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Introducing Nalin

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  • Nalin at sunset or sunrise in Bang Kapi last year. think I was off Lad Phroa 73. A bus ride to sky train.
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    • This set from a trip to Karanchanaburi. One of the amny things i liked about her was her ability to enjoy the simpler things in life. she didn't have to have a luxury hotel to stay in, and was just as happy in a bungalow in the River Kwaii at around 200 baht a night if memory serves me.
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      • Two more from Loas, with the sun making a cool effect at a city hall building.

        Tuk Tuk drivers in loas are pretty much same same as in LOS. I wanted to kill one when he stopped for petrol, not to fill his tank but others he had, then after finally going again, he wouldn't take us all the way. Nalin gave his little ass a good speaking down to since she knew he could understand. it kept me from wanting to choke the life out of him.
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        • (Joshua69 @ Apr. 21 2009,01:34)

          Nalin is really beautiful. She's natural.
          I like her eyes, her nose (original i suppose)

          Thank you for your sincerity and the set of photos!!!
          Yes all natural except for some of the VN shots she is wearing green contact lenses, which was a nice touch that added some variety. She wore that VN hat for most of the trip. When we went to visit her mom outside of bkk in the country, her sister was wearing it.

          She never wore much make-up which I prefer, but I also don't prefer tattoos, and usually a deal breaker for me, but I was able to overlook that after getting to know her. she actually stole me from a gg in front of 7/11 in Patpong. picked up gg at bar that was closing, and then while on way to her place, I saw Nalin, who winked and smiled at me, and then I pulled into 7/11 with gg and acted like I didn't have my atm card with me. She went off in a hurry and Nalin even heard her complain that i had no money throwing her arms in the air. she went off and Nalin moved in, and went home with her, just over 2 years ago.


          • Nalin at Angkor Wat
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            • Photo quality pretty poor, as I neglected to change to a daylight setting.
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              • More Nalin at Siem Reap, relaxing at a $10 guest house bed.
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                • More Nalin at Angkor Wat
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                  • Back at Nalin old place in bkk.
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                    • Sometimes, BH, you must wonder "What have I done ?!!"

                      So many it really over ? Only if you want it to be....
                      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                      • Nalin is a lovely girl and I understand why you stayed all that time with her. Your a gentleman to try to help her this way. Class act.

                        I know what it feels like to be caught when straying....its a shitty feeling.

                        Such a threat to what she probably thought was a solid relationship, she must have been so hurt. Its unlimited what shit she probably put you through after that.

                        But time will heal your wounds, hope the same for her too.

                        La Bamba ~ The friendliest (and sexiest) ladyboy bar in Pattaya!


                        • Boarhog, the last 2 posts above both contain some sage advice...

                          I hope you can come to grips with what has happened, otherwise,

                          get on a flight & go back & tell her you made a mistake.

                          This is not the sort of pain that goes away quickly, you may carry feelings for her for years & years.

                          It was a sorry end to a great relationship but read guydesavoy's comment,

                          it is up to you!!
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • I agre the advice is wise, but i know whats best for her and me.

                            After 2 years there is always going to be pain, and probably one more than the other. We had two good years, which is a lifetime by male/ladyboy relationships. In reality its not realistic to maintain a long distance relationship like this.

                            I do not want to tarnish those good memories by trying to prolong what we had become. I'm sure I could tell her I made a mistake and she would most likely take me back but the deep seeded mistrust, would overwhelm her and make it a living hell for both of us.

                            Its like I say, I hope I always know her, and I hope nothing but the best for her. It was very hard getting her to the point of accepting that I gave it all I was capable of and it was less than she deserved.

                            We weren't you average couple and shared some very unique experiences, and I will never forget them. I'm not going to confuse her or lead her to believe I can be what she wants out of a bf or love.

                            Its nice hearing the positive comments about her appearance, and i really appreciate the forum not taking shots at her or saying she's not their type. She wasn't my protypical lb when I first went with her 2 years ago, but what I came back for was her inner beauty, sense of humour and ability to be myself. Its time for both of us to move on. It was about a month ago.

                            I want her to find love eventually, its what she wants. In the meantime I want her to find customers so she can live alone comfortably.

                            Nalin at Ho Che Min museum in Saigon
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                            • Fair enough
                              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                              • Nalin with Rachada Prisak underneath her.
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