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How would you DO it?

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  • #16
    Governments can be trusted in certain ways and areas, but never all the way. Unfortunately often a more or less adequate monetary compensation unhinges that trust-part and it basically becomes a money versus risk issue.

    That line up to which you can trust and beyond which you should never, changes depending on government and situation involved.


    • #17
      They are millions of things worth living for...They may even be a couple things worth dying for...
      But there is absolutely nothing, NOTHING, worth killing yourself for...Nothing...
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #18

        I disagree kahuna.

        I know it may not be easy to hear this, but there are some strange places one can find themselves in life, with so much emotional and physical pain and no one able or willing to help. People love kicking others when they're down and laughing. With so much torment and pain, one often wishes, they'd die just to end their suffering. They're pretty much a dead person walking with no soul, no heart, just pain where ever they look. I know its sad but life is pain and suffering. The final end to their life chapter is nothing more than a coup de gras.

        Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


        • #19
          Now i know why i didn't die the last time i committed suicide i forgot to leave a suicide letter
          You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha  


          • #20
            I sometimes thought about it but I never really wanted to do it, since I think just "disappearing" is as easy and I still can have some fun.

            I don't have any creativity problems.
            Firearm, skydiving without parachute, fold a car around a tree at 240 Kph, the goode olde train, etc.

            For sure, I'd avoid the rope and wrist slashing at all costs.

            The thing I'm not sure about is how determined I would be if I decided to do it.

            Like... the people slashing their wrists in the wrong way do it on purpose to get attention, right?

            I would certainly make sure even good luck couldn't save me.

            For example by jumping from a very high building (>100m).

            But the thing I am most afraid of is that I would change my mind while falling.

            While falling, I'd look into an office or apartment from the outside window, see some people, think about something, and bam! I'd remember I forgot to bash one or the other in my suicide letter!


            • #21
              (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 21 2010,00:12) I know it may not be easy to hear this, but there are some strange places one can find themselves in life, with so much emotional and physical pain and no one able or willing to help.
              So let me get this straight...when someone kills themselves or attempts to kill themselves you blame everyone who wouldn't or couldn't help...
              Sorry, but I don't buy into the everyone else is to blame for your emotions argument...

              Someone once wrote that when you stand at the edge of a cliff the real fear isn't that you will fall, but that you will jump...

              Your fear of your jumping is your fear...Not mine...

              Suicide is a foolish selfish cowardly act...Which intent is solely to hurt others...I repeat, there is nothing worth killing yourself for...

              Courage is not the absence of the fear of jumping , but rather that there is something else more important than the fear of jumping...Simply life...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #22
                When your head is all there, it is easy to rationalise that suicide is selfish. When in the deep depression, no clear thinking. A friend of mine threw himself in the path of an express train. How selfish is that? = VERY imo.

                I went through a bad time after my divorce, and my doc was worried I was going to .... (I was going to say 'top myself' ). I was talking to her about 'being on the edge of a cliff, and feel myself slipping'. That was just describing my feelings of hopelessness, but the doc thought that was my intention.

                Foxee's 'soft breast exit' sounds the way to go (although I expect BigTel will have a few more 'extreme' suggestions )


                • #23
                  (manarak @ Jun. 20 2010,11:34) I sometimes thought about it but I never really wanted to do it, since I think just "disappearing" is as easy and I still can have some fun.

                  whenever i deal with depression i imagine all the amazingly pleasurable activities i have always resisted for fear they would kill me  

                  until i'm ready for a bareback gangbang marathon with the combined staffs of cascades, obsession, ez-bar and C&D -- along with every skinny streetwalker i could find on sukhomvit -- all taking place on the open deck of a stolen yacht, over-stocked with absinthe, weed, viagra, johnny walker blue and mushrooms.... i think i'll just stick to my current lifestyle -- and life.

                  did i just answer the OP's question?


                  • #24
                    Does it have to be depression, cant you just be tired?


                    • #25
                      Jeez listening to you guys would depress you

                      We should be all thankful for what we got in life and make the most of it .

                      I lost a good friend recently from suicide and myself and my friends just can't get over it , no one knows why he did it .
                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • #26
                        I think most people go through a stage of thinking "You'll all be sorry when I'm gone" but it passes. Its a fantasy of weeping and wailing by friends and family wishing they'd treated you better. Trouble is it a fantasy.

                        The fact is people are busy, and the older we get the closer we get to realising that we are incredibly lucky if we have maybe 3 true friends. People like me who do not have kids are even more exposed as children can be more forgiving thean friends and are likely to stick around throught the completion of your life cycle for moral support.

                        Thefore you got to look out for your self and your own mental wellbeing.

                        I learnt the following from the above:

                        Suicide is a selfish act.
                        Persons committing suicide are not thinking about the ones left behind to clean up the mess literally and fguratively, due to the fact that they are not rational at this point.
                        Where there is life there is hope. Go sit on a beach and watch a dog run for the sake of running.
                        Plan A (LIfe) will beat Plan B every time because Plan A has many other options available.

                        Having said all that: the terminally ill deserve the choice to end their life with dignity at a time and place of thier chosing. Why not allow this?

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • #27
                          They say suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem.

                          A cousin of mine in the States,a very sucessful man by any standard blew his brains out because of the unbearable pain of his prostrate cancer.I thought it was a brave act.

                          Strangely enough,I have suffered with depression for many years,but havent had an "episode" for the last 3 years,largely I believe because of my sexual liberation with ladyboys.


                          • #28

                            Foxxee you nailed my feelings.

                            Travis that's a well known fact. Sex is the best emotional healer there is..

                            Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                            • #29
                              I think that in the case of extended extreme physical pain or if one has clear knowledge that one will be living for the rest of one's life as a vegetable, suicide is entirely acceptable. I don't have a plan for myself however.


                              • #30
                                Rocky when you have a plan let me know. I will be there to support it.

