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Philippina models

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  • #31
    I would gather from these poll results so far that the majority of the lads here would like to see more PI girls..... they may not like them 'better' than the Thai's but they certainly don't want us to stop working with them.

    I frankly thought this poll would go more the other way.


    • #32
      Originally posted by
      {whose crazy idea was that, anyway?}
      And who told you at the time you first mentioned it that it was a crazy idea!

      Two PI girls a month is fine. They are NOT Asian but there are some cuties and they are cheap to work with.

      Same with femboys and post ops. A couple of the nicer ones each month makes this site the best in the world.

      So long as there are between 15 and 20 REAL Thai ladyboy spreads each month we are doing the right thing!


      • #33
        I actually agree with you on this stogie, that is a happy medium that would make everyone happy, although 1 PI ladyboy a month would be fine as long as the quality is solid...easier said than done. I dont think femboys belong on this site but I like post ops and I am in the minority so I must respect the diversity of the membership. Lefty and Mai Kee on one side and POL and myself and the extreme other side...myself at the farthest extreme...JD somewhere in the middle.
        brock landers


        • #34
          The real vote is with the wallet. If has a month exclusively devoted to non-Asians and it is the lowest grossing month of all time, you can't ignore that vote!

          Online polls like this are notoriously inaccurate and like I said before it would be easy to corrupt the vote!


          • #35
            Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Oct. 14 2005,21:26)
             where the hell where all you voters in May '04 when we ran an all-Philippina month {whose crazy idea was that, anyway?} and the ATS stockholders were breathing down my neck because sales were going in the tank??
            All the voters were in the Phillipines, that's where they were!

            I'm not usually a conspiracy freak but I can just picture some short fat pinoy in a skirt, probably named something like Arnel, calling up his flat-chested hairy girlfriends and telling them to register on the forum to keep the puraws under the saya and the dollars flowing.

            2/3 to 1/3 now. Please. Let's be realistic. It's past the point of absurdity. This poll is not to be believed.


            • #36
              Looks as if the votes aren't going my way so far, but I like Thai over phil any day.


              • #37
                It depends on what your definition of beauty is. The PI's, (IMHO) have a natural beauty, (I voted yes) where as the Thai's are able to have surgery every 15 mins.
                I don't know if this would work or not, but how about giving Salma/Liisa a camera, some tips, and a budget, and turn her loose. I bet she could find every ladyboy-femboy-oh boy on all 6000 islands. At a fraction of the cost.
                I can't wait
                and by the way...
                Awesome PI page Stogie
                ain't life grand


                • #38
                  Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Oct. 14 2005,21:26)
                   as for Singapore and Malaysia as someone mentioned above;  Malaysia I am willing to try and  Khun Chili could probably set us up with a few hotties.  Spore?  naaaaa..... I have heard it sucks there and in any case all the hookers are Thai!  we can meet them in Patpong; why would we go to that over-priced shithole and work with them there?
                  I think you should definitely looking in to this possibility. Malaysia has many interesting LBs of chinese, malay, indian and mix ethnicity. They look different from PIs and Thais but worthy to put on website like ATS I guess.
                  As for Singapore, it offers quite a bit too. Of course, you don't 'buy' a S'porean LB at the same price of a Thai or a PI an Indonesian but it would make wider the meaning of Asian TS and less limiting to those 3 nationalities only
                  However, Malaysia should open a new window large enough already. Can skip S'pore as it doesn't seem to interest you as a place.

                  Good the idea of sounds a bit like CNN
                  Use the local freelancer reporters
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by
                    I am heading to the Philippines next week (arrive thursday 20th ), Why did I decide to go there and not Thailand ? Simple I don't follow the crowd. I have no doubt that it will be harder to find LB's
                    Damn near impossible to find UNLESS you get someone like Salma to show you around, or you spend hours on the various webcam sites before you go. IMLIve is mostly Pi
                    Mister Arse


                    • #40
                      I think we need to interpret the results of the poll in context. It is not saying that PI ladyboys are better than their Thai counterparts, what it is saying is that the majority of us are happy if a few PI girls are thrown into the mix for variety.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by (Stewart @ Oct. 15 2005,14:50)
                        Damn near impossible to find UNLESS you get someone like Salma to show you around, or you spend hours on the various webcam sites before you go. IMLIve is mostly Pi
                        Stewart, you are right ,and yes I have contacted Salma and will be meeting her ,also I have over the last 4 months established a number of contacts through other sites that I will be meeting.

                        If all goes to plan I will have a good time !!

                        I am taking a holiday so my main focus is not only on contacting LB's but having a rest and a good time. I have planned to have a LB as a guide / partner while I am there.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by (ozzie @ Oct. 15 2005,17:43)
                          It is not saying that PI ladyboys are better than their Thai counterparts, what it is saying is that the majority of us are happy if a few PI girls are thrown into the mix for variety.
                          Is it only you and Stewart that are seeing this?


                          • #43
                            well, we can obviously see it in your other poll which clearly states that Thai ladyboys are everyone's favorites. But if you didn't start that poll it would be kinda hard to figure what the guys really want; given a choice between the 2 it looks like the PI girls are favored!

                            I am with SanGabriel here, I think this poll got rigged wasn't from me.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Oct. 15 2005,20:13)
                               I am with SanGabriel here, I think this poll got rigged wasn't from me.
                              I'm innocent ,I only voted the once !


                              • #45
                                i love the p.i. girls from cebu . . . . way more sexually active in bed than the thai girls.

