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  • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:11) you havent noticed the nickname i gave you?boutchers of the childrens
    No need to quote the whole conversation maybe I can give you some computer lessons.

    So please do enlighten me why I am boutcher of childrens. I assume you mean butcher?


    • (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,10:13)
      (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:11) you havent noticed the nickname i gave you?boutchers of the childrens
      No need to quote the whole conversation maybe I can give you some computer lessons.

      So please do enlighten me why I am boutcher of childrens. I assume you mean butcher?

      you are absolutly right i can give you greek    lessons too


      • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:15) you are absolutly right i can give you greek    lessons too
        Sorry I will write slower so you understand.

        Please explain to me why you have coined your nickname for me? This should be interesting  

        You call me but you are going to give me greek lessons hmmm


        • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,16:00)
          (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:57)
          (costassg @ Feb. 03 2007,17:59)
          (stogie bear @ Jan. 28 2007,00:11) The whole world is corrupt, but Thailand makes good news copy.  
               and the rest of the world   s are jellous of the rapid grouth of thailands economy.
          Rapid growth of Thailand economy. MMMM The last time i spoke to my Financial Planner he didn't mention to me to invest in Thailand.   Shit i better change my portfolio and invest in the new airport and other outstanding investment opportunits in Thailand. The whole World may be corrupt but at least in Australia the corruption is more transparent For the last 8 years Superannuation portfolios in Australia have returned on average 18% indexed and tax protected. Australia is one of the most open investment counties in the World and most investments are safe, secure and if common sense is used you can clean up and make healthy, safe and secure returns year in and year out knowing that Governments are are mostly  transparent, even though they may be dick heads     .
          invest on cancarus or coala or the australian desert.sure thailand the have a toyota volvo factories.what you have?
          sorry old bud, what is cancarus or coala. Is that stuff i should be buying. I know that Australia is one of the biggest coal and natural gas importers in the OECD markets. We are also favoured by World investors such as the Japenese, Chinese, Koreans, Thais and Indonesian's becasue we have stable Government and a strong educated work force. We also have a huge tourism market because we don't have civial war and other such crap. Be happy bud, have another beer and keep hitting the and key, you never know you may be offered a book and movie deal keep on rocking babe


          • you are getting slow    boys and you answer my posts by taking turns?


            • (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,16:13)
              (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:11) you havent noticed the nickname i gave you?boutchers of the childrens
              No need to quote the whole conversation maybe I can give you some computer lessons.

              So please do enlighten me why I am boutcher of childrens. I assume you mean butcher?

              Doesn't Costass work in the computer department of the Police Force in Cyprus. Oh i love Sundays, it gives me time to have fun.


              • (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,10:21)
                (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,16:13)
                (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:11) you havent noticed the nickname i gave you?boutchers of the childrens
                No need to quote the whole conversation maybe I can give you some computer lessons.

                So please do enlighten me why I am boutcher of childrens. I assume you mean butcher?

                Doesn't Costass work in the computer department of the Police Force in Cyprus. Oh i love Sundays, it gives me time to have fun.
                no i am working in my pc.maybe you and ozzie are ing in the same room?


                • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,16:20) you are getting slow    boys and you answer my posts by taking turns?
                  Sorry bud, i get up every now and then to make a rum and cook a pig on the spit and then i read the paper a bit then i come back


                  • wholly fuck, you are inside your pc. I must try that think of the cash you could save on not having to subscribe to porn sites.


                    • (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,10:26)
                      (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,16:23) [no i am working in my pc.maybe you and ozzie are   ing in the same room?wow you are inside your pc, how the fuck do you fit. I must try that.
                      try it if you can


                      • ozzie more to go


                        • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:23) no i am working in my pc.maybe you and ozzie are   ing in the same room?
                          Maybe you could actually learn how to use one then since you seem to be on it so much.


                          • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:29) ozzie more to go
                            What make you think I am offline. Just because the forum says I am does not make it so


                            • (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,10:31)
                              (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:29) ozzie more to go
                              What make you think I am offline. Just because the forum says I am does not make it so    
                              welcome back


                              • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:34)
                                (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,10:31)
                                (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:29) ozzie more to go
                                What make you think I am offline. Just because the forum says I am does not make it so    
                                welcome back
                                I was online the whole time but thanks for the warm welcome. Have a beer on me. I will even throw in a 500 baht long time for you in Pattaya with a soi dog of your choice.

