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  • #91
    (laputanegra @ Apr. 21 2009,09:42) don't post it bh....

    Is that reverse phsycology TB? think if you tell me not to I will or you just like to see these guys in suspense over a cock?


    • #92
      I don't want these guys to see it....they have seen enough
      You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha


      • #93
        BH, sometimes the mysterious is more erotic than the explicit!

        Thanks for the photos of Nelin and all the other lovelies you have posted.

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        • #94
          (Boarhog @ Apr. 20 2009,11:46) [Just to get a little mushy, ...
          On my last day we had some positive closure, and I dropped her at the subway station on my way to the airport. As the taxi pulled away I waved and watched her fade into the distance, and thought to myself it might be the last time I ever see her.  A genuine sadness set in.  After checking my bag at Airport I was going to give her a ring and use my remaining credit, however I had none left. I boarded the plane and sat in my seat as we pulled back, and then a text came through my phone which I hadn't turned off.  The timing of it was unbeleavable. It said: Have a nice trip  I still love you kisses.  Well I'm a pretty hardened bastard but that final gesture brought a tear to my eye.

          Thanks for sharing your sadness.  I think that makes you more of a MAN!!  And no need to show any cock, she's beautiful enough as she is.



          • #95
            I was kidding BH, leave it for us to find out if We really want to !
            She seems a nice girl, love the shots in Vietnam
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • #96
              Thanks for sharing, BH!


              • #97
                Hey BH,

                Great photos and a lovely story.... as they say you never miss your water until your well runs dry.

                NOW: when were you in Viet Nam?

                It would have been good to catch up.

                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                • #98
                  (Boarhog @ Apr. 21 2009,09:38) Damn I had Sev7en in the asking for cock shots pool!

                  Afterall, this IS a porn board dedicated to p4p workers, eventhough some ppl are trying their best to steer it away from that direction.
                  I enjoy your thread (and Juris) the most. Great blend of pics and stories.
                  Up to you if you post em, bh.
                  "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                  Jaidee 2009

                  The other white meat


                  • #99
                    I always knew you two would end up BFFs
                    No honey, no money!!


                    • (f0xxee @ Apr. 21 2009,15:13) Hey BH,

                      Great photos and a lovely story.... as they say you never miss your water until your well runs dry.

                      NOW: when were you in Viet Nam?

                      It would have been good to catch up.
                      It was over a year ago Foxee, before I knew you or about this forum. We had a great time and she always wanted to go back there over any of the other places that we went. She was much more accepted or welcomed in VN than Loas or Cambodia. She never got the snickers or the stairs in VN that she sometimes experienced in Cambodia, and Loas they were just cold to both of us it felt.
                      Attached Files


                      • An enchanted dinner on the Mekong river watching the sunset on los and Loas.
                        Attached Files


                        • More Mekong and near the border. Very handy having lb with you in Loas for translation. she was surprised how well she could communicate with them. they share the same Songkran holidays too.
                          Attached Files


                          • The usual dinner on the Mekong
                            Attached Files


                            • more from Loas Jan 08
                              Attached Files


                              • Above photos from trip to Loas, these back at headquarters in Bang Kapi apartment.
                                circa 2008
                                Attached Files

