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I like Ladyboy's BUT...

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  • #76
    Don't be daft lads ... it's not gay to like lbs (transsexuals) and have sex with them.

    Try asking your lb girlfriends their opinion. Mine was at pains to tell me I wasn't gay ... and I figured she should know, as she had many gay friends.

    Gays like men ... if you like looking at pictures of nude "beefcake" men, then you probably are gay or bi. My lb is femine looking, acting and smelling!

    As for the sex, well I've always believed that in the bedroom anything you're both comfortable with goes, whether with female or lb (never a male for me!).


    • #77
      (geosight @ Jan. 14 2009,01:29) When we refer to/ address lb's do we say she or he ... do we use the formal appellation Ms or Mr ? As for me I always refer to Lb's as she /her . for example;
      When I'm in the guess bar I don't say " where is ohm , I really like "him" The thought of her actually being born as a man doesn't even enter my mind  "  When I'm having sex with a  lb I don't think "yeah , I'm having sex with a hot looking man" .
      For me a lb has to be totally feminine but she does need to have a cock (working if possible ).so that's the conundrum , a she with a cock ! its not normal but hey I fucking dig it . What is normal anyway !, its just our perception and a socially accepted one at that . who's to say that in 10 years lbs will be seen as women or even better the third gender and be socially accepted. Will we still be having this debate ?
      I don't look at guys and think to myself "he's fucking hot" and as far as I'm concerned I've never fucked a guy in my life ."  Sure I still have hang ups when seen in public with a lb , but I think that's a personal /social problem and immaturity on my part .

      For Bm's to say that because we suck cock we are all gay ,is just total ignorance . i voted I like Ladyboy's but I'm none of the above .
      My sentiments exactly. When you talk about Thai LBs or a superb TV from the US or Brazil or Asia for example, it's clear we're dealing with a 3rd gender of sorts.

      It's a chick with a dick. But first it has to be a chick. Or No Sale !  

      For those BMs who think sucking LB cock or even getting poked by one means they're gay, well maybe in a way they are. (Assuming here that they're not doing the same with men in which case they already know they are at least bi). But for those starting out on their cock adventures with LBs, it can be a slippery slope from LB to femboy to Cd to gay boy. (If you're into older men or hairy bears then I think the question has already been answered..) Other BMs draw a very distinctive line. 

      There is certainly no judgement on my part on that score. Up to you. But it's less than intelligent to label a whole class of people based on one's own leanings. It doesn't work like that with LB lovers and labels are just that, labels, not scientific definitions.

      In electric ladyboyland, that's how it is. Beautiful creatures with that little bit extra that adds the spice. It's the new Utopia and how it was always meant to be  

      As a footnote, I still can't believe those old farts banging on about the use of 'but' and how that might change the answer to what is a pretty clear question   Just get on with it man ! Talk about anal retentive !

      Does that mean they're gay  
      Putting the boy back into ladies


      • #78
        If all you posters who don't believe labels are important why don't you all just
        go and tell mama and papa and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and
        cousins and all your friends and workmates what kind of creature you fuck when
        you visit Thailand...Show them a photo or two...Let them browse this site for a bit...

        I dare you...I double dare you...

        If labels aren't important to you, surely you won't care what sort of label your family
        and friends place on you...

        None of you straight guys who fuck and suck ladyboys will do that...Not a one of you...cowards all...

        This thread isn't a gay v straight debate...It's about honesty...What you think about yourself...
        I have a feeling that most are being less then honest with themselves...And are hiding behind the "I don't believe in labels" mantel...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #79
          (kahuna @ Feb. 10 2009,20:53) None of you straight guys who fuck and suck ladyboys will do that...Not a one of you...cowards all...
          You're right about that At least while my parents are still around anyway.
          I'm not sure what their collective reaction would be to my rather expensive hobby


          • #80
            (kahuna @ Feb. 11 2009,02:53) If all you posters who don't believe labels are important why don't you all just
            go and tell mama and papa and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and
            cousins and all your friends and workmates what kind of creature you fuck when
            you visit Thailand...Show them a photo or two...Let them browse this site for a bit...

            I dare you...I double dare you...

            If labels aren't important to you, surely you won't care what sort of label your family
            and friends place on you...

            None of you straight guys who fuck and suck ladyboys will do that...Not a one of you...cowards all...
            Yep, that's about right.
            If you were to tell people "what kind of creature you fuck" when you're in Thailand, most, if not all, would say you're a big FAG
            I do not like men. I like really pretty, feminine, femboys or ladyboys.
            I'm not personally concerned about labels. I know what I like an I'm okay with that. That said, while I'm not exactly going to great pains to keep my proclivities a secret, I ain't shouting it from the roof tops, like our fearless leader. So regardless of how I may feel about labels, I'm not about to take you up on your dare, Kahuna.
            Also, I have to say that my attraction to femboys/ladyboys means that by most definitions, including my own, I'm not 100% "straight".
            Just as a side note, I showed some friends the few pictures of the lovely creature I had the pleasure of spending a few evenings with, and they all thought "she" was a lovely "girl", even though she really is a femboy, or a ladyboy with no tits.
            "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
            Salin' on a summer breeze
            And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
            -Harry Nilsson


            • #81
              (kahuna @ Feb. 11 2009,02:53) If all you posters who don't believe labels are important why don't you all just
              go and tell mama and papa and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and
              cousins and all your friends and workmates what kind of creature you fuck when
              you visit Thailand...Show them a photo or two...Let them browse this site for a bit...

              And are hiding behind the "I don't believe in labels" mantel...
              Eat that, brocky

              Spot on as usual, kahuna!
              "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

              Jaidee 2009

              The other white meat


              • #82
                na afraid not SEVEN,hes way off the mark and not read the topic title.

                its not about the labels others may want to use on others
                its more about what label or even if labels are appropriate atall to you personally.

                in addition the argument that you should openly declare all your personal life sexually, financial etc etc to friends family work etc is total shite just plain idiotic,can you imagine the problems it can possibly cause in some peoples lives.....its a naive proposition .
                the world is not black and white and neither are peoples lives.


                • #83
                  Nope it's about honesty...

                  Paultain, the OP wrote..."I would like to know how the members of this forum think of them selves, and truthfully answer."

                  Stop hiding behind I don't believe in labels Robbo....Tell the world what you do when you visit Thailand...What the world calls you is not important...
                  It's how you view yourself that is important...

                  If you can't tell the world at least play by the rules and tell all of us...and stop hiding behind labels...

                  Even though many of our worlds are worlds apart...Labels are how we define our worlds Robbo...Without them what would ladyboys be?
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #84
                    (kahuna @ Feb. 11 2009,02:53) If all you posters who don't believe labels are important why don't you all just
                    go and tell mama and papa and brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and
                    cousins and all your friends and workmates what kind of creature you fuck when
                    you visit Thailand...Show them a photo or two...Let them browse this site for a bit...
                    Nice try kahuna but the answer to that question is quite simple and is indeed the crux of the matter.

                    Labels are just that. Other people stick them on you. You seem to be contradicting yourself here by on the one hand referring to the OP's call for us to answer truthfully about how we see ourselves, and then on the other hand trying to say : it doesn't matter what you think because if you do this, it means you are that...

                    Try explaining the intracacies of the 3rd gender experience or penchant to those who have no clue and only see things in terms of black and white   Your call for BMs to 'expose' themselves to what would be a very predictable reaction from family friends etc wouldn't prove anything other than to confirm that most other people would think you were and white again. What kind of logic is that We need to prove we are not Gay or whatever by seeking the counsel of the unwashed and unaware ? If they say we are Gay then that means we are fooling ourselves ? I could go on but I think the flaws in that proposition are breathtakingly self-evident, quite apart from the fact that it misses the very point raised by the OP

                    As previously noted, if sucking LB cock makes you or anyone else think they're gay, that's fine. However, and here's the thing, as soon as you assume that as self-evident truth for everyone else, then you are falling into the trap of labelling others based on your own self-perception.
                    Putting the boy back into ladies


                    • #85
                      Jesus do you have a reading disorder?...I'm not in a trap...I don't give a rat's ass what you think you are...
                      anymore than you should care how I view myself...

                      I'm simply tired of reading post after post like yours telling us that labels don't matter...

                      I'll tell you what...Try and reply to this or any other post without using a label...Words are labels mate and we
                      collectively agree on their meaning so that we can communicate...

                      But if you truly believe that labels are meaningless...then why would you care what your mother
                      thinks about your dick sucking and ass fucking habits...

                      Of course you care and rightly so and you care because labels are important to you as they are to me...
                      and as they are to everyone...However, the problem with the label in this context is your problem...
                      not your mother's or your friends'...just yours...You just simply don't like the collective definition...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #86

                        You seem to take it personally kahuna. First the the bananas and now the labels  

                        Lighten up man and try to keep it civil   

                        Labels are a reality, yes sure, and too often used by others unthinkingly and pejoratively, hence the reluctance on the part of any sane person to answer your call to open themselves up to that kind of shallow thinking.

                        I thought the thrust of the OP was about how we view ourselves as opposed to how others might label us.

                        My point is simply that labels don't define us, and in particular something as mysterious as the LB conundrum about which I wouldn't trust any collective definition, assuming one even exists. Least of all my mother's .

                        I don't have a reading disorder but must confess that some things I read do provoke a certain sense of confusion.  

                        Cheers big ears  
                        Putting the boy back into ladies


                        • #87
                          Actually this is the most correct and truthful that has been said about this obviously very sensitive matter, as least for you "straight" guys.

                          "If labels aren't important to you, surely you won't care what sort of label your family
                          and friends place on you...

                          None of you straight guys who fuck and suck ladyboys will do that.

                          And are hiding behind the "I don't believe in labels"
                          mantel... "

                          Flippin brilliant really.
                          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                          Jaidee 2009

                          The other white meat


                          • #88
                            (robbo @ Feb. 11 2009,06:33) in addition the argument that you should openly declare all your personal life sexually
                            Did anyone suggest that? I sure didn´t.
                            Why would anyone want to declase if you suck cock or eat pussy to your neighbour? It´s none of his business, nor very interesting. I know if your are living in Texas you might have a slight problem if Bubba and his shitkicker friends spot you giving head to a tranny, but why worry about labels then, when you´re probaby already shot by Bubbas sawed-off 4.10.
                            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                            Jaidee 2009

                            The other white meat


                            • #89
                              (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 11 2009,15:34) I thought the thrust of the OP was about how we view ourselves as opposed to how others might label us.
                              yeh , thats what i thought and i think you need a referee in here to sort it out...

                              People that study people need labels. As there is never likely to be anyone studying you lot then the chance of a Label like " queer" being thrust upon one by Academia is not an issue is it.

                              Do non Ladyboy lovers think we are queer... yes they most certainly do IMO and nothing is going to change that whatever your actual sexuality.


                              • #90
                                (Tomcat @ Feb. 11 2009,18:30) Do non Ladyboy lovers think we are queer... yes they most certainly do IMO and nothing is going to change that whatever your actual sexuality.
                                Exactly. And do you care? I doubt you do. Do the "straight" ones here care? You bet they do, so they say "labels arent important".
                                "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                                Jaidee 2009

                                The other white meat

