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  • Hi Gradys,

    Yes Bambi still here

    Just arrives very late presently ... unless i call her

    Some pic's of this weeks "Skool Days" inc Duck & sure 1 really great ass

    Best wishes,

    Attached Files
     “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


    • Jane
      Attached Files
       “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


      • Duck
        Attached Files
         “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


        • OK ... enough....     I'm on my way back, Karl !! While Stogie is checking the Karl Juke Box, I'll view the company

          Yes, Tuesday seems the day for meeting up - look forward to it


          • I like the bar.. its clean, NOT pushy and friendly staff..

            the bar

            By entrox, shot with DSC-H5 at 2007-08-12


            • (entrox @ Sep. 17 2007,05:45) I like the bar.. its clean, NOT pushy and friendly staff..

              the bar

              By entrox, shot with DSC-H5 at 2007-08-12
              well....IF youre right....i tell you next hour....

              lifes dont sucks,,,,,,our girls do,,,,,

              i will say hello from you....
              all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


              • I was there last night till the early hours and I'll be there again tonight... Great place and Karl rocks...

                Saw Nicky there and she said she wouldn't go with me...

                Probably just as well after I'd squandered all my Juices on Jen from KAOS (AKA The Villa Rouge Bar)


                • (stogie bear @ Sep. 18 2007,11:46) Saw Nicky there and she said she wouldn't go with me...    
                  SB..I thout she was your friend...
                  So many Ladyboys so little time..


                  • Jenny trys a hair attachment as a possible idea for the big day

                    I'm sure on the day she'll have a more naughty idea :lol:

                    Don't forget guys put your chosen ladyboys name forward before the 5th Oct

                    Best wishes,

                    Attached Files
                     “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


                    • Hi Guys,

                      What a great week it€™s been

                      Starting with the arrival of Stogie Bear, TT Chang Then joined by Batman4ever and his lovely girlfriend Oh, Patrick and Lek (Club 131) The very lovely €œcouple€ and many others The beer and shots flowed and the now famous €œLita€™s jukebox€ played out hit after hit to the sound of the €œLita€™s€ bell being rang 10 times in 1 evening and still continuing as i try an type with Batman4ever proving to be more than just a party animal!

                      He even bar fined myself and took me to the short time room €¦. Ha ha (All in the best possible taste of course) and kept the bar fine receipt to prove it

                      How Batman4ever found the time to attend his own party for Patrick at Club 131 for just 2 hours is a total credit. After partying for nearly 3 days non-stop at €œLita€™s€ and still sinking the Singha€™s by the case daily is a total credit I can€™t wait to read batman4evers field report if he can recall anything it€™ll be well worth a read

                      Many stories surround a few ladyboy bars at the moment It might be a good time to mention that some of our members are in Pattaya to party and our job as bar owners is to entertain them likewise without concerning them that currently it might be €œlow season€ here in Pattaya. Our minor problems need to be put aside and give our privileged guests the best time we can during their stay as they just want €œrock n€™ party€ to the small hours

                      Lita and myself would like to express our thanks to everyone for visiting €œLita€™s€ and giving ourselves and the €œLita€™s Girlz€ such a wonderful time during their stay

                      We can€™t thankyou enough and hope you return a.s.a.p

                      We thank each and everyone of you €¦€¦. THANKYOU

                      Best wishes,

                       “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


                      • 5 couples in a party mode dropped in early in the morning late last month and you knew instictively what music the farang wanted.   You're a great DJ Karl!

                        You really get how important it si to play music the customers enjoy!      


                        • I stopped by there at 1:30am a few nights ago. About 10 girls there and one customer. He was with Pancake. Tiny girl. She looked great.

                          I stuck around just for kicks, waiting for him to leave with her. He left, but not with her. So I did.

                          Sweet girl, not sure if she speaks English though. She stayed til about 9:00am, she probably would have stayed longer if I would have asked.


                          • (EyeMahk @ Sep. 24 2007,18:09) Sweet girl, not sure if she speaks English though. She stayed til about 9:00am,
                            after spending more than 7 hrs you didn't know if she spoke English? Ok Ok....she just read your body language.........
                  ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                            • Body language only, conversation is over-rated.

                              Actually, we spoke Thai from the start and we never switched. By the way, Pancake's Thai is very good.


                              • (EyeMahk @ Sep. 25 2007,19:44)
                                Body language only, conversation is over-rated.  

                                Actually, we spoke Thai from the start and we never switched. By the way, Pancake's Thai is very good.  
                                well the same is SOM`s(your avatar)...but you must have missed her...

                                shes here every night at the moment she must have found someone hansume....
                                all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read

