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How To Treat a Ladyboy - Hints and Tips

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  • #46
    (69billy @ Dec. 31 2008,21:10)  
    You see ,u don't get any ting do u...daaaaaaaaa
    Who says i was talking about the LBs...
    I am sure everyone else thought the same thing because I know you surely are no talking about your that thing you call a penis. Wait let me  ring a friend to help you up.


    • #47
      (Ozzie @ Dec. 31 2008,14:29) The only thing that pleases me is displeasing you of course Billy because you are paramount in my thoughts always. I always think of you as I am having my way with my latest Nana bar fine!

      Sorry I got it You thinking if u can shag like the way Billy does...Thnx...
      So many Ladyboys so little time..


      • #48
        (69billy @ Dec. 31 2008,22:01)
        (Ozzie @ Dec. 31 2008,14:29) The only thing that pleases me is displeasing you of course Billy because you are paramount in my thoughts always. I always think of you as I am having my way with my latest Nana bar fine!

        Sorry I got it You thinking if u can shag like the way Billy does...Thnx...  
        Sorry I confused you with someone who can actually speak English.

        I guess everyone now realises how egotistical you really are.

        Anyone with enough baht in his pocket can not only shag the way you do but the girls would actually enjoy it as well.      


        • #49
          Great thread and lots of interesting insights.
          Especially NF pointng out that POPS are a different mindset from PREOPS, never thought about that one before.

          Would be interested to know if anyone has read the book, private dancer, and if it changed your beliefs?

          It's very difficult to think the same way after reading it.


          • #50
            (doug @ Dec. 30 2008,23:45) It's a job. It's a shitty job. But it pays well, so they do it. And the last thing they want is annoying customers playing games with them and being morons. You're supposed to just come, pay the damn entry fee, enjoy the damn rides, take some damn photos, and then go the fuck home!

            If you want P4P ladyboys to "like you", then don't screw around trying to be their best friends or personal saviors. Just be a good customer and they'll really, really appreciate it.
            The most intelligent thing I've read all week!


            • #51
              (janabiyah @ Dec. 31 2008,18:48) Would be interested to know if anyone has read the book, private dancer, and if it changed your beliefs?

              It's very difficult to think the same way after reading it.
              I bought Private Dancer 6 months ago but I'm still getting round to actually reading it
              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


              • #52
                Private Dancer is Course 101 for us mongers and should be required reading before stepping off the plane in LOS!!

                Narrative: Last at bat for 2009 and Doug steps up to the is the pitch, he swings, and hits it out of the park for a Home Run!! Fantastic post and no one can say anything further on that subject.


                • #53
                  I've only just seen this thread. Excellent post Doug and very much echos what I think.

                  I always try to be nice to the girls and treat them like girls. I know they do appreciate it.
                  I only do LT and I'm secure enough to take them for a night out or shopping the next day.

                  For them it's not just that they get freebies but also they get to be treated like a normal person not like a piece of meat.

                  At the end of the day though it's a business deal and when the holiday is over they have to go back working in Disneyland.

                  Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                  "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                  • #54
                    Great post, Doug.


                    • #55
                      Thanks for the kudos guys.  Now I'm going to spend the rest of 2009 being a complete ass because you've all swelled my head up!  Thanks!

                      It's actually pretty scary how well the Disney-analogy fits the P4P scene, isn't it?  Kinda makes you think...

                      Seriously though, Thailand can be a great place if you remember that it's NOT Disneyland.  

                      My advice for the new year is:  Have fun, play safe, and don't be an ass.

                      Oh, and thanks for digging up that "How to fall in love" thread.  That brings back some memories.  You know, that stuff actually applies to this thread as well and there's a good lesson in it for everyone.  

                      I treated that girl like gold.  I bought her lots of presents.  And I even offered her a way out of the bar scene.  But in the end, she picked the bar over me.  

                      Why?  Who knows and who cares.

                      I could make some guesses about the lure of "easy money", wanting to keep her independence, etc...

                      But in all likelihood, the real answer was:  "She didn't like me."

                      After all, I'm well over twice her age, I'm probably not even remotely attractive to her (physically I'm not bad-looking, but I don't look anything remotely like some JK-pop teen idol that Thai kids all lust after), and we have nothing in common on ANY topic.

                      The best I could offer her (aside from MONEY) is a bit of security and some "fatherly" advice about how to live her life.  Honestly, what late-teen/20-something wants THAT?

                      So in spite of "everything I did for her", she left.  Did I get bent out of shape?  No!  Did I demand a "refund" for all the crap I bought her?  Hahah, are you kididng me?

                      I treated her like good and bought her lots of stuff because I enjoyed doing that.  If I bought her an outfit, it was one I liked seeing her wear.  Or if I did break down and buy her some horrid outfit that she liked, it was because I enjoyed the experience of making my "girlfriend" happy.

                      In other words, I got my money's worth out of the "experience" of having a date with a ladyboy "girlfriend".  But I had absolutely no illusions about what was REALLY going on.

                      I was a customer.  I good customer and one of her favorites, I'd wager.  But nothing more.  In fact, I was probably one of her favorite customers precisely because I entertained no delusions about my real status with her.  As you recall, I didn't make my offer to take her out of the bar scene because I thought I could be her "white knight" (although I allowed that possibility if she chose to go down that road).  Rather, I offered to take her out of the bar scene solely for MY convenience.  At heart, I'm a lazy, selfish, cheap bastard who can't be bothered to haul my ass down to Nana, overpay for nothing (which is what barfines are), and I definitely don't want to share my favorite lay with you slobs .

                      So when she decided not to take me up on my offer, it was no skin off my nose.  I moved on and promptly barfined her roommate to drive home that point , hahah!

                      Funny thing is, now that the economy has tanked and the tourism dollar has dried up, I've been getting lots of "How r u doing?" and "Miss u!" SMS's from this girl.  So 2009 may see the return of "Adventures with Looleetaa II: How to Fall in Love Again!"

                      I still have some things on my to-do list with that girl and if my girlfriend allows me to have my fun, that girl is in for quite an education!  So stay tuned!  

                      But that just goes back to my original point.  A lot of guys waste time and energy chasing after some girl that they want to "save".  Or the fret and fret about how to "treat her right" in the hopes that she'll "really like me".


                      There is no magically way for a Western JOHN to transform himself into something the average P4P ladyboy is going to WANT.

                      Ask yourself this question:  "Are you 22 years old and do you look like you belong in a Korean boy band?"

                      If the answer is "yes", then you don't have to worry about "treating them right", because you'll be beating them off with a stick!  But for EVERY other guy out there, forget about it!

                      No matter how well you treat these girls, to 99.9% of them, you will ALWAYS be a customer.  Nothing more.  And that's OK.  The bartender at my favorite bar is a great guy and we chat about all sorts of stuff, but I'd doubt he'd ever invite me to go hang out with him and his friends.  He's working, after all, and I wouldn't be surprised if in the back of his head, he was thinking: "God, I HATE polka, why won't this moron stop talking about polka!  I don't even know what that is!!"  But as long as he listens with a smile, I don't mind.

                      So chasing these girls around or trying to figure out how to get them to "really" like you is a totally wasted effort.  First off, like "Looleetaa ", even if they dump you, all you have to do is have patience and you'll probably here from them again sooner or later.  And secondly, they don't WANT to like you.  They didn't wake up one morning and say to themselves, "Gee, I think I'll try prostitution as a way to meet nice guys."

                      All they want (like pretty much everyone else in retail) is to do their jobs with the minimum amount of hassle and bullshit.  If you can help them with that, they'll like you.  I promise.

                      That's the best hint I can give to any newbies on the scene.  Don't get worked up and don't lose your head.  Keep your wits about you and don't toss your common sense out the window.  Nana Plaza is not Disneyland and you're not Richard Gere.

                      Which again reminds me of how scarily accurate the Disney analogy is to the P4P scene.  The movie "Pretty Woman" was produced by Touchtone Pictures, a subsidiary of Disney.  What's Disney doing making movies about prostitutes?  Is it because they happen to identify with that industry a bit more than they'd care to admit?   Hmm....


                      • #56
                        (doug @ Jan. 02 2009,02:42) Which again reminds me of how scarily accurate the Disney analogy is to the P4P scene.  
                        Accurate indeed...

                        I might come as a shock to some guys, but Mickey Mouse is not a real mouse...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #57
                          I've read two threads this morning and, if not dominated, they've both been seriously side-tracked by Ozzie and billy bashing each other. Boys, where is the love?

                          How about we start '09 with a pact to be nice to each other? Or, better yet, ignore each other.

                          I suspect you guys had a wild affair (and violent break-up) in a previous life. Surely grown men couldn't hate each other so much simply from posting things they don't agree with?

                          Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                          • #58
                            (newwriter @ Jan. 02 2009,08:34) I've read two threads this morning and, if not dominated, they've both been seriously side-tracked by Ozzie and billy bashing each other. Boys, where is the love?

                            How about we start '09 with a pact to be nice to each other? Or, better yet, ignore each other.

                            I suspect you guys had a wild affair (and violent break-up) in a previous life. Surely grown men couldn't hate each other so  much simply from posting things they don't agree with?
                            No problem mate I am more than happy to ignore him. I certainly do not hate the guy it takes a lot more than being a pretend casanova to get me to you hate you.

                            I actually just don't take the guy seriously as he seems to think he is some sort of sex god because he blows 1500 baht on 3 ladyboys and nobody else on this forum has any clue about how things work in LOS.


                            • #59
                              On the matter of the "Private Dancer" book,

                              Yeah I have read it. Nam from Cascade gave it to me for Christmas last year which would be scary if she understood what she was giving me to read, but all she saw was the girl on the cover...

                              I think Private Dancer is a little overly cynical, not particularly well written but accurate enough Andabout what happens if you are foolish enough to think that you are ever going to be the "True Love" of a P4P operator. I think the lead character is a snot nosed prat and very hard to sympathise with. However there are many truths in the book, especially pertaining to loving P4P and revenge.
                              Yes, P4P girls can fall in love with you: but its a deeply uniquely Thai love that allows them to shag other men for business and more than likely keep the boyfriend at home in dope, soap and rope, (While he is off shagging her sister) but still truly love you at the same time. I am not sure if they compartmentalise thier feelings or genuinely just dont see sex as a part of the love process. Its hard to say. They certainly get passionately jesalous should YOU butterfly them. But that may be more the fear of losing their good thing.
                              The most pertinent warning in the book is valid. Do not ever make a Thai lose face the way the "hero" of the story does in the book. You will end up hurt or dead. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it will happen. There are many falangs murdered each year in LOS. I suspect a few of them brought it on themselves due to thier lack of understanding of face.
                              Yeah it is a training manual for sure. Overly dramatic and cynical, but there is plenty of truth in there....

                              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                              • #60
                                (f0xxee @ Jan. 02 2009,13:38) On the matter of the "Private Dancer" book,

                                Yeah it is a training manual for sure. Overly dramatic and cynical, but there is plenty of truth in there....
                                Like mentioned earlier, a must read for any punter on visit here, one or multiple and for those who live here a reference if and when loosing sight of facts of life in the scene!!

                                A sad story yet, quite accurate...


