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She's HIV+ ~ Do you spread the word?

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  • #91
    (rxpharm @ Aug. 20 2009,16:37) Yes ladyboyluva, you have convinced me that studying 25 days, 8 hours a day has given you the knowledge that my friend and colleague, an infectious disease doctor has lacked after his of 4 years of specialiaztion, plus 12 years of work experience is wrong and you are right!  
    I'm sure I haven't, but to make an obvious rebuttal, regarding your claim to authority, here is an article by a professional AIDS Researcher with 10 years experience in the field who overcame her own blind-spot regarding the HIV-AIDS theory.

    And here is a list of over 2,600 notable and qualified people, some more qualified than your friend who question the HIV-AIDS theory.


    • #92
      An excerpt from page I linked to above:
      There you have it. No “handful of wild-eyed conspiracy theorists.” No “right-wing racists,” as the Aids industry’s spinmeisters would have you believe. Just 2,662 very serious, concerned, highly educated people from every corner of the globe who sense that an enormous tragedy is unfolding due to the medical establishment’s unwillingness to face the evidence that the Hiv-Aids theory is a mistake.

      The people on this page were intellectually curious enough to have sought out and studied the arguments that discredit the Hiv-Aids theory. Since the mass media and professional journals censor these arguments, the vast majority of doctors and scientists, although decent people who want to do the right thing, have never been exposed to them, and so accept the biased conclusions of politicized bureaucracies like the CDC and WHO, whose coziness with the drug industry is legendary and whose recommendations always seems to dovetail perfectly with drug industry marketing plans.

      Were it not for the massive media blackout of information that contradicts the Hiv theory, many more people would be asking tough questions.

      The next time you hear the media say, “only a handful of scientists doubt Hiv’s role in Aids,” refer them to this page. Explain to them that it is wrong to misrepresent the fact that there is enormous dissent to the Hiv-Aids paradigm.

      The next time you hear the media drone, “Hiv, the virus that causes Aids,” remind them that journalists are supposed to distinguish between what is a theory and what is a fact. That Hiv-Aids is only a theory and has never been proven, is admitted by top scientists even in the Aids establishment.

      The next time the media announce that tens of millions of people are dying from Hiv in Africa, ask them how they know that. Remind them that journalists are supposed to question dubious assertions from powerful, drug-industry funded agencies like the WHO, not parrot them as if they were indisputable. Ask them why they report these numbers as if they were actual Aids cases, when in fact they are projections made by WHO’s computer programs, based on very questionable statistical methodologies and contradicted by many facts including the continual large population increases experienced in the countries supposedly worst affected.

      Request that the media stop twisting the truth in support of a politicized, entrenched Aids establishment that profits financially by terrorizing people, pokes its nose shamelessly into people’s private sex lives, compels people to submit to inaccurate tests and literally forces mothers and babies to swallow toxic, unproven chemotherapy drugs with horrific, often-fatal side effects.

      Explain to them that this is irresponsible, and that such actions cause needless anxiety, shatter people’s lives, tear families apart, destroy hope and trigger countless suicides. And that while we realize that sensational headlines about “killer viruses” sell newspapers, the social cost of these profits is unacceptable.

      Make the media understand that keeping people in the dark about the large number of credentialed dissenters to the Hiv-Aids dogmas, and the financial conflicts of interest that are rampant among Hiv-Aids scientists and NGOs, is a violation of everyone’s human right to informed consent and freedom of information.


      • #93
        Robert Bleakney. PhD, Religion and Social Ethics, Worcester, Massachusetts

        Yah , theres one clown from your so called hall of fame . What special knowledge does he have about this subject. The whole list is no more than a bunch of Walter Mitties and dreamers.

        If you posted a list of gonks that believe in UFOS and other junk you would still round up the same guys...


        • #94
          A few more just selected at random from the list:

          - Darren Main. Yoga and meditation instructor, San Francisco. Author, Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic and Spiritual Journeys along the Yellow Brick Road
          - Cathy Manning. Certified Hypnotherapist, Buena Vista, Colorado
          - Gregory Maxim. Attorney, Sacramento, California
          - Constantino Mondragon. Psychotherapist, Mexico City

          So, we have a yoga instructor, a hypnotist, a shrink and a lawyer  

          And scanning the list a little more, a whole bunch of journalists and authors, no doubt trying to sell their next article or book........that makes them have a very vested interest as well

          I think I will stick with the inherent rigour of the scientific process
          Mister Arse


          • #95
            (Tomcat @ Aug. 20 2009,17:52) Robert Bleakney. PhD, Religion and Social Ethics, Worcester, Massachusetts

            Yah , theres one clown from your so called hall of fame . What special knowledge does he have about this subject. The whole list is no more than a bunch of Walter Mitties and dreamers.

            If you posted a list of gonks that believe in UFOS and other junk you would still round up the same guys...
            Well, he's a professional radiologist and specialist in management of soft tissue sarcoma among other things.

            But it's easier to just be a naysayer and to call people wankers than to actually google for yourselves.

            btw: Can someone find me a list of 1,000 professionals who support the HIV AIDS theory who DON'T have a VESTED INTEREST in keeping quiet?

            Those people on the list of 2,600+ probably all risk their careers for taking their stance. That is the kind of authority that deserves more than a cursory or mocking look.

            You can see here how everyone treats me like a jerk for having this opinion, well the same is true for all of them. It's easier to just STFU than stick your nose out.

            You don't need to be a cook to smell a rotten rat, and a skilled historian can tell us more about the causes of war than a battlefield commander. In the same way, an economic historicist probably has a better view of how this scam unfolded than a diseases specialist.

            The point being, that you can't dismiss people's points of view based entirely on their academic degrees.


            • #96
              (D33 @ Aug. 15 2009,06:48) I would not wish AIDS upon my worst enemy...
              Oh, I think I would.


              • #97
                (Stewart @ Aug. 20 2009,18:27) I think I will stick with the inherent rigour of the scientific process
                What rigour that was in medical science had it's energy greatly depleted after the institutions and journals became arms of the pharmaceutical industry.

                btw: I'd hazard a guess that any authors on that list aren't making 10% of the salaries of most medical professionals from their expose's. But of course, one should always consider alterior motives.


                • #98
                  New as of 5 May. Peter Duesberg on "Chromosomal Chaos and Cancer" in Scientific American.

                  The above article appears on your barnsworld blog and is complete rubbish. It has nothing to do with Scientific American but links to some loony site called Science Gaurdian who rant on about Bernie Madoff and the Jewish conspiricy... ha ha

                  What a load of bollox. I would quit while you can dear fellow

                  You have been caught out


                  • #99
                    (Stewart @ Aug. 20 2009,18:27) I think I will stick with the inherent rigour of the scientific process
                    Just to show that the so called scientific rigour of modern medicine is largely a hoax, consider that medical intervention is now BY FAR, the biggest cause of death in the USA.

                    Over 750,000 deaths are REPORTED annually as a result of medical error. It is likely that less that 20% of these iatrogenic caused deaths are even reported, so the number of deaths caused by medical intervention is far greater than for Heart Disease 700,000 or Cancer 550,000.


                    Sounds more like rigor mortis than rigour to me!


                    • (Tomcat @ Aug. 20 2009,19:52) New as of 5 May. Peter Duesberg on "Chromosomal Chaos and Cancer" in Scientific American.

                      The above article appears on your barnsworld blog and is complete rubbish. It has nothing to do with Scientific American but links to some loony site called Science Gaurdian who rant on about Bernie Madoff and the Jewish conspiricy... ha ha

                      What a load of bollox. I would quit while you can dear fellow

                      You have been caught out
                      You are refering to this article in the Scientific American:

                      Perhaps the one thing that assures me most, that I'm on the right track, are the vacuous arguments of those who argue against me.

                      Though it's not really argument. It's more ad hominem attacks, fallacious conclusions and misunderstandings.


                      • ladyboyluva:

                        please answer the following questions:

                        - acknowledge yes or no that there is a virus called HIV

                        - tell me if the people who showed symptoms of AIDS (I'm not talking about a reality here, I am talking about symptoms) were not all infected by HIV

                        - tell me if people showing symptoms of AIDS tend to die or not

                        - and finally, tell me how likely people infected by HIV are to develop symptoms sooner or later if not treated?

                        Well, the quality of my antagonists, who rely on ad-hominem attacks, and at best a reference to wikipedia, assures me that stupidity is alive and well and most deserve what they get, and I'll presume they'll get it good and hard.

                        Not all cocksuckers here, are so in the metaphorical sense, but quite a few obviously are!
                        Well, I can't help it, but to call you a wanker.

                        The discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS awarded Prof. Luc Montagnier the Nobel Prize.

                        If you are really interested in learning something instead of listening to opinions of translators based in Buenos Aires or freelance entertainers form Mexico city, I suppose you could begin with reading this very accessible article, published by the very serious and academic New England Journal of Medicine:

                        here are some other articles you might want to check, if you can understand them:
                        # Brule F, Khatissian E, Benani A, Bodeux A, Montagnier L, Piette J, Lauret E, Ravet E., « Inhibition of HIV replication: a powerful antiviral strategy by IFN-beta gene delivery in CD4+ cells. », dans Biochem Pharmacol, no 74, 15 Sep 2007, p. 898-910
                        # Ahuja SK, Aiuti F, Berkhout B, Biberfeld P, Burton DR, Colizzi V, Deeks SG, Desrosiers RC, Dierich MP, Doms RW, Emerman M, Gallo RC, Girard M, Greene WC, Hoxie JA, Hunter E, Klein G, Korber B, Kuritzkes DR, Lederman MM, Malim MH, Marx PA, McCune JM, McMichael A, Miller C, Miller V, Montagnier L, Montefiori DC, Moore JP, Nixon DF, Overbaugh J, Pauza CD, Richman DD, Saag MS, Sattentau Q, Schooley RT, Shattock R, Shaw GM, Stevenson M, Trkola A, Wainberg MA, Weiss RA, Wolinsky S, Zack JA., « A plea for justice for jailed medical workers », dans Science, vol. 5801, no 314, 10 Novembre 2006, p. 924-5
                        # Gallo RC, Montagnier L., « The discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS », dans N Engl J Med, vol. 24, no 349, 11 Déc 2003, p. 2283-5
                        # Montagnier L., « Historical accuracy of HIV isolation », dans Nat Med., vol. 10, no 9, Oct 2003, p. 1235
                        # Gallo RC, Montagnier L., « Historical essay. Prospects for the future », dans Science, vol. 5599, no 298, 29 nov 2002, p. 1730-1
                        # Montagnier L., « Historical essay. A history of HIV discovery », dans Science, vol. 5599, no 298, 29 Nov 2002, p. 1727-8
                        # Salamon R, Marimoutou C, Ekra D, Minga A, Nerrienet E, Huët C, Gourvellec G, Bonard D, Coulibaly I, Combe P, Dabis F, Bondurand A, Montagnier L., « Clinical and biological evolution of HIV-1 seroconverters in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 1997-2000. », dans J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr., vol. 2, no 29, 1er février 2002, p. 149-57
                        # « Characterization of humoral and cellular immune responses in mice induced by immunization with HIV-1 Nef regulatory protein encapsulated in poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles. », dans Mol Immunol., vol. 8, no 38, Jan 2002, p. 607-1


                        • (ladyboyluva @ Aug. 20 2009,21:11)
                          (Stewart @ Aug. 20 2009,18:27) I think I will stick with the inherent rigour of the scientific process
                          Just to show that the so called scientific rigour of modern medicine is largely a hoax, consider that medical intervention is now BY FAR, the biggest cause of death in the USA.

                          Over 750,000 deaths are REPORTED annually as a result of medical error. It is likely that less that 20% of these iatrogenic caused deaths are even reported, so the number of deaths caused by medical intervention is far greater than for Heart Disease 700,000 or Cancer 550,000.


                          Sounds more like rigor mortis than rigour to me!
                          I didn't say the process of practicing medicine - I said the scientific process ie theorise, test, produce evidence, peer review, etc

                          Filling in a questionnaire to say that you are not convinced about the link between HIV and AIDS, which is probably what many people on that list did, is absolutely NOT a scientific process
                          Mister Arse


                          • and for the wankers here:

                            Urgent Aids warning

                            BANGKOK: -- There will be up to 80,000 people dying of Aids and 50,000 others getting infected with the HIV virus by 2011 if the currently high morbidity rate continues, the Depart-ment of Labour Protection and Welfare warned Thursday in an Aids-related seminar.

                            Director-general Amphorn Nitisiri said there were 70 people with HIV/Aids dying on a daily basis, while 35 others were contracting the viral disease each day. There were 12,787 new Aids patients last year alone.

                            She said 85 per cent of Aids patients of around 500,000 were in the working age of 15-45 years. Of the total, 46,776 are beneficiaries of a state welfare scheme that provides anti-Aids medication.

                            -- The Nation 2009-08-20


                            • (ladyboyluva @ Aug. 20 2009,21:11) Over 750,000 deaths are REPORTED annually as a result of medical error.
                              The shame of it is, you weren't one of them...
                              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                              • Ladyboyluva - I see you posted in other threads.
                                Answer the questions please

                                please answer the following questions:

                                - acknowledge yes or no that there is a virus called HIV

                                - tell me if the people who showed symptoms of AIDS (I'm not talking about a reality here, I am talking about symptoms) were not all infected by HIV

                                - tell me if people showing symptoms of AIDS tend to die or not

                                - and finally, tell me how likely people infected by HIV are to develop symptoms sooner or later if not treated?

