is like being chained to a madman.


                          • #73
                            (thaibound @ Nov. 21 2007,10:06) hey mistertim,

                            i really really want to go to thailand to pay a ladyboy to suck my dick, but since it would be *wrong* for me to have more than one do so, i was hoping if you could tell me which ladyboy is the absolutely best dicksucker in all of thailand so that i can stay faithful to her forever and not be tempted to become an awful awful butterfly and end up like a poachers dog all covered with the fleas of promiscuity! and also please let me thank you for setting these whoremongers straight! they are *so* disrespectful i am embarassed to be of the same genus.

                            in my home country i stupidly paid a hooker for sex a few years ago and i know better than to stick my thingie in anybody else's honeypot here, but i thought if i travelled half way around the world then i wouldn't be dishonoring that dear sweet prostitute i paid -- do you think that would be okay? if not, please do tell me what to do because i am becoming ridiculously horny but want to do the right thing! thank you again. and god bless.
                            sarcasm at it´s best, unfortunately it usually gets lost in the internet conversations because of humorless ignorance.

                            Good one, thaibound.


                            • #74
                              (PigDogg @ Nov. 20 2007,10:57) His primary responsibilty is to take care of himself in real life and not to satisfy a cyber jury.
                              You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                              • #75
                                (rick @ Nov. 21 2007,16:47)
                                (thaibound @ Nov. 21 2007,10:06) hey mistertim,

                                i really really want to go to thailand to pay a ladyboy to suck my dick, but since it would be *wrong* for me to have more than one do so, i was hoping if you could tell me which ladyboy is the absolutely best dicksucker in all of thailand so that i can stay faithful to her forever and not be tempted to become an awful awful butterfly and end up like a poachers dog all covered with the fleas of promiscuity! and also please let me thank you for setting these whoremongers straight! they are *so* disrespectful i am embarassed to be of the same genus.

                                in my home country i stupidly paid a hooker for sex a few years ago and i know better than to stick my thingie in anybody else's honeypot here, but i thought if i travelled half way around the world then i wouldn't be dishonoring that dear sweet prostitute i paid -- do you think that would be okay? if not, please do tell me what to do because i am becoming ridiculously horny but want to do the right thing! thank you again. and god bless.
                                Sarcasm at it's best, unfortunately it usually gets lost in the internet  conversations because of humorless ignorance. Good one, thaibound.
                                Yep - I was about to post somethingg similar...

                                But don't worry - these nuggets will make it into the book!

