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  • (f0xxee @ Sep. 14 2009,14:47) If you like AZTEC (I did, nothing like human sacrifice and disembowelment to keep the imaginative juices flowing while reclined  on the beach sipping red fanta) then try his other book Marco Polo.
    Thanks, I'll do that.

    AZTEC has turned out to be thorougly interesting, especially the sex and travel tales. Who knew?


    • ricky-ricky tomlinson


      • Just got, Richard Dawkins new book , "Evoluton... The Greatest Show on Earth".....

        This is my airplane read for next week..anyone read this yet. I like his no nonsense style and although hes a bit political he makes a lot of sense to me...

        His other book " The Ancestors Tale" was one of the greatest books i think ive ever read.. a masterpiece


        • I like pretty much all his books and TV programs - downloaded a lot of the TV Shows recently and working my way through them
          No honey, no money!!


          • 2 crime fiction novels by Robert Crais for the 13 hour flight to LOS this weekend.

            Sunset Express and The Last Detective.

            Los Angeles PI Elvis Cole and his partner Joe Pike are very cool.


            • Reading the rocks
              Animals and plants in prehistoric Australia and New Zealand
              Mary E. White 560 WHI 1990-1993-1999 ISBN - 0 7318 0806 1

              Lots of pictures and interesting commentary on Australia and NZ's past sedimenatry, flora and fauna.

              She has a number of other similar books.

              Complements "The Emerald Planet" by Beerling (mentioned earlier in this thread).


              • Just picked up the latest from Richard Dawkins

                'The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution'

                Creationists {come on down, Sarah Palin, Newt, Huckabee and all the Religious Right!} are funny
                Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                • What am I reading ?
                  I recently bought; Vol. #1 basic electronics by, Van Valkenburgh & Hooger & Neville.
                  Published 1955. (Mint Condition $5.)
                  And an Ugly's Electrical References by, George V. Hart . Published 1978. (Near Mint $5.)
                  And Lastly; The Truth About CB Antennas by, William I. Orr & Stuart D. Cowan. Published 1976. (Absolute Mint $5.)

                  Bought all three for under $ 15.00 U.S.
                  Attached Files
                  My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                  • (mirimark @ Oct. 10 2009,13:49) And Lastly;  The Truth About CB Antennas
                    Blimey, and i thought i was a little nerdy in taste,  this must take the biscuit.... at least you dont need sleeping tablets while this is at hand.

                    Hint, dont read that lying on the Hotel Sunbed , unless you can handle faint sniggering from under the adjacent least cut and paste another cover on the front...anything from the airport will do... Dan Brown.. etc  

                    well done Miri


                    • "The Fabric of the Cosmos,, Brian Greene. penguin

                      A great book, really gets the neurons going, if you ever wonder what  this universe is about.. Greene is a pretty good teacher. Its about 4 years old now and been laying in my to do pile... Ive still got books i bought ten years ago that havent been read yet... and with science books thats a bad habit. a very bad habit

                      The main thread of the book is trying to explain what in fact "Time" isand how its tied in with the concept of space(dont ask). Im about halfway through it now before i hit the Dawkins hardback.

                      I hate buying hardbacks... the weight of the buggers...i mean paperbacks are easy but when you got four weighty tomes in ones case it is no joke
                      Anyway i bought the Dawkins book as i couldnt wait .


                      • Just finished the final of James Ellroy's JFK-RFK-MLK assasination trilogy.

                        "Blood's a Rover". It takes up the story of Wayne Tredrow Jr, Dwight Holley, J Edgar Hoover and Howard Hughes from Vegas in 1868 through to Nixon in DC in 1972.(Following on from "American Tabloid" and "The Cool 6 Million") Enthralling stuff in Ellroy's usual staccato and alitterative style. My god the man is a legendary author!

                        Check him  out: start with the LA Noir series: "The Black Delilah" "LA Confidential" etc and move on up... His style is gritty and brilliant, the master of the short sharp sentence. Google James Ellroy sometime,... He's a bad boy done good.

                        PS: got a mint  signed fist edition of LA Confidential for sale if anyone knows another Ellroy freak.

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • (Tomcat @ Oct. 10 2009,16:30) I hate buying hardbacks... the weight of the buggers....
                          heh, we think alike on so many things!

                          I hate hardcovers also, especially on airplane rides

                          But when something new comes out and you just HAVE to have it, IE the new Dawkins book, '1776' by David Mccullough, 'The world is flat' by Thomas Friedman, the Ho Chi Minh bio, etc...... you have no choice. In a perfect world I only buy paperbacks when I go on my long trips, I can carry more and I rip through at least a book a week when on the road. When reading around here it's not quite as bad picking up the heavy things....

                          This one could be next, I like Krakauer {Into the Wild, Into thin Air}


                          and the Pat Tillman story is pretty incredible
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • (JaiDee @ Oct. 10 2009,06:14) Just picked up the latest from Richard Dawkins

                            'The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution'

                            Creationists {come on down, Sarah Palin, Newt, Huckabee and all the Religious Right!} are funny    
                            didn't you hear? God put dinosaur fossils lying about to test our faith
                            No honey, no money!!


                            • Around three nights ago i was sitting in my Hong Hong Hotel watching Fox news as one does ( its either that , Sky news , that dumb Ozzie channel or some gobbledegook Chinese network.....). I think it was called the O Reilly Hour where the host wheeled on Dawkins for a chat about Creation...

                              the sparks were flying and O Reilly called Dawkins a Fascist... Dawkins told O to stop shouting and it seemed to be cut short before Dawkins could tout his book.

                              After that O Reilly was ranting on about Obama... oh well much for the crap TV in the Hotel... back to the books it is

                              Going to Bankok today and will try to get a new book, i think its called ,,From Democracy to Kings,, . Strange isnt it that people forget that Democracy came first ( sort of) two thousand years much for progress eh. Anyway when i aquire it i will publish the title


                              • That Fox news channel is just amazing

                                I cringe when I realise that so many of them have Irish surnames (O' Reilly, Hannity ...)

                                Recently, my mother has started watching Fox News and has started telling me that Obama might be a fascist. I think I may be needed back home
                                No honey, no money!!

