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Scumbag trash... (Catholics, that is!)

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  • Scumbag trash... (Catholics, that is!)

    I hope that disgusting piece of trash is not only fired and made to resign but also strung up by his balls in the vatican square.

    The catholic church are the biggest group of paedophiles in the world and their higher-ups have been covering it up for years and years....fucking assholes.... they would all rot in hell if there were such a place and we can only hope that the afterlife for these fuckheads involves years and years of anal abuse by well-hung black guys.

     more nonsense, a quote from  "Cardinal" Sean Brady of Ireland;

      ''Yes, I knew that these were crimes, but I did not feel that it was my responsibility to denounce the actions to the police''. Oh really, cardinal assfuck-dickwad??   if you worked at the YMCA you would for sure, but since you work for the CHURCH  you are above that common-man crap, eh??

          all these people should be castrated without anasthesia and then cast out into the world to become homeless bums
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  • #2
    Churches and all the major religions are no better than on line porn for pervies.

    It's men wearing a dress feeling up young boys. Any way you look at it all these religious people are perverts.

    Christianity and Muslims and all the other pedo clubs should be for adults only and children should be spared from being forced into their brothels which masquerade as churches, temples or imams, etc..

    People who raise kids with forced 'religious' views should be sterilized and have their children removed and handed over to normal people who will take care of them.

    If all religions and religious people were exterminated the world would be a lot more enjoyable and safer.
    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


    • #3
      Amen to that...


      • #4
        (Bumpa STIKKA @ Mar. 27 2010,23:50) If all religions and religious people were exterminated the world would be a lot more enjoyable and safer.
        Of course, and there would be a helluva lot less wars.

         As Richard Dawkins says, making a child learn religious doctrine [which they have no say in] is indeed a form of child abuse.


        I was raised catholic, 18 years worth of being told I was worthless and evil and better not jack off and better not be gay and can never even dream of having sex before marriage, plus being swatted on the knuckles with heavy rulers for chatting in class, etc..... and much worse while the people I was being forced to listen to were diddling little kids!!!  And now we know much more about  the hundreds/thousands of kids around the world who were destroyed by these fucking asswipes.  I truly hate anyone in that church now, these abuse allegations really started to hit hardcore in the Boston area in the 90's with that fuckhead Bernard Law {who was re-posted to Rome instead} so I have been following it for a while and it makes my blood boil  grrrrrrrrrr

        When I was a 10-year kid at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, I used to hear the older kids do a sing-song about the head priest; his name was Gerald Joyle and the common tune amongst the playground was "Everybody knows..... Gerry Joyle blows.''   Didn't even know what that meant back then, but I sure do now!!!
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • #5
          (JaiDee @ Mar. 27 2010,16:43) I hope that disgusting piece of trash is not only fired and made to resign but also strung up by his balls in the vatican square.

                all these people should be castrated without anasthesia and then cast out into the world to become homeless bums
          .........or the Pope should just introduce a compulsory annual trip to Pattaya.  


          • #6
            I fucking hate the way the Courts and the media constantly refer to it as child abuse. It should be refered to as child rape.

            Another thing that sickens me is some irish guy is in the news recently and maybe facing up to 5 years in prison for having sex with a 14 year old when he was 15 and will spend the rest of his life on the sex offenders register and these Catholic priests get suspended sentences for crimes a million times worse than what this young guy did. The sentence these priests should get is a suspended one, suspended from a fucking bridge.
            I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

            I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


            • #7
              Pics of a Window in a Curch..
              Attached Files


              • #8
                I too was raised Catholic, ORTHODOX CATHOLIC to boot!!! It was hell!!! I was an altar boy and had to serve mass every morning at 07h00. I hated every second in that church and resented the horse-shit dogma. Same as Jai Dee being told everything I did and thought were the devil's doing and I was a worthless piece of shit. I erupted and rebelled when I was 13 and thank "God" I had parents who just let it go. That was a long time ago. I am 59 and have never returned. What an institution. I cannot fathom how so many intelligent, enlightened, and educated people in the world still today adhere devoutly to such doctrine. All of those "ordained" bastards should be shot and pissed on as far as I am concerned.

                Like many of the other BMs, I am normally an easy-going, even keeled, pleasant individual who sees no value in judging or speaking ill of others. However it is interesting how a subject like the Catholic church can bring out the ugly, deep seeded, venomous, distain in all of us who have experienced it. I loath the who damn institution.

                St. Peter was an entrepreneur and saw a tremendous business opportunity in turning Christ into a BRAND. The rest is history...and an ugly one at that.


                • #9
                  I hope someone in USA prosecutes them under RICO.
                  It means the criteria, an organized criminal conspiracy that crosses state lines.
                  "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                  • #10
                    (JaiDee @ Mar. 27 2010,15:43) The catholic church are the biggest group of paedophiles in the world
                    But none on this forum are there !
                    I have seen & spoken to many an under age LB in the bars around Nana.
                    Top from guess reportedly only turned 17 late last year, I know guys who were fucking her 2 years ago, but I guess that's OK as she is consenting & the guys paying !

                    He with out sin !

                    Anyone that fucks boys underage is just as bad as those Catholic priests, all need fucking shooting !
                    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                    • #11
                      There would be more paedophiles in sunee plaza on a Saturday night than there is in the whole Catholic church worldwide.
                      I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                      I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                      • #12
                        I just "thank god" I wasnt Christened or brought up a Catholic ( thankyou King Henry VIII   ) and "brainwashed" with all their shite and belief bollocks    , just IMHO of course  

                        And I am an Atheist before anyone starts "slagging me off"  
                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #13
                           Hey Dave.....I was in Stockport last night, cracking time in that fab country club establishment which hosts a Friday night over 30's disco not the sort of thing the Pope would approve of but hey, fcuk the Catholic Church.


                          • #14
                            I was brought up a catholic,(in the u.k.)and I was an altar boy from an early age.I was never interfered with ,nor did I know anyone who was.I think there was a culture of institutional abuse among the Christian Brothers in Ireland (neither Christian nor brothers!)and similar organisations who could get away with it.In Ireland especially, the Catholic church held a special place in society ,and the abusers raped thousands of children,and got away with it ,for the most part.
                            The Catholic priests in the dioceses targeted children who came from families where the parents were devout Catholics,as they tended not to believe any accusations made against their priests!
                            In many of the cases,those abused children grew up to become child abusers themselves.
                            If anything positive can come out of this,I think these revelations will hopefully lead to the eventual disintegration of the Catholic church in the West.
                            Its an evil institution . Wouldn't it be great if they had to sell some of their art masterpieces to pay compensation to their victims.


                            • #15
                              (Steff @ Mar. 28 2010,02:52) I cannot fathom how so many intelligent, enlightened, and educated people in the world still today adhere devoutly to such doctrine. All of those "ordained" bastards should be shot and pissed on as far as I am concerned.
                              yes, yes and yes!!

                                pissed on and laughed at, humiliated in every way possible.... they have made life a living hell not only for the thousands of kids they have victimized over the years, but also for millions of people who were raised in that idiotic fucking doctrine and told they are no good and only have a shot of redemption when they die and go to heaven {if they are lucky}, etc, etc....  what a fucking thing to tell a 10 or 12 year old child!!  Religion as a scare tactic,  great idea you fuckwits.

                                If you haven't yet read 'Angela's Ashes' please do pick it up....  one of my all-time favorite books, Frankie McCourt {RIP, 2009} gives a very detailed and well-remembered look at his childhood in Limerick in the 30's and 40's; of all the lessons about poverty and humility and rising above your situation which can be found in that book, the thing I took away the most in my 3 readings of it was how much he resented and despised the Catholics for the shit he and his Mom and siblings had to put up with over the years.   Freaking nauseating and his grandma was so fucking mean to him and it reminded me how fucking brainwashed those old catholic bitches were over the years, told by evil MF'ing priests that they had better not use condoms and they better please their husbands and you better be strict with your kids, and.....etc, etc....

                               I shouldn't even bring up this topic, NOTHING makes me more angry I swear!!  But I saw that old senile pope assclown with his stupid fucking hat on the tube today and then I saw that quote by the Mick priest in Newsweek and it just got me started,  grrrrrrrrrr!!!      
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

