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Ladyboys in Beijing?

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  • #16
    Move to the workstation
    Attached Files

    Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


    • #17
      Getting down to business
      Attached Files

      Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


      • #18
        Action stations
        Attached Files

        Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


        • #19
          And again
          Attached Files

          Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


          • #20
            And again again
            Attached Files

            Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


            • #21
              I am so crap with a camera. Can't believe I screwed up this photo. Probably my favourite - perhaps that explains it
              Attached Files

              Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


              • #22
                Great pictures, newwriter!

                I spent a few hours with Alexandra as well and totally understand why that last shot was blurred - one look at her ass and all the blood left my brain!


                • #23
                  BTW, I found a site that charges to access live sports streams -


                  Not sure if kosher but useful nonetheless for we expats stuck here

                  Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                  • #24
                    I found two LB's on Vice Sisters yesterday working out of Beijing. One sounds a little too cerebral for me and so I will give her a pass for the time being as my needs are physical only.

                    On her website ( she looks very beautiful (Filipino) but with small or no tits and no information on cock size (although she does say "Im well endowed into fantasy,wishfull thinking, gratification, sensual things that might both physical and mental stimulation trough various way you can fulfil and experience it" - whatever that might mean). She is also advertising her rate as US$250 so will be a last resort.

                    The other is a Chinese girl who speaks little or no English. Pretty in her photos and I hooked up via her messenger address. She is arriving at my apartment in 45 minutes.

                    She asked for 1500RMB for two hours but I told her 1000RMB is most and she agreed immediately. 500 would probably have been enough but I am used to over-paying in Asia so nothing new there.

                    I will file a report when she leaves and will try and post some photos if I can (this presents a dilemma - can I get her to agree to posting photos when we can't communicate?).

                    Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                    • #25
                      Luc was a nice looking girl but she was more a femboy than my usual preference of big-breasted and cocked LB's.

                      She was bloody tall (so am I) and big-boned but had a nice arse and legs.

                      There was no talk between us but the sex was very good. I enjoyed myself immensely and do not feel that 1000RMB was too much to spend.

                      Will I go back? Not sure but I would be happy to recommend somebody who was feeling horny to give her a try.

                      BTW, contacted Dennise and she wasn't weird at all in person. May try and meet her next Friday.

                      She did tell me that the two PI LB's I had seen in Beijing previously had told her about me so if anybody is planning to sleep with PI LB's expect the travelling mafia to all hear about it.

                      Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                      • #26
                        I'm really surprised there's not more of a scene developing in China. I've casually asked some "gay" buddies of mine in Shanghai about ladyboys and they have come up mum on info. With all the people moving in and the money flowing around, I would have thought there would be an underground mecca of LBs in the larger Chinese cities. Hope this changes in the next few years!
                        I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                        • #27
                          DP, I think Shanghai does better than we do in BJ. Lots of girls from PI travel through Shanghai but there aren't many of us sick bastards here in BJ so the girls tend to avoid us.

                          Why there aren't more locals I don't know. I suspect it is culturally very different here than to PI and LOS and is actively discouraged. I suspect the local LB's require a huge amount of courage - and there aren't many takers.

                          Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                          • #28
                            newwriter, thanks for the information about Beijing. Here is an old post with information about south China from Kaos as well as discussion about the gender imbalance there.

                            China's Gender Imbalance Possible New Mecca for LBs?

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                            • #29
                              (newwriter @ Jun. 11 2007,20:37) DP, I think Shanghai does better than we do in BJ. Lots of girls from PI travel through Shanghai but there aren't many of us sick bastards here in BJ so the girls tend to avoid us.

                              Why there aren't more locals I don't know. I suspect it is culturally very different here than to PI and LOS and is actively discouraged. I suspect the local LB's require a huge amount of courage - and there aren't many takers.
                              Definately agree with your assessment - China just isn't the inviting climate that say Singapore or LOS is for would-be ladyboys. I have no doubt that there is a huge underground gay scene, but even those sorts of clubs are very hard to come by from what I've told and its really hush hush. I guess there may also not be the availability of hormones as in LOS and the support group (i.e. big sisters, etc.) for budding LBs.
                              I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                              • #30
                                jsn102, Sitting with Dennise right now. She wonders if you might have been a guy she spent some time with in Beijing recently.

                                We had a good night and I showed her this thread. She tells me she has been with a couple of other guys and I know there aren't many of us looking for LB's here so wonder if its you?

                                Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time

