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Fern at Guess Bar

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  • (pacman @ Aug. 17 2008,17:10) * * Hi Ben, that LBC would post with such an avatar does make it self evident that he is the same guy you ask about. LadyboyCrush is not such a large organisation that they have an office full of employees.

    I have had the pleasure to meet our correspondent from LBC & it may please you & harris11 to know that I found him a most pleasant & likeable chap.

    I certainly am not an apologist for the alleged behaviour he has been accused of & I find that news to be disturbing.

    However, we share a small community & I would encourage all parties to this debate to leave the accusations & bravado for now, let a little commonsense prevail, & perhaps a few stated positions might be reconsidered.

    No-one much cares who gets their lights smacked out, Ben highlights the real problem we have here.

    Who of us plans to be around to pick up the pieces when these girl's lives are wrecked by using this shit?

    Just another junkie, we might say, but for harris11, Fern has been lost to him by a vicious combination of her exploitation & the means by which she coped.

    Without doubt, one of the best threads ever posted on this forum, lots of raw emotion that has bought home its relevance.

    Required reading. Thanks guys.
    Hello Mr Pacman

    A very good post. Combining everything in a nice summary.Listing pro and contra's and giving some additional information. Yes I agree with you it is a small community. I have never met the persons you are referring to. I'm convinced that both persons are nice but got carried away. Again no hard feelings. By no means I love to insult people, no way. Only I liked to stress the negative sides of yabba/ice to the forum and what can happen with yourself or people you care for.
    Here we see another example of a poor lb on this drug.
    Sorry for Mr Harris that he lost his friend Fern from the guess bar. I personally don't know this lb because I only visited this bar one time very short. So I cannot give my point of view, Window shopping then in Bangkok .That time in may I was my new friend from isaan in Bangkok and you know how jealous some lb's can be. For them a combination of fear (losing the sponsor) and envy. On the other hand I made similar experiences like mr harris in Pattaya before. I fully understand how Mr Harris feels now like me then. First angry or disappointed but later I'm shure he picks it up again. Bad that one friend was involved, but on the other hand the lb could have said no.
    Read stogies comment about the way the thai lb's in the p4p scene look at us. They play a role ( you want the happy one you get that one , you want the jealous one you get that one etc) and many work in the scene for the money. Hard but true. The earlier you learn that the better you can cope with a situation like that. My ex out of Pattaya had 14 thai boyfriends . I knew about that, only the yabba/ice made her uncontrolable. That is when she got the exit from me. Stealing from me and other friends etc. By then she could not work anymore and sold everything she had for yabba/ice.
    Her end: picked up by the police for being a yabba gang member and after the police throw her on the street : her hair cut. Living on beach road and getting a little money from ex friends near the JS bar in pattaya. Dreaming of becoming a thai superstar but in fact now a living wreck. Do I hate her ? no I feel sorry because I fully understand what and how it happened. Sad but true only everyone should know you cannot help them and you have to carry on. Grudging or blaming yourself is no solution. What started this downfall like so many before: yabba/ice. So I would never encourage another person to take that drug or any other.
    The difference in thailand compared to europe is that in europe you pick them out fast , but in thailand it took me more time to realize what was happening. Now I 'm fast in picking them out and I agree with Mrlbcrush that many are on it. Even some sweet ones you would not expect it from.
    A few signals I learned:
    - small spots around the nose ( like acne , but smaller)
    - heavy make up to disguise the red flashing cheeks
    - eyes like a zombie when they are on your hotel room
    - in a relationship suddenly many buffalo stories for money ( and not one or two every month)
    - bs about taking hormones and feeling sleepy, tired
    - heavy weight loss in a short time
    - nagging about headaches or being tired all the time

    I know there a many more signals but then I think we need a new post. So for me matter closed and again Mr Pacman a very good view


    • On the other hand if a girl does not smoke cigarettes, drinks little or no alcohol, and wais Buddha then it's unlikely she does ice.


      • True... I get a bit worn down listening to these experts who tell us 500% of ladyboys are suicidal ice addicts.

        If you mix with drug takers then most of the people you mix with will be drug takers. Amazing, eh?

        If you don't then the people you mix with won't be!

        I don't.


        • I can't believe that having started this forum topic it has developed into such an interesting as well as bizarre series of comments. Best thing is for all of you to seek out Fern and have the time of your life with her while fucking her rigid.
          Looking for slim ladyboys with lovely faces and hard cocks


          •       oooh gawd, how can that be the best thing?

            Isn't that the very reason we have established why Fern uses Ice in the first place?

            We all need to consider our role in the lifestyle choices these girls are forced to make...

            And no, I am not suggesting we take the blame if they choose to use drugs.

            It is a classic catch22 situation & I don't see how we change it.
            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


            • (pacman @ Aug. 18 2008,21:22) Isn't that the very reason we have established why Fern uses Ice in the first place?
              Who in the hell is we?

              How could anyone possible know specifically why she uses drugs?

              You can guess and assume and suppose and speculate and imagine, but neither you nor me nor anyone else knows why...and that likely includes Fern...

              If you believe the drug problem in Thailand is limited to P4P girls and boys, you're wrong...Read a little and I think you'll find that it is considerably more widespread than the P4P industry...It has infected the youth of this country just like it has in the west...Young people from the farms and from the cities...from the poor and middle class...Drugs don't discriminate...

              You're's not our job to place blame or effect change or counsel...Our only concern should be to stay the hell away from it...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • Point taken, the "we" refers to the posters in this thread. Reading it gives one viewpoint (a damn good one though) as to why our LB friends might choose to take the Ice option.

                I agree that we can't understand each case of drug use, but your tone in suggesting that I'm not aware of the extent of the problem is odd.

                What starts out as an opinion ends up being an admonishment for my ignorance.

                I do understand the scale of the problem, I have been exposed to its effects & consequences for many years.

                Kahuna is a hard taskmaster, I can't get away with anything when he is on the job.        
                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • (kahuna @ Aug. 18 2008,21:53) How could anyone possible know specifically why she uses drugs?
                  True , no one knows.

                  We know just as much about any of them as they let us know .

                  No one has commented the fact that anyone who does drugs , P4P or not actually does so because they choose so , and because they enjoy it , and before anyone starts I'm not condoning anything , just stating a basic fact .

                  We make our own choices in life , and learn our own lessons from our actions .

                  Interesting as the drugs debate may be , and as concerned for the welfare of the people involved as many here are , we are not gonna change anything , its not our job to advise or judge .

                  How many of us here would have listened in our late teens /early twenties to such advice ?

                  I know I wouldn't .
                  Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                  • If it floats flies or fucks rent it. LB or BG they are after one thing no matter what the rose tinted beer goggles may suggest. I pay them to GO HOME, not to STAY. It stops me writing a post 7 pages long.
                    I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


                    • (pacman @ Aug. 18 2008,22:24) but your tone in suggesting that I'm not aware of the extent of the problem is odd.

                      What starts out as an opinion ends up being an admonishment for my ignorance.
                      I'm not admonishing you...and I apologize if it sounded that way...But it didn't seem to me that you were looking beyond the P4P industry in LOS...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • (jimslim @ Aug. 18 2008,22:55)
                        (kahuna @ Aug. 18 2008,21:53) How could anyone possible know specifically why she uses drugs?
                        True , no one knows.

                        We know just as much about any of them as they let us know .

                        No one has commented the fact that anyone who does drugs , P4P or not actually does so because they choose so , and because they enjoy it , and before anyone starts I'm not condoning anything , just stating a basic fact .

                        We make our own choices in life , and learn our own lessons from our actions .

                        Interesting as the drugs debate may be , and as concerned for the welfare of the people involved as many here are , we are not gonna change anything , its not our job to advise or judge .

                        How many of us here would have listened in our late teens /early twenties to such advice ?

                        I know I wouldn't .
                        Watch it man! if you say anything NOT negative about drugs, some people here will consider you a pusher!

                        "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                        -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                        •  OK then, I smoked a "cannibis" joint "25 YEARS" ago because I thought it might put me in a "party mood" with a girl ( whom I was well into   ) in my Pub I was meeting that night but it had the "Opposite" effect and I became paronoid  

                          Never touched any "SHIT" since and whoever wants to take "ANY" type of drugs can shove it up their Ass as far as I'm concerned  
                          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                          • (daveduke007 @ Aug. 19 2008,09:07)  OK then, I smoked a "cannibis" joint "25 YEARS" ago
                  're supposed to exhale...
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • I never had any problem with cannabis, i smoked it a lot in my teens and twenties, i just packed it in after i hit 30 because i found it extemely unmotivating, and felt it was hindering me from achieving the things i wanted to do in my life.
                              Tried acid and mushrooms and had some wild trips, but i found they were self regulating, after a good trip, i never felt i wanted to do it again the next night. So i did mushies maybe a dozen times and acid 5 or 6 in my twenties.
                              I tried coke a couple of times and thought it was rubbish. Fifty quid for something that just made me want to drink more alcohol and talk more bollocks. Believe me, i need no extra help in either of those areas. And the worst of it is that it didn't even last all night. And it stopped me getting a hard on. I never tried anything else.

                              An ex gf of mine in Indonesia fell off the wagon and started smoking meth again while i was with her, dunno whether it was what they call yabba or ice in thailand, they called it Shabu-shabu there.
                              She became a real pain in the arse on it, grumpy, lost a load of weight, and wasn't sleeping more than an hour or two a night, constanly fluey, and eventually i made her choose me or the drugs, the drugs won, and i went off to pastures new.
                              I recently met her at the airport in Surabaya, and after i had broken up with her, her sister had dragged her off to rehabilitate in the country with her family, and she had been clean for a couple of years, looked really healthy and happy, was married and had kids. So, while it can make you really sick, it doesn't have to be the end of someone.
                              If you have the desire to clean up and a bit of support, it is possible.


                              • (daveduke007 @ Aug. 19 2008,09:07) whoever wants to take "ANY" type of drugs can shove it up their Ass as far as I'm concerned
                                You mean like a suppository?

