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Glad I don't live there.

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  • Those micro SD cards are so small you can insert them into the AA battery compartments of any of your electronic devices. Or wrap them in saran wrap and tape them to to your asscrack.

    Or try an online storage membership. Will have to talk to my Verizon guy. Just bought a Samsung Note 20 Ultra. Pretty good photos and choice of 3 levels of closeups for still shots. Need to practice.

    On second thought I might like to take some shot of my middle finger at various locations in Thailand. Copy them into files of several thousand and insert them into my cameras. Yes, they confiscate your cameras, laptop, and any expensive shit for future auctions. US Customs is muthuh fuckers!


    • You can't really hide memory cards as they can be seen on any xray.
      They also can probably copy your memory cards even when they are hidden.

      The only thing you can do is upload your files to an online cloud or server.


      • Will check with my Verizon salesman about this.


        • Quarantining with cockroaches: SHN residents at 5-star hotels complain of (

          No customers, no janitors, no management, great opportunity for cockroaches, rats, mice, and other vermin to romp, party, and reproduce. Pig & Whistle Restaurant on Pattaya Soi 7 was loaded with German roaches. Told the staff but in one ear and out the other. If they reopen look into the ketchup and condiment baskets. Full of dirty shit. Try looking under the table with a flashlight and see the roach spit stuck behind. Restaurants have been shut down all over Hawaii with videos of roaches in flour, on shelved, and under tables. Even Hepatitis discovered among cooks in popular Sekiya's Restaurant. I used to eat there way back in the 50's. Old restaurants are not necessarily still good. Bet you if you walk around and shine a flashlight around those outdoor makeshift eateries you'll see big American roaches all over the place. They hide in the storm drains where garbage and wash water. Come out late at night when there's no footstep noise. If you have roaches in your kitchen and home I suggest you dilute an insecticide concentrate and pour it down the toilets and every sink. I like BioAdvanced 700270B Science-Based Solutions Yard Insecticide, 40 oz, Concentrate selling for $13 at I do this every other month because the sewers are neverending sourced of bugs and centipedes.

          For indoor use I like Ortho Home Defense MAX Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter1 with Comfort Wand. $27 for 1.1 gallon. Just spray it along all corners where the wall meets the floor. Easy peasy battery operated sprayer. Roaches will walk on the poison and groom themselves. Swallows it and dies. I also like to load the poison into a hand pump garden sprayer and cover all outdoor corners of my house. My neighbor is a Vietnamese immigrant who wants to recreate his jungle complete with mango trees, flies, roaches, and rats.


          • Talk about Thailand's laid back atmosphere and culture.

            Thailand to launch nationwide Covid-19 vaccination in May - (


            • This is similar to what we have here. Vaccination should start this month in the UK. BJ announced a mass vaccination but they will start with priority target groups then spread vaccines all over the country.
              Vaccination campaigns will start in January in France. The first priority will be nursing homes and medical staff. Then vaccines will be distributed all over the country. They will probably use the Pfizer vaccine first that requires restrictive procedures (-80°c) then they will probably distribute other vaccines in pharmacy. Mass vaccination should start between March and June.
              After medical staff, they want to vaccinate a second (or third) target that are older people and people declared as having comorbidity factors. Thailand seems to follow the same rythm as developed countries.


              • Interesting article from French news outlet stating that the French are less likely to get a covid vaccine than Americans. Of course, the left wing lunatic Greens want everyone to get a mandatory vaccine.


                • Wonder if England and France have facilities to grow and package the vaccines without having to fly them from the USA. If not it would be wise to build them for the future. Same for Asia. China has them already. Get ready to watch the greatest humanitarian operation ever to save the world.


                  • France will provide the Pfizer vaccine from a factory in Normandy with a license. Same for the second vaccine.
                    It's surprising to see such a high rate of reluctant people to get a vaccine. Apart from traditional anti vaccine population, many people are still wondering about the new antigenic technology used in the first 2 vaccines. They will be less reluctant when vaccines will come from the Institut Pasteur.

                    I discovered many French people have a strange mentality. They don't act for their own business but react for or against governmental decisions as if they still lived at the service of a king as their ancesters did before the revolution. They are not able to live without thinking they must do something to follow a government they like or wait till a new government replaces the government they don't like.
                    Last edited by P&G; 12-13-2020, 11:40 PM.


                    • This is why I don't like to date tall ladyboys. Too much trouble to fight. You want to keep them at their distance? Just spit at them. Hark and shoot. Drives them wild and funny to watch. I did it in Phuket back in 2013 and never returned. Wish those Koreans had fought them. They are experts in Tae Kwon Do and very short tempered.

                      Outside Thermae Cafe, 『Lady-boys vs Korean-boys』 Bangkok, Thailand - YouTube


                      • Hilarious construction fails: What were they thinking? | TieBreaker


                        • Being ripped off in Phuket still - Pattaya One News

                          Yep, Phuket is a POS town to visit. Same for Yorkshire Hotel where the puta counter girl yelled at me to buy her new shoes then sneaked into my room to steal my camera batteries. Luckily my cameras were all locked up in my suitcases and cable locked to furniture. Fuck Yorkshire Hotel and Phuket.


                          • 41 per cent of Thais are living 'hand to mouth' (

                            Death is an ideal escape.


                            • Hong Kong front companies: The Washington-accused drug lords, gun runners and dictators' financiers tied to Wan Chai district - CNN

                              Sounds like Mr. Blofeld. Remember him? James Bond's nemesis. Violence works.


                              • Yes, I agree California should NOT have shut down. Let it spread and clean out the vermin and human trash. And stupid and selfish prejudiced people. When I last visited there in 2000 I was so humiliated how blacks and Mexicans sneered and yelled at me for nothing. Same for whites. Was so depressed that even Asians were so stuck up even to me as an Asian. Yesterday I read that Oracle is planning to move to Texas (home of Ross Perot). Less taxes. What else?

                                Hollywood's Apocalypse: Rich and famous are fleeing in droves (

                                Fuck those filthy bums. Should not support them with welfare checks. Let them starve and die off. Same problem here in Hawaii. I applauded the crazy homeless guy who killed another bum with a knife. I wrote they should clean him up, buy him new clothes, nutritious dinners in jail, and give him a combat knife before releasing him. Without charges.

                                As you might know it is Los Angeles that is California's ground zero for C infections. I hate that place.

