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  • Originally posted by (Todd @ Feb. 14 2006,02:37)
    MM, do you have a special brace preference.. or is it actually the girl €˜behind€™ the braces you are interested in ..    

    Depends if they pick up am or fm. Jeeze, the ones in the top pic?...Those are for satellite

    ain't life grand


    • Mirimark, what do you think of the Thai Police going after the brace makers?
      Bangkok Post, causing them lots of trouble! Is it personal?

      We limited minds wanta know?


      • Originally posted by (Todd @ Feb. 14 2006,13:37)
        MM, do you have a special brace preference.. or is it actually the girl €˜behind€™ the braces you are interested in ..    

        I do have a braces preference. But for the most part, its the face behind the braces.

        As for the BKK braces Police, its just another CONSPIRACY in a Long Line of attempts to keep Mirimark from Fucking and Sucking all of Thailands Little sweeties.

        No matter what I do, the BKK Police throw up road blocks to keep me from reaching my desires. I'm on the BKK Airport watch List so I have to be creative when travelling. I arrive in BKK dressed as a Fruit Basket to avoid detection. Its hard trying to keep my Banana from poking out of the basket.
        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


        • Attached Files
          My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


          •     I waaaaaaNT some.  

            C A T H Y

            Attached Files
            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


            • Attached Files
              My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


              • Attached Files
                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                • Originally posted by (mirimark @ Dec. 21 2005,14:41)
                  Dimples,,,,, Dimples,,,,, Dimples....

                    K A N D Y....
                  Real name, Yaa.  Has had a "nose job" since those pictures were taken and looks even better now.  However, can have an attitude.  Met her 2 years ago.  Had a great time with her twice on that trip.  I usually stay at a "nice" hotel, but when I returned on the next trip the hotel was booked and the only place nearby was clean, but "down market."  Called Yaa and she was happy to hear from me and came right over.  All smiles and kisses.  When she saw the room her attitude went straight to hell and I finally asked her to leave.  Horrible experience.


                  • Originally posted by (mirimark @ Feb. 13 2006,20:52)
                    Bam, example for your Trip to LOS.
                    Damn, If that one of my favorite pics on here...


                    • Who is the blonde with the pigtails posted on March 1st ???


                      • Originally posted by (suki @ Mar. 08 2006,03:06)
                        Who is the blonde with the pigtails posted on March 1st ???
                        A spring break NYMPHO.
                        (a bottle of beer and a pack of smokes and shes yours.)
                        Attached Files
                        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                        • Originally posted by (mirimark @ Mar. 07 2006,13:31)
                          Originally posted by (suki @ Mar. 08 2006,03:06)
                          Who is the blonde with the pigtails posted on March 1st ???
                          A spring break NYMPHO.
                          (a bottle of beer and a pack of smokes and shes yours.)
                          1.Mirimark: not sane; mentally ill or deranged; demented; mad: not a technical term: see INSANITY
                          2.Mirimark: of or for insane people !an insane asylum
                          3.Mirimark: role model, hero figure, mentor of Gr1mR3aP3r


                          • Hey GRIM !
                            take a Look at my NEW member signature.
                            Attached Files
                            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                            • its the truth! anything I seem to like, you've already got it covered!


                              • Any Ladyboy or G.G.  that gets their Braces off, gets Terminated from my CLub.
                                This is an Exclusive CLub with rules & regulations.

                                Rule No.#1)  You must have braces.
                                NUT is in Violation of rule No.#1 and I must terminate her Membership.
                                Attached Files
                                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  

