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Best Guitarists

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  • (titleist @ Mar. 30 2008,19:04) not one single bm has mentioned the mighty Steve Jones of the pistols, not a world class guitarist
    this line says it all;  Jones WAS a 'good' guitarist in a great band, but only 1 real album and mostly simple chords which could be mastered by most guitarists do not put him in the "world-class" catagory/status that most of these others have achieved. Again, points go to Jones and the rest of the Pistols for originality and for daring to go where no other bands had the balls to go.

         But I thought that Mick Jones of The Clash and Brian James  of The Damned were much better, as was Bob Andrews of Generation X ..... as my friend David once said after listening to the 4-minute  feedback/solo at the end of 'Youth, Youth, Youth'; "he could never play that twice"  LOL

       As mentioned earlier, it's hard to put punk rock guitar players up there with these great ax-men, most just don't even come close.
    Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
    -Dennis Miller


    • Nobody mentioned Stevie Vai? He's really good.

      Check out Monte Montgomery on youtube. Amazing Texas guitar player.

      How about Michael Schenker.

      Let's also not forget the late great Chet Atkins - One of the best guitar pickers in history.


      • How about paul weller, might not be an excellent guitarist who is up with the rest of them but he is a damn fine musician and song writer. Wild wood is an excellent track with good guitar.
        i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


        • (nomyai55 @ Mar. 28 2008,13:59) Which reminds me.

          Gary Moore
          I saw gary moore 6 years ago, parisian walkways was fucking brilliant.
          i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


          • My mother left me her guitar when she died,as she use to teach guitar and keyboard/piano. I,ve picked the fucker up and can't get a fucking tune for the want of trying.Really admire the folks who can play cause i've given up allready!!
            i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


            • Jones WAS a 'good' guitarist in a great band, but only 1 real album and mostly simple chords
              i agree plus Glenn Matlock was responsible for writing most of the tunes.
              Most of the best songs of all time have simple chords though

              the damned and gen x great bands


              • Right now? Definitely Jack White. The new Raconteurs albums rocks! The dude's brilliant, an intense cat but not someone I'd like to party with.

                Here's my top 5 live, no order - maybe not the best technically but on stage, they'll blow you away:

                Jack White
                Keef/Woody (hard to separate them as they're inseparable)
                Lindsay Buckingham
                Angus Young


                • Here is Ten Years After from Woodstock...I saw Ten Years After in concert in San Diego in the 70's...5 feet from the stage...the lineup was J.Geils band, Ten Years After and Yes...awesome show.

        ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">


                  • is Rory Gallagher...Messin With The Kid...saw Rory in concert as well in a small venue...excellent show...

          ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">


                    • only one man could take his guitar to another level.Creating sounds "ELECTRIC LADYLAND" that were way ahead of their time.
                      Jimi Hendrix.
                      for a trip to the gods.
                      Dave Gilmour
                      Jimmy Page
                      Steve Hunter


                      • (alan1chef @ Apr. 08 2008,01:51) Here is Ten Years After from Woodstock...I saw Ten Years After in concert in San Diego in the 70's...5 feet from the stage...the lineup was J.Geils band, Ten Years After and Yes...awesome show.
                        God-dammit !!          
                        I would have swam to San Diego to see that concert.

                        I had a vinyl album of J.Geils Band "Full House" that was flogged to death, most albums released by Yes & after seeing Woodstock 4 times, was a big Ten Years fan.

                        C'mon Alan, who headlined, who disappointed & who stole the show?

                        If I couldn't be there at least give me some vicarious memories.

                        The same way I get my LOS fix between visits.
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • (marshal @ Mar. 31 2008,08:35)  How about paul weller, might not be an excellent guitarist who is up with the rest of them but he is a damn fine musician and song writer. Wild wood is an excellent track with good guitar.
                          just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                          • great song writer and muso one of the best'
                            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                            • There are great guitarists mentioned here already.

                              For me the best guitarist over the last 15 years has been Tom Morello.

                              He invented a sound and style, that sounds nothing like a guitar in parts.


                              • (donnnnnny @ Apr. 11 2008,12:04)
                                (marshal @ Mar. 31 2008,08:35)  How about paul weller, might not be an excellent guitarist who is up with the rest of them but he is a damn fine musician and song writer. Wild wood is an excellent track with good guitar.
                                THAT WOPU;D BE  P{AUL; WELLER  FROM THE JAM AND STYLE COUNCIL
                                Have seen him twice now Donnny, he is excellent one of the best musicians around Like all his stuff, from the jam through to his modern. Good taste mate
                                i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................

