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-- Election '08 --

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  • #76
    New life in Hilary's campaign.

    Obama will go into the convention with a lead in pledged delegates.

    But if it's a narrow enough lead, and the story is spun right, the superdelegates can hand the nomination to Clinton.

    If Clinton is nominated, she needs to pick Obama as VP. Unless there's too much bad blood, there's no reason why a junior senator wouldn't accept.

    I think Obama will still get the nomination but it's not the slam dunk that it appeared just a week ago.


    • #77
      Fat lady ain't even warming up...remember we still got the 'Florida' issue. They had a primary too early, and everyone is fighting over whether the delegates count or not ( Hilary 'won', so she wants them counted ).
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #78
        They had a primary too early, and everyone is fighting over whether the delegates count or not

        Fuck me, can't they get anything right?

        It ain't rocket science. Vote. Count Vote. Elect winner?
        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


        • #79
          Oh God No, nothing at all like that
          1) Decide to have a primary or a caucus....or like Texas BOTH
          2) Decide if its winner take all or proportional....or something in-between
          3) Set a date, but if its too early and the national committee disagrees then argue later whether it counts or not

          Thats the method for determining the delegates, but then there are the SUPER-Delegates (senators, congressman, party officials, etc..)
          and they get to vote at the Nation Convention.

          Also bear in mind that the elected delegates may or may not be pledged to vote for their candidate (varies by state), and if there is no clear winner after the first vote then the delegates who are pledged can change.

          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


          • #80
            If Obama is not on ticket Nader's getting lots of votes.


            • #81
              The race for the right to face Senator McCain in the general election has gotten a little tighter. There are 611 delegates left to divide between Clinton and Obama. Here is the latest from ABC news....

              So, what's next?

              1. If Clinton and Obama basically tie in the remaining 12 contests, Obama would need 164 superdelegates to come his way to put him over the magic number of 2,024

              2. Assuming no currently committed superdelegates switched and no uncommitted superdelegates jumped off the fence. . .

              Clinton would need to win 59% of the delegates in the remaining 12 contests in order to overtake Sen. Obama's delegate lede.

              If the upcoming 611 delegates at stake split 59/41 for Clinton -- 360 would go to Clinton and 251 would go to Obama -- netting Sen. Clinton 109 delegates. . . which would be enough to overcome Obama's current 106 delegate lead.

              3. There are 611 delegates up for grabs in the remaining 12 contests.

              ABC News' current delegate estimate has Obama at 1,556.

              That means he would need to win 77% of all the remaining pledged delegates to hit the magic number of 2,024 to secure the nomination. That is highly unlikely due to the proportional delegate allocation rules in the Democratic Party.

              Clinton would need to win 94% of all the remaining pledged delegates to hit the magic number of 2,024. (ABC News currently has her at 1449.)

              So, clearly they both are going to be relying on superdelegates to secure the nomination.

              Stay tuned...


              • #82
                I just discovered a little known "fact" about Hillary Clinton today ........

                Apparently she played a major role in negotiating peace in Northern Ireland .

                Should work wonders with the old Irish American  vote that one .

                In her own words .........

                "I remember a meeting that I pulled together in Belfast , in the town hall there ,bringing together for the first time Catholics and Protestants from both traditions , having them sitting in a room where they had never been before with each other ..... "

                Funny no one in Ireland can actually remember this town hall meeting taking place though a local journalist threw a little light on the subject - it was actually a meeting in a downtown cafe between two womens groups (who had been meeting for years ) and they invited Hillary for the photo opportunity to gain their group some publicity and much needed funding .

                So there you have it , she appeared , gave that wide eyed animated grin and suddenly 300 years of conflict mattered no more .

                Vote her in and world peace could be just around the corner  
                Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                • #83
                  And Al Gore invented the internet.


                  • #84
                    I'm willing to bet that Hillary Clinton wouldn't have a clue how to differentiate between a Catholic and Protestant Irishman/woman.

                    She also probably couldn't name the 6 counties of Northern Ireland.

                    Last time I was there, Belfast had a city hall not a town hall.

                    She should stick to sorting out her own country's problems rather than interfering on this side of the pond.

                    As a neutral in the USA election 'god help the UK if she becomes President'


                    • #85
                      a meeting - howcome nobody thought of that before?

                      No honey, no money!!


                      • #86
                        (terryw @ Mar. 12 2008,22:03) I'm willing to bet that Hillary Clinton wouldn't have a clue how to differentiate between a Catholic and Protestant Irishman/woman.
                        is it by touch?
                        No honey, no money!!


                        • #87
                          (jimslim @ Mar. 13 2008,05:32) I just discovered a little known "fact" about Hillary Clinton today ........

                          Apparently she played a major role in negotiating peace in Northern Ireland .

                          Should work wonders with the old Irish American  vote that one .

                          In her own words .........

                          "I remember a meeting that I pulled together in Belfast , in the town hall there ,bringing together for the first time Catholics and Protestants from both traditions , having them sitting in a room where they had never been before with each other ..... "

                          Funny no one in Ireland can actually remember this town hall meeting taking place though a local journalist threw a little light on the subject - it was actually a meeting in a downtown cafe between two womens groups (who had been meeting for years ) and they invited Hillary for the photo opportunity to gain their group some publicity and much needed funding .

                          So there you have it , she appeared , gave that wide eyed animated grin and suddenly 300 years of conflict mattered no more .

                          Vote her in and world peace could be just around the corner  
                          There is a great book called "No One Left to Lie To" about the Clintons.

                          I guess Hitchens did not consider that after she ran out of people to lie to in the USA, she could go to other countries, like Ireland, and lie some more there.

                          The Clintons are horrible people.


                          • #88
                  ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">


                            • #89
                    ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">


                              • #90
                      ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

