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I like Ladyboy's BUT...

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  • #91
    (sev7en @ Feb. 11 2009,18:40) And do you care? I doubt you do.
    No , i dont care... i sleep like a log...

    Your all very very queer, every last single one of you.
    Of that there be no doubt!...


    • #92
      (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 11 2009,15:34) You seem to take it personally kahuna.
      Lighten up man and try to keep it civil   
      I'm not taking anything personally mate and I have been civil...I'm not the one who told the site owner he is anal retentive...Was that you?

      Back to the topic....

      All you 150 + straight ladyboy lovers seem to have an issue with labels....I personally don't care what label you apply to yourselves...
      But you can't apply the one you like and then claim all the other labels that others may apply to you are useless...That is cheating...That's being dishonest...
      And that's my point and that's my opinion...Labels are not meaningless...Agree or disagree, they mean everything...

      Have you ever noticed that real straight people don't have to keep running around proclaiming that they are straight...

      However, have you ever noticed that when people see you running around in the woods naked, they automatically assume you're gay...  
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #93
        (Tomcat @ Feb. 11 2009,13:30) People that study people need labels.
        On my visit to Thailand the subject of lbs came up on occasions. Probably daily in Patong. Most of my friends were like "This is the gayest place I've ever been to. Seems like gays from all over the world get together here." One of my freinds, who studies anthroplogy did not agree. She meant that some people get turned on by transsexuals (go figure). This is not exactly the same as being gay, as the ladyboys are not normal boys and the society here is different, 3rd gender and all, blablabla.... My other friends were like "fuck you, hippie, they're all gays". The anthropologist was the only one in the bunch who doesn't study science, so she's easily a hippie.
        I, by the way, didn't really partake in that discussion, as I'm afraid of what their reaction would be. Maybe that makes me a pussy, I don't know, or maybe it makes me human? But what they don't know won't kill them...Or me either

        But yeah, ummm... the point was...erm.... Yeah! The anthropologist didn't have a label for persons who likes ladyboys, as they're not gay her eyes. Does a label like that exists at all? Seems like all the discussions in here is about being gay or not. Why isn't there a label for one who likes transgendered people? Shouldn't there be one? Seems like it would save a lot of time for some people in here.

        Anyways here's a pic from Rock City, Patong, who advertise that there's no thai singers and dudes with boobs there.  
        Attached Files


        • #94
          (halla @ Feb. 11 2009,21:10) Why isn't there a label for one who likes transgendered people?
          Coz there aint enough of us to worry about .


          • #95
            Putting the boy back into ladies


            • #96
              (kahuna @ Feb. 11 2009,20:59)
              (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 11 2009,15:34) You seem to take it personally kahuna.
              Lighten up man and try to keep it civil   
              I'm not taking anything personally mate and I have been civil...I'm not the one who told the site owner he is anal retentive...Was that you?

              Back to the topic....

              All you 150 + straight ladyboy lovers seem to have an issue with labels....I personally don't care what label you apply to yourselves...
              But you can't apply the one you like and then claim all the other labels that others may apply to you are useless...That is cheating...That's being dishonest...
              And that's my point and that's my opinion...Labels are not meaningless...Agree or disagree, they mean everything...
              Nope, not the site owner whoever he really is , I was referring to someone else if you go back and read the thread. Actually posts 14 and 16 say it all for me.

              I think the problem here is your fixation with the term 'label'. People voting 'I love LBs but I'm straight...or and I'm straight' is a valid position to take. You seem intent on believing that this somehow means they're deluding themselves or hiding and you go on to talk about labels and how they can't have it both ways or whatever... They're just voting for the best fit man, all this label stuff is in your mind. At least 7 agrees with you, but then again he opened with 'I suck cocks so I'm gay' so at least we know where he stands For him things are clear and that's great and how he sees himself.

              The 'why don't you tell your friends and family then' argument remains totally specious and just doesn't stand up to any scrutiny.
              No one is thinking of labels when they answer. Just telling it like they see it, not how you see it.

              As for civility, there is always a bit of jousting on these forums, particularly on these hot topics. However, you do seem to have a tendency of late to dive in and give people a spray going beyond the argument and going for the poster, even misreading their posts and insinuating quite wrongly, this or that. When that poster clarifies, rather than say 'fair enough, my mistake' you just ignore it and dive in again.

              It's just not cricket old boy
              Putting the boy back into ladies


              • #97
                (Tomcat @ Feb. 11 2009,17:50)
                (halla @ Feb. 11 2009,21:10) Why isn't there a label for one who likes transgendered people?
                Coz there aint enough of us to worry about .
                Yey! More for us


                • #98
                  (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 11 2009,23:22) Nope, not the site owner whoever he really is   ,
                  That would be the old fart Stogie....

                  "Exactly. A bloody waste of time going over all this when the original poster has already decided that there is something wrong with us whatever choice we make!"

                  I haven't made anything here or on any other thread personal...Nor have I been uncivil...If you take my words here or on other threads to be uncivil...Damn, you got some thin skin mate...
                  The only time I make personal comment is when I know the BM...And  do know many of the regular BMs personally...How you can possibly know that about me from a 3 month membership is a mystery...

                  However, you would be surprised at the number of really rude and nasty PMs I receive from guys like you...BTW...I seldom reply in kind...So don't waste your time...

                  Now, let's get this straight...I did not raise the label issue...YOU and the others straight guys did...

                  You contend that other's labels have no meaning to you, yet you are the ones who keep talking about them...

                  My comments about telling your family are rhetorical...I didn't think that anyone here would take them literally...Obviously I was wrong...
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #99
                    (kahuna @ Feb. 12 2009,00:15)
                    (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 11 2009,23:22) Nope, not the site owner whoever he really is   ,
                    1. That would be the old fart Stogie....

                    "Exactly. A bloody waste of time going over all this when the original poster has already decided that there is something wrong with us whatever choice we make!"

                    2. .How you can possibly know that about me from a 3 month membership is a mystery...

                    3. However, you would be surprised at the number of really rude and nasty PMs I receive from guys like you...BTW...I seldom reply in kind...So don't waste your time...

                    4. Now, let's get this straight...I did not raise the label issue...YOU and the others straight guys did...

                    You contend that other's labels have no meaning to you, yet you are the ones who keep talking about them...

                    5. My comments about telling your family are rhetorical...I didn't think that anyone here would take them literally...Obviously I was wrong...
                    Wow kahuna. What a veritable litany of innacuracies.

                    Let me reply point by point as there are many.

                    1. The quote you refer to about stogie is meaningless. My quote was a reference to the use of 'and or but'. So you're way off line on that one...Indeed the 'old fart stogie' as you call him was one of the key posts I referenced in my last post as summing up my views. A closer reading of the post would have revealed this quite plainly. There you go diving off again...

                    2. 3 month membership under this nick perhaps, but I've been here 4 years  or more under another before it was lost in the changeover..geez that's about as long as you kahuna (ex maybe HW now LOS) any rate 3 months is enough and I did refer to your recent posts so again you have no point ...

                    3. "Rude and nasty PMs I receive from guys like you...So don't waste your time..."  
                    Unwittingly you demonstrate my point perfectly. Have I ever sent you a rude and nasty PM ? No. Have I ever sent you any PM ? No. Would I ? No. So here you are again casting aspersions and insinuation with absolutely no foundation...and you still do it. Oh dear  

                    4. I don't recall raising the label issue at all. Please enlighten me, and this time don't give me a bogus quote like the stogie one above ..

                    5. I didn't take them 'personally' as the emoticon I used should have made clear....

                    If I make these points, it has liitle to do with thin skin, more with integrity.

                    Decidedly, you seem to prefer to keep digging that hole rather than take a fair cop on the chin.

                    Enough said.
                    Putting the boy back into ladies


                    • now draw a line under it guys,i understand where Kahunas coming from with some of his words,likewise electric,you seem to share much the same views as me,and i believe what i say is valid, otherwise i wouldnt have said it,or i would retract upon realising i may be not above saying sorry or i was wrong.

                      so we are mayby all kind of right in our views,it is possible that we are looking at the same subject from different angles,could the word  parallax be applicable?

                      at the very crux of the matter here must be the fact that every single guy on this board must have at some point pondered(i do not mean question) his(or her) sexuality, it must at some point go through his mind.......because he likes to have sex with transgendered people or fantasies about it at least.

                      this then brings on the "label" argument........."so what does that make me then?"
                      here kahuna is correct in as much that many people see only a few "labels" available to stick on another person .....  "they must be one or another" attitude
                      there is one term which is possible and that is pansexual, if im correct.
                      however, if correct this term is not much used or known much less accepted.thus possibly rendered useless to the masses. so we get bi, hetro or gay

                      personally ive gone through it myself,i love girls(gg) but ive had sex with both sexes, also lb,s inclusive.
                      i still love gg girls, cant beat em.
                      ive givin up trying to figure it or call myself something as a waste of mental energy as im ok with what i do,mayby at some point i will change and revert back to girls only, this i think is possible as mayby im on some kind of extended experiment with myself/sexuality.then i can neatly fit into hetro label with both myself and others.its safe acceptable to others (easy for them) and allready exist as a type.
                      mayby the point im making is ive tried to see what "type" i am and couldnt find at ease with that.............but others would view me as a pervert or not  "normal" as i cant tell them how i see myself sexually according to their rules. hence telling friends family just wouldnt work,just create more problems than it would solve. so bollocks to the rules and i will go as i am,but by the same token yes there are labels........its just that id rather other people use them for themselves and so here we return to the very begining of this topic......."lets see what bm are".........its a bit too ambiguous for the subject matter my opinion.


                      • (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 12 2009,01:05) Wow kahuna. What a veritable litany of innacuracies.

                        Let me reply point by point as there are many.

                        1. The quote you refer to about stogie is meaningless. My quote was a reference to the use of 'and or but'. So you're way off line on that one...Indeed the 'old fart stogie' as you call him was one of the key posts I referenced in my last post as summing up my views. A closer reading of the post would have revealed this quite plainly. There you go diving off again...

                        2. 3 month membership under this nick perhaps, but I've been here 4 years  or more under another before it was lost in the changeover..geez that's about as long as you kahuna (ex maybe HW now LOS) any rate 3 months is enough and I did refer to your recent posts so again you have no point ...

                        3. "Rude and nasty PMs I receive from guys like you...So don't waste your time..."  
                        Unwittingly you demonstrate my point perfectly. Have I ever sent you a rude and nasty PM ? No. Have I ever sent you any PM ? No. Would I ? No. So here you are again casting aspersions and insinuation with absolutely no foundation...and you still do it. Oh dear  

                        4. I don't recall raising the label issue at all. Please enlighten me, and this time don't give me a bogus quote like the stogie one above ..

                        5. I didn't take them 'personally' as the emoticon I used should have made clear....

                        If I make these points, it has liitle to do with thin skin, more with integrity.

                        Decidedly, you seem to prefer to keep digging that hole rather than take a fair cop on the chin.

                        Enough said.
                        Damn...I pushed some buttons...

                        Please go back and read posts 11 and 12 and then eat your words...And no, your addition was a clear slap on the face of the guys who had said something about the poorly written poll questions...And that included, Stogie and Batman and Jimslim and me and others...Old farts all...

                        I'm not certain what change over your are referencing, but memberships are only lost due to inactivity or on the rare occasion someone is banned...

                        For some reason, when I state an opinion (and my words are just my opinion...I thought I made that clear) and it differs from yours, you're driven want to make the discussion personal...Like you've done here...Why? Stay on point...

                        And please go back and reread your posts and you will clearly see that you raised the label issue long before I ever commented on it...

                        And I still think you have a pretty thin skin as evidenced by your reply here...I also think you write like a faggot...but please don't take that personally...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • I see you've conveniently ignored point 3 of my post  

                          I don't read post 12 the way you imply. As for 11, apologies batmanforever, I don't even know your age Actually you'll find the ref to 'and/but' elsewhere and having re-read that one I think the poster made a fair point

                          I don't take your opinions personally. I answer them rationally. I think if you look at your own posts you'll see how you get a little 'hot under the collar'. If I point that out or say it's uneccesary and to stick to the topic (as you have now just said yourself ) , well that's what seems to push buttons. Yours in this case.

                          How could I take any jibe you throw at me personally kahuna ?
                          That would be like taking Britney Spears seriously when she states an opinion on the situation in the Middle East  
                          Putting the boy back into ladies


                          • (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 10 2009,21:48) and labels are just that, labels, not scientific definitions.

                            As a footnote, I still can't believe those old farts banging on about the use of 'but' and how that might change the answer to what is a pretty clear question   Just get on with it man ! Talk about anal retentive !

                            Does that mean they're gay  

                            BTW I didn't ignore your point #3...It seemed irrelevant...I didn't accuse you of anything...I was simply pointing something out for your edification...
                            But apparently you misinterpreted that along with everything else I was saying....

                            I give up...You win...everything you've said is correct and everything I said is wrong...You're the genius...I have no idea what I am talking about...

                            Please Please Please.....hit the ignore button so you don't have to read my posts any longer...I'll do the same....



                            BTW...Nothing personal but you still write like you're a faggot...
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • ...Coz there aint enough of us to worry about .
                              Maybe so.
                              Or maybe there is not even an "us":                  

                              Maybe the "slut-wear" afficionados,
                              do not identify with the

                              heavy make-up afficionadoes,
                              who do might not identify with the

                              amazon-type lover,
                              who might not identify with those

                              who care the most about what comes out of a ladyboy's mouth ....

                              Etc, etc ...
                              "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                              I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


                              • I think a few years ago there was thread about what shall we call guys who focus on Ladyboys to the exclusion of all others...I still think my " Androsexual" was the winner by far

                                thank you... thank you all

