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  • "Columbine" by... Don't know... passed it on to a freind.
    Quite disturbing really... how a manic depressive and psychopath joined forces for the massacre, and the signs they presented that were never picked up. I ended up feeling so incredibly sorry for all the parents, but in particular for the the parents of the the killers: unwitting accomplices and burdened with guilt for life as well as losing their sons.

    ALSO: Human Instinct by Robert Winston. Again. 3rd time. Because I had an argument about it on the forum and wanted to check I had it right.

    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


    • (bigmick22 @ Nov. 10 2009,17:42)
      (marshal @ Nov. 10 2009,03:44) A bit strange in places!
      the west country?
      Thats mainly cornwall mate Devon's allright. You see no telly down in cornwall, small villages , lots of cousins do i need to go on................................................ ..
      i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


      • driftwood's right on with touting robert crais' elvis cole novels. any of them make terrific forget-where-you-are reading for that trans-oceanic flight (or by-the-ocean chilling) -- and crais has about a dozen of them in paperback by now.

        for those who like their fiction a little denser (think thomas pyncheon meets tom clancey), i recommend tom robbins, check out his classic 'another roadside attraction'. or maybe 'villa incognito' which is "about" some vietnam war mia's who hump opium and inter-species nymphos from their crumbling villa in the mountains of laos. a couple great scenes take place in patpong. only problem i had with the novel was its supposition that kings corner was 'the' place to go for ladyboys. but i forgive him. a great read "if you like that kind of thing."


        • (thaibound @ Nov. 21 2009,03:51) driftwood's right on with touting robert crais' elvis cole novels. any of them make terrific forget-where-you-are reading for that trans-oceanic flight (or by-the-ocean chilling) -- and crais has about a dozen of them in paperback by now.

          for those who like their fiction a little denser (think thomas pyncheon meets tom clancey), i recommend tom robbins, check out his classic 'another roadside attraction'. or maybe 'villa incognito' which is "about" some vietnam war mia's who hump opium and inter-species nymphos from their crumbling villa in the mountains of laos. a couple great scenes take place in patpong. only problem i had with the novel was its supposition that kings corner was 'the' place to go for ladyboys. but i forgive him. a great read "if you like that kind of thing."
          Yeah, I love Tom Robbins. I think I've read everything he's ever written.
          His best by far, is "Jitterbug Perfume."
          "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
          Salin' on a summer breeze
          And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
          -Harry Nilsson


          • "God is not Great" by Chistopher Hitchens. Always a thought provoking essayist, he tackles religion & God with the same gusto that he body slammed Mother Teresa with.


            • The Covenant by James Michener

              He specialises in Historical Fiction and this one follows the lives of many generations of three families in what came to be South Africa over the last 400 years. I'm enjoying it so far
              No honey, no money!!


              • ghost hunting by yvette feilding


                • Being firmly, and happily I may add. entrenched in the mid 20th century I've had a few people recently lauding this "kindle" thing as an alternative to dragging 6 or so books on a los trip, anyone use or familiar with this concept, kevin
                  p.s., mildly off topic, I'll do my penance in April in Sunee
                  Life is short. Live it well.


                  • my mother got me one for xmas Kev

                    I'm very excited - will give you a review once I've used it for a while
                    No honey, no money!!


                    • Thanks BM
                      Life is short. Live it well.


                      • I am reading; Goodnight Y'alls. Happy thanksgiving to you Yanks. Seeya's tommarro.
                        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                        • Losing My Virginity - Richard Branson, The Autobiography


                          • I just read Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.
                            It's a great non-fiction read. He really gives you an interesting take on success.
                            Highly recommended.
                            "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                            Salin' on a summer breeze
                            And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                            -Harry Nilsson


                            • Im on the Phuket leg of my trip and I finally decided to start reading the Stephen Leather book "Private Dancer" last night

                              Its not even lunchtime yet and Im on page 254 already , cant put the fookin thing down

                              Sonya asked me today what I was reading and I filled her in on the story so far to which she just smiled.

                              I gotta say Im enjoying immensely, and a lot of things ring true of my failed last "so called" relationships with two ladyboys

                              Dont worry folks Im cured
                              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                              • (JaiDee @ Oct. 18 2009,23:47)
                                (BlueBallz @ Oct. 18 2009,15:07) Why dont you lot start a thread about how horrible Fox is.

                                Sorry but start a new thread......
                                I did, about a year ago.

                                  It was titled "what is the most dangerous thing to America right now'' and included FOX, Iran, Taliban, Al Qaeda, etc......all the usual suspects.  FOX  won by a landslide for their constant determination to scare all americans and their biased coverage of news events.

                                    HOPING  that the present president will fail??

                                    that's pure dangerous and FOX  commentators as well as all their usual talking heads from Rush to Coulter and Malkin, et al, want that;  for him to fail miserably and put some right-wing whack job back in there.  Yups, that's great for the country!!  Again, by far the biggest threat to america right now is News Corp.

                                 Back to books,  I didn't see the 'Out-foxed' docu but read the book; classic, hilarious stuff.

                                 As usual, if you can't laugh at how preposterous that network is, what CAN you laugh at?
                                JaiDee, thank you for restoring my faith in Americans. I was beginning to think everyone was a moron and watched Bill O'Reilly and thought that bluster and bullshit passed for courage and intelligence nowadays. Good to see there's at least a couple of folks on here he think deeper than the surface. Sure, yelling about child rapists is something that gets everyone's hackles up, but what about the deeper issues, which O'Reilly lies/manipulates to twist into his Foxed version of reality? My favorite TV moment in the past couple years was when Letterman had Bill O on his show, and B.O. tried to bully him into making some bullshit statement. Bill kept pressing him on a "straw man argument" and insisted that Letterman answer an "easy" question about whether he wanted the U.S. to "win" the war in Iraq, to which Dave responded "It's not easy for me because I'm thoughtful."

                                That's the problem. Too many people aren't. They only want the 30 second soundbite, the image of the judge being confronted about a child rapist. They don't want to be bothered with real information, some of which can appear contradictory and counterintuitive. That requires intelligence to unravel, and instead they rely on the hacks like BO to provide their intelligence to them without investigation.

                                Back to the thread; my Dad has a Kindle and loves it. He just bought his first Stephen King novel "Under the Dome" and will be reading it soon. That's my next novel too.
                                Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to

