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She's HIV+ ~ Do you spread the word?

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  • Manarak,

    I appreciate your effort in providing thought out questions and evidence to counter opinions and information I have provided here.

    In addressing your 4 questions, I think the best way is to state the 3 positions of AIDS dissidents as posed by Jad Adams here:

    "There are three fundamental arguments which characterise AIDS dissidents, though not all of them have necessarily been held by those who called themselves dissident.

    One is that the predicted spread of the AIDS epidemic has been vastly exaggerated;

    secondly that the drug AZT at best brings no benefit and at worst poisons those who take it; and

    thirdly, that the cause of AIDS has been misidentified as a virus now known as HIV, and that we should be looking elsewhere for the cause."

    As to which camp of dissidents I belong, I'm unsure, but I think all avenues ought to be investigated.

    In regard to the studies you provided, while I looked into several of them, I would be arrogant in the extreme to pretend to have the adequate knowledge to investigate them all.

    When making such opinions we usually have to rely on prefering the opinions of one expert over another, and so my opinions tend to be formed by arguments presented by those who do have the skills to interpret the relevance of those studies.

    Interestingly however, the Nobel Prizewinner, as purported discoverer of the HIV virus, Luc Montagnier, is one person who has provided opinions that give support to an earlier dissident position, in that HIV is not the sole cause of AIDS and he has done research on finding causal co-factors.

    So, with this backgroud in mind, I'll answer your questions directly -

    Q1. acknowledge yes or no that there is a virus called HIV
    A. I'm not sure, but I suspect that any particle that has been discovered as such, is not the active virus that is said to cause AIDS, but possibly a sypmton of AIDS like conditions. As stated above, different dissidents have different opinions on this.

    Q2. tell me if the people who showed symptoms of AIDS (I'm not talking about a reality here, I am talking about symptoms) were not all infected by HIV

    A. Definitely not. Many AIDS symptoms are typical of other diseases. In fact, the contraindications of AZT reads like a list of AIDS symptoms.

    Q3. tell me if people showing symptoms of AIDS tend to die or not
    A. Definitely. The question is, how many died as a result of the medications they were given.

    Q4. and finally, tell me how likely people infected by HIV are to develop symptoms sooner or later if not treated?
    A. I didn't have time to find reliable studies on this, but it is often believed that the presence of HIV is an indication of poor health, and poor health often degenerates, leading to symptoms that also fit within the spectrum of AIDS symptoms. It's similar to seeing a person who's face is jaundiced and skin blotchy and then tracking their health in coming years. Stats would show a degeneration greater than that of average people.


    • Virologists see the HIV virus every day under there microscopes .
      It is highly probable that is causes AIDS. Practically all of the reliable evidence leads to this

      Drugs do have side effects, even Paracetemol can bugger your liver up. Just read the next prescription you buy ... the list of side effects even on a mild blood pressure tablet reads like a death sentence


      • "There are three fundamental arguments which characterise AIDS dissidents, though not all of them have necessarily been held by those who called themselves dissident.

        One is that the predicted spread of the AIDS epidemic has been vastly exaggerated;

        secondly that the drug AZT at best brings no benefit and at worst poisons those who take it; and

        thirdly, that the cause of AIDS has been misidentified as a virus now known as HIV, and that we should be looking elsewhere for the cause."

        As to which camp of dissidents I belong, I'm unsure, but I think all avenues ought to be investigated.
        You hardly make a point - these.. err... "arguments" aren't even relevant save for the last one, which is plain lunatic.


        "AIDS epidemic exagerated" - well, people are dying by the millions in Africa, with countries having as much as 25% of infected people.

        There is clearly a tendency of educated vs. uneducated to be seen, where the countries with uneducated populations tend to be infected more than countries with educated populations.
        (maybe the risks have been exagerated at the top level to ensure preventive measures would be a top priority? now is that bad?).

        Then, in the mortality rate, there is clearly a treated vs. untreated difference in life expectancy.
        In Europe, few of the people detected with AIDS infection die nowadays, because of the better medication.

        AZT is an old drug and was the first attempt, promising at its beginnings, to help AIDS patients.

        I don't see how a failed first attempt of a therapy against AIDS supports your case that we shouldn't wear condoms, or not take other medication when infected.

        "the cause of AIDS has been misidentified"

        The article you mention is from 1996, and inside the article no scientific work more recent than 1986 was cited.
        I too can find articles by respected scientists of their time that Earth is flat. That was before Galileo Galilei.

        Your article is outdated.

        Luc Montagnier got the Nobel Prize of Medicine exactly for that, "Identifying HIV as the cause of AIDS".
        And that was in 2008, 22 years later.

        Your article also seems to ridicule scientists believing viruses can be the cause for cancer.
        Well, several have been identified by now, one of them being the HPV.

        Please explain 2 things:

        - If the risks are greatly exagerated, why do some countries have very high rates of infection with millions of corpses, while educated populations who use protective measures (i.e. condoms) are not affected so much?

        - If HIV is not the cause of AIDS, why does the treatment against HIV extend the infected's lifespan, and people do not die anymore so quickly?

        Citing 22 year old articles on subjects where the main discoveries have been made in the last 15 years is at best inept.

        You are and remain a


        • save my cock, whos the herse that this cock of mine shouldnt take a ride in, herse as in a mussy who takes your hum yai on a death drive to fuckville no pun intented-
          hilbie paratodos


          • (manarak @ Aug. 23 2009,10:19)
            Lets hope he is a Wanker , Manark, less chance of him spreading Aids or the HIV virus, as & when he catches it
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • (Hilbie Paratodos @ Aug. 25 2009,08:12) save my cock, whos the herse that this cock of mine shouldnt take a ride in, herse as in a mussy who takes your hum yai on a death drive to fuckville no pun intented-
              what language is this guy using?


              • (Bicycle Pump! @ Aug. 21 2009,07:37)
                (D33 @ Aug. 15 2009,06:48) I would not wish AIDS upon my worst enemy...
                Oh, I think I would.
                hahaha me too...

                especially if the damn bastard won't stop spreading all these false shit about them girls too...
                My Facebook
                PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                • New nick again Tommy?
                  Loved your lingerie photos btw
                  "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                  Jaidee 2009

                  The other white meat


                  • Spur of the moment thing after reading that post. Do you like it ?
                    I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                    I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                    • Seeing as you liked my lingerie shots Sev7en here is a couple more
                      Attached Files
                      I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                      I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                      • I can smell another ban coming on FFS

                        Joy looks as lovely as ever by the way, great set of fun bags the girl has
                        Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                        • (whore @ Aug. 25 2009,20:04) And please tell me, I have asked you so many times, how much did that guy pay you for "scat play"?
                          Let me get this straight , some guy paid her to listen to jazz music

                          The things these girls have to do
                          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                          • Am not very up to date with all these sexual terms myself Jim.

                            But I do believe, when some girl rubs her own shit on her body for a guys sexual pleasure, its called scat play
                            I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                            I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                            • Didnt Bobby Sands do something like that in the "H" blocks
                              Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                              • A bit too personal and probably for the wrong reasons............what a girl does to earn a crust is up to her............

                                To bring up this on the forum is ,at the end of the day, not of our concern and completely nothing to do with the theme of this thread.............

                                Good luck..........
                                My idea of foreplay is getting my wallet out......

