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  • Ann
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     “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


    • Thank's for that, while I'm stuck here
      where it's pissing rain, an freezing cold
      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


      • (Barely Legal @ Dec. 02 2007,23:53) Nut  

        Nice !!!

        Nut and the Bee on the right in the lower pic ..

        .. both deserve some serious attention ..

        Definitely check out the place next time !!!


        • There are some Christmas crackers amongst that lot Karl.
          I wish I was back in town to join the celebrations.
          When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy...poverty


          • Great stuff, Karl

            Back around the 17th. Had a real good night last week and thanks for the best show in town, also the music was top dollar

            Enduring the pleasantries of Bangkok traffic - and it doesn't get any better. Still I hope to call in on a few friends whilst here and then come and tuck into the Christmas fayre at Lita's. At least it will be chill, no pressure time and the serious music store you have accumulated.

            Slainte Vha



            • Hi Karl & Lita
              I had a wonderful time at your bar in November, always a nice welcome from you both and some great conversations too.
              Your Ladys are quality Karl and I look forward to my next visit in May

              all the very best

              If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


              • (mbkljb @ Dec. 03 2007,22:18) Back around the 17th. ....... I hope to call in on a few friends whilst here and then come and tuck into the Christmas fayre at Lita's.
                Hey, mbk, about time we caught up for a   or three?   I will be in Sodom-by-the-Sea 17/18 this month.

                See you at Litas?!   (unless Da catches me first and wants to see my hotel room     .......  or I get stuck into the Christmas Nuts    )


                • That would be really good, TT. Will try catch up for a or three ( or Johnnie Daeng !!).

                  Karl's got some hot cuties there and I reckon the Christmas Fayre will well attended. Certainly no intention of dieting until all the courses have been tried !!

                  Safe journey, catcha later



                  • Wasn't there a girl by the name of "Duck" in Lita's?


                    • Comment

                      • Met lovely May in march as tukcom employer.
                        don't know has a more interesting job.
                        and sincerly I never been or heard
                        about Lita's before today.

                        but seen previous pics I'll not miss it on the next
                        trip on end of january.
                        thanks Karl for teasing mellows fruits of your bar!!


                        • Hi Guys,

                          With just 1 week to Christmas Day looks like a good idea to announce another party ..... Ya hoo

                          This time it's Lita, myself and the Lita girlz who want to party on Christmas Day 25th December So ALL invited to wash down that Turkey roast n' pud in the company of your chosen ladyboy or 1 or 2 Lita girlz in her Santa gear

                          We'll be here in festive spirit partying until the early hours with a few Christmas surprises

                          Hope to see you ALL Christmas Day n' don't forget your camera's sure to be plenty of fun on the night

                          Remember the other parties already booked on Sunday 6th Jan by Stevec for his leaving party inviting ALL members and lady boy lovers to enjoy the fun of parting and a pig roast evening €¦. Excellent gesture on Steve part

                          And the party being hosted by Dirtyfinger the following Sunday 13th Jan
                          Another pig roast evening with many members being present for this one

                          Not wanting to name drop just want to mention a few: Pentire, Kilome, Phil Lander, Mac, Voodoo n€™ many more. What an evening this is going to be with a very special gift from Batman4ever being presented on the night €¦ You€™ll have to be here for this one

                          Really looking forward to this one myself

                          Happy Christmas to everyone at ATS for their support through the year .. THANKYOU
                          Attached Files
                           “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


                          • Some Lita Girlz
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