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Ladyboys in Beijing?

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  • #31
    newwriter, actually that wasn't me, though I wish it had been. Was all set to get in touch but then had to bugger off out of Beijing for a few weeks (sod's law).

    Anyway, glad you had a good time with her - great that you found someone who seems to be at least semi-regularly based here rather than the girls who just stop in for a week or so. You'd recommend?


    • #32
      newwriter - i'm based in beijing and glad (but somewhat puzzled) to hear you had a good time with Dennise. I've been with her once and while she's physically attractive (small build but relatively well-endowed, so her cock stands out more), she came with too much cerebral baggage that was simply turning me off.

      also, all her talk of the travelling mafia keeping tabs on you seems contrived. From what i can tell, she is not really that close with them, so all her talk is more about her throwing out a few things to sound knowledgable (i might go as far to say she seemed manipulative - to what purpose? not really sure).

      still, the fact that you had a good time with her might mean she's wised up. Good news for newcomers? As for myself, I won't RTF for sure.  

      will try Luc tonight. will provide an FR afterwards.

      (BTW, newwriter, thanks for your past posts on BJ)


      • #33
        (curveball @ Jun. 16 2007,12:43) also, all her talk of the travelling mafia keeping tabs on you seems contrived. From what i can tell, she is not really that close with them, so all her talk is more about her throwing out a few things to sound knowledgable (i might go as far to say she seemed manipulative - to what purpose? not really sure).
        Can't argue with that curveball. Like all PI LB's away from home (perhaps at home as well but I can't say for sure) Dennise talks too much shit but she made a real effort to figure out what I wanted before we got together and I made it clear that a previous night with Angel was ruined by her talking about herself and other girls the whole time.

        I assume that she wised up based on that but I give her credit for asking what I like to allow her to figure it out.

        The mild dom session was new to me and lots of fun. being blindfolded and having different bits of you touched and licked and probed is a remarkable turn on.

        It was generally a fun and relaxed evening although her desire to please meant she probably hung around 30 minutes too long for my liking. Even I don't know when it's the right time to piss off until it happens so I won't blame her for that.

        It's an expensive experience relative to what's on offer in LOS but we beggars will take what we can get.

        Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


        • #34
          Just FYI, I learned that Dianne, a Filipina TS is in town for a short while. Her web-site is (BJ contact details listed here)

          Disclaimer - I haven't tried her yet so I don't know how good she is, but I thought it would be good to share this with the group here(as we all know that visiting TS's are a rarity here in BJ - oh how I wish for my old job back in Shanghai)

          If I succeed in meeting up with her, will post an FR here(haven't met with Luc - reviewed by newwriter above - yet....must make a mental note to do Luc too)

          Any one tried Dianne before? How was it?


          • #35
            Curveball, I organised this Thursday with Dianne. I will report in after. She certainly looks great in her photos.

            I also spoke to Luc tonight on messenger. Her English is improving. Told me she wants to suck my cock. Think I might go there again.

            Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


            • #36
              glad to hear denise was good...

              i had a couple of phone calls with her and online chats but she often went a bit insance and scary. sure she is sexy though...

              still whaty we want in bj are local girls... best i have found are the ones in huathai hotel.... but just to look at... super super cute...

              once my mandarin improves should be easier!

              neway well done with posts glad to hear there is more action than merely the street "girls" on dong san huang zhong lu


              • #37
                (dessertmax @ Jun. 26 2007,02:57) still whaty we want in bj are local girls... best i have found are the ones in huathai hotel.... but just to look at... super super cute...
                Never even heard of this place. Where is it? And when do these cute girls congregate there? Why are they look / don't touch?

                Perhaps we can get together and check it out? Figure out a way to cross over from viewers to players?

                Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                • #38
                  Dianne just left. Really nice girl. Sexy - nice boobs, great lips, awesome butt and hips. She claims natural but I find it hard to believe a boy has that arse and those hips.

                  Smart and friendly. Sex was good without being mind-blowing but I have been working bloody long hours and a good fuck and some chat was my preferred evening.

                  Nice small cock and came whilst I was fucking her so obviously enjoyed it. We both went round again.

                  I would happily recommend this smart girl. Did not need to pad conversation with talk of other PI LB's and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say (and if they can fake that it's half the battle).

                  Dianne leaves middle of next week so if you are interested move fast. She is going to Shanghai for anybody interested.

                  Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                  • #39
                    at hua thai hotel there is a bar called 7 colors

                    it is a gay bar with a drag show... the no tocuh was because i could not communicate well as i am no good at mandarin

                    but i am sure if you could and u like femboys u could have a great time

                    would love to go along sometime i am back in town...


                    • #40
                      Gents, as of a week ago, I am no longer living in Beijing. Took a new job based in Sydney and am now back preparing to start in a week or two. If I return for any reason I will post on the Travel forum and would like to catch up.

                      Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                      • #41
                        newwriter, thanks for your contributions on the China scene. Wish you all best with your new position in Australia - I know there are some Asian lbs to make it to some of the big cities there - Koykaeng knows the scene in Sydney pretty well I think and has some information about Melbourne as well.

                        Doubtless the prices will be higher than China or LOS, but hopefully you will have enough holiday time to make it to LOS periodically.

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                        • #42

                          Sorry to hear you've left the 'Jing for pastures new, but at least they'll be decidedly greener and less polluted!

                          Hope you have good luck with the lbs in Oz - will be reading your reports with interest. And don't worry, we'll let you know if Beijing ever gets a really decent scene of its own!



                          • #43
                            I have just left the first night of the Dalian Beer Festival, and there were more ladyboys here in one night than I've seen in the past 5 years on and off living and working in China.
                            I actually think I saw them and it did not register through sheer disbelief until one of the Chinese guys I was with was pushing me and laughing about it.
                            Ok, this isnt an explosion in the LB scene in China, but if you are in Dalian at this time of year, you should try it.
                            When she walks, she’s like a samba
                            That swings so cool and sways so gentle


                            • #44
                              I note that since I left Beijing there are now as many as ten girls advertising their presence in BJ via Vice Sisters. And three or four of them are permanents.


                              Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                              • #45
                                Yeah, but the starting prices are still a bit silly. I miss not having to haggle for every last thing....

