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Airport Impressions

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  • (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,06:50)
    (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,14:23)
    (costassg @ Feb. 03 2007,17:59)
    (stogie bear @ Jan. 28 2007,00:11) The whole world is corrupt, but Thailand makes good news copy.  
         and the rest of the world   s are jellous of the rapid grouth of thailands economy.
    Why do you persist in calling everybody wankers.Lighten up .  
    That because he is the wanker.

    Love to see the Cyprus airport probably a shack in the middle of a field with a barn full of goats so Costasssg does not get bored whilst waiting for his flight

    Maybe he has a blurry picture of it for us?

    PS maybe i am a bad sure you are a


    • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,17:01) PS maybe i am a    bad sure you are a  
      Great rebuttal. Damn not sure what to do now I think I am beaten




        • (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:36)   Trust me he will get bored. He has been on so many sites , he does the same, he gets up poeples noses, abuses them, racial vilifies them and then he goes.


          • check mate


            • (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:49) check mate
              youu think so?it wasnt me that kill agfan ,iraqi palestinian or any othe children you bouthcer.


              • PS you are next on OBL list.


                • (costassg @ Feb. 03 2007,17:59)
                  (stogie bear @ Jan. 28 2007,00:11) The whole world is corrupt, but Thailand makes good news copy.  
                       and the rest of the world   s are jellous of the rapid grouth of thailands economy.
                  Rapid growth of Thailand economy. MMMM The last time I spoke to my Financial Planner he didn't mention to me to invest in Thailand.   Shit I better change my portfolio and invest in the new airport and other outstanding investment opportunities in Thailand. The whole World may be corrupt but at least in Australia the corruption is more transparent For the last 8 years Superannuation portfolios in Australia have returned on average 18% indexed and tax protected. Australia is one of the most open investment counties in the World and most investments are safe, secure and if common sense is used and not GREED you can clean up and make healthy, safe and secure returns year in and year out knowing that Governments are mostly  transparent, even though they may be dick heads     .


                  • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,15:52)
                    (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:49) check mate
                    youu think so?it wasnt me that kill agfan ,iraqi palestinian or any othe children you bouthcer.
                    could you please translate that to me in plain English please


                    • (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:57)
                      (costassg @ Feb. 03 2007,17:59)
                      (stogie bear @ Jan. 28 2007,00:11) The whole world is corrupt, but Thailand makes good news copy.  
                           and the rest of the world   s are jellous of the rapid grouth of thailands economy.
                      Rapid growth of Thailand economy. MMMM The last time i spoke to my Financial Planner he didn't mention to me to invest in Thailand.   Shit i better change my portfolio and invest in the new airport and other outstanding investment opportunits in Thailand. The whole World may be corrupt but at least in Australia the corruption is more transparent For the last 8 years Superannuation portfolios in Australia have returned on average 18% indexed and tax protected. Australia is one of the most open investment counties in the World and most investments are safe, secure and if common sense is used you can clean up and make healthy, safe and secure returns year in and year out knowing that Governments are are mostly  transparent, even though they may be dick heads     .
                      invest on cancarus or coala or the australian desert.sure thailand the have a toyota volvo factories.what you have?


                      • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,17:52)
                        (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:49) check mate
                        youu think so?it wasnt me that kill agfan ,iraqi palestinian or any othe children you bouthcer.
                        Are you really as stupid as you pretend to be? The guys on the this forum have a little fun but you insist on escalating everything.

                        Just because you cannot think of anything to say that is not racist or culturally sensitive does mean you should open your mouth.

                        I still remember the first time you posted on this forum and someone said something about your pictures and you went off crying like a girl saying how you would not post here again. I wish you'd had taken your own advice.


                        • (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,10:02)
                          (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,17:52)
                          (vangough05 @ Feb. 04 2007,09:49) check mate
                          youu think so?it wasnt me that kill agfan ,iraqi palestinian or any othe children you bouthcer.
                          Are you really as stupid as you pretend to be? The guys on the this forum have a little fun but you insist on escalating everything.

                          Just because you cannot think of anything to say that is not racist or culturally sensitive does mean you should open your mouth.

                          I still remember the first time you posted on this forum and someone said something about your pictures and you went off crying like a girl saying how you would not post here again. I wish you'd had taken your own advice.

                          as match as you live in a free country


                          • (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:05)  as match as you live in a free country
                            Thats right mate and you wish you did. I hope all your envy does not cause all your bitterness

                            Can you please come up with some new material. Calling me and others a wanker is becoming a little tiresome.

                            Maybe you can resort to PM me with threats as you have other members. Another scared little boy.


                            • (ozzie @ Feb. 04 2007,10:08)
                              (costassg @ Feb. 04 2007,18:05)  as match as you live in a free country
                              Thats right mate and you wish you did. I hope all your envy does not cause all your bitterness  

                              Can you please come up with some new material. Calling me and others a wanker is becoming a little tiresome.

                              Maybe you can resort to PM me with threats as you have other members. Another scared little boy.

                              you havent noticed the nickname i gave you?boutchers of the childrens


                              • or you prefer to say casualties of war?

