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  • #76
    Jessica Alba?


    • #77
      Eva Longoria ( married now though)

      top 3 babes: Eva Longoria
      Jessica Alba
      Angelina Jolie.
      doubt i get a shot on any of these, so i´ll stick to guys in dresses.


      • #78
        u got it rick mine too
        what aboy ur lb for me its areeya,talisha and vicky
        lets see you in the chatroom


        • #79
          Hmm, so hard. Too many to chose from.
          Never met Talisha.
          Beam is an old fav, but she´s not feeling too good nowadays.
          Areeya, well.....never met her, and they superstar hype of her kind of puts me off, allthough i´m sure shes´s great.
          Never met Vicky either.


          • #80
            (rick @ Jul. 14 2007,17:43) superstar hype of her kind of puts me off, allthough i´m sure shes´s great.

            Ming is the best one out off the lot so called superstars...
            So many Ladyboys so little time..


            • #81
              (newwriter @ Jul. 14 2007,09:01) And humbug to you sir.
              This market is as perfect as they get.
              My point was that once you have paid Miss X , 4,000 for a long time, there is no easy way back if you find that some gonk on the forum shafted her LT for 3K. Unless you want to appear a CT/Charlie , have no dignity or have plastic surgery, you are stuck at that price....

              I dont seem to have this issue on the currency markets.
              If the Dollar drops then i get a better rate...

              Also its more complicated by the fact that many,and i would say about half the guys here, get and try the goods and pay at the end without discussing the price first. I know its a bit like Russian Roulette but thats the way it is.


              • #82
                (Tomcat @ Jul. 14 2007,23:52)
                (newwriter @ Jul. 14 2007,09:01) And humbug to you sir.
                This market is as perfect as they get.
                My point was that once you have paid Miss X , 4,000 for a long time, there is no easy way back if you find that some gonk on the forum shafted her LT for 3K. Unless you want to appear a CT/Charlie , have no dignity or have plastic surgery, you are stuck at that price....

                I dont seem to have this issue on the currency markets.
                If the Dollar drops then i get a better rate...

                Also its more complicated by the fact that many,and i would say about half the guys here, get and try the goods and pay at the end without discussing the price first. I know its a bit like Russian Roulette but thats the way it is.
                Sorry, missed that point. Not sure it is a concern for me. I rarely go back for seconds but the cost is just part of the equation if I do.

                Do people really take girls home without negotiating a price prior? That cannot possibly be good. Can only end in tears. There's no way a tip can be appreciated and you will just look cheap when you fail to meet expectations money-wise (as would seem inevitable to me).

                Fuck, fucking is complicated. I find it hard enough to balance enough booze to be optimally horny without destroying performance - add in the money factor and I think I might just give it away. Err...perhaps not.

                Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                • #83
                  It seems to me that my trip to the LOS might be a little more expensive than I thought.
                  See ya,Skeeterboy's out of here.


                  • #84
                    (skeeterboy069 @ Jul. 15 2007,21:54) It seems to me that my trip to the LOS might be a little more expensive than I thought.
                    I doubt it. Its still relatively very cheap .Go down to Pattaya and your in another zone. Cheap as Chips

                    Also you may hit Nana on a night when some new real hottie starts and you can claim bragging rights about being the first to shaft her before Superstardom . Someones got to be the first customer!. It could be you....


                    • #85
                      (divertwo @ Jul. 06 2007,18:39) Aside from "superman".....I never liked or fully understood using the superlative "super" to describe anyone. :
                      nietzche 'ubermensch' often translated as superman but really "overman" ' he that surmounts himself. as opposed to dominating other people.
                      the term possibly evolved from the nietzchean 'superman' often misguidedly interpreted as the 'aryan blond beast' who seeks power over others


                      • #86
                        not sure where the German came from as I don't speak German and it was not part of my original post
              ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                        • #87
                          sorry that was my own entry. not quite used to the controls on this site, accidently added to the quote


                          • #88
                            Fuck, fucking is complicated. I find it hard enough to balance enough booze to be optimally horny without destroying performance - add in the money factor and I think I might just give it away. Err...perhaps not.
                            You made my day.


                            • #89
                              (stogie bear @ Jul. 08 2007,09:27)    Spot on...

                              The 'GFE' is just that - an illusion. If you have any thoughts at all that you are special then think again. You are NOT!

                              That GFE factor disappears out the door as soon as you do. They'll be back to fucking their gay friends and playing cards with the proceeds of your 'special gifts' as soon as they can clean the filth of fucking you off their skin.

                              You get what you pay for and if you pay 500 Baht for cheap sex with druggie at 3am then expect to be disappointed.
                              So, let me get this right?
                              When she said she loved me
                              she was lying?
                              If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                              • #90
                                (coxy277 @ Jul. 06 2007,06:31) its my first post but have to ask am i the only guy here fed up with hearing im a super star you have to pay me more
                                I say we made them,then we should break them.
                                Boycott the bitches and see how long before they come crawling back with any punter and for a lot less than they were asking for.
                                See ya,Skeeterboy's out of here.

