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Rise of the Hero

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  • #31
    I always ask before I take pictures: and get agreement if I plan to post them.

    But I now have a more subtle concern: if the girls are reading the TRs or being told about them, is it appropriate to go into intimate details of their performance.

    I'm not worried for their sake, but if I turn up at the bar a week later am I going to be confronted by a screaming dervish for suggesting her bottom was as big as the Goodyear blimp?


    • #32
      (Squid55 @ Jan. 01 2011,10:52) I always ask before I take pictures: and get agreement if I plan to post them.

      But I now have a more subtle concern: if the girls are reading the TRs or being told about them, is it appropriate to go into intimate details of their performance.

      I'm not worried for their sake, but if I turn up at the bar a week later am I going to be confronted by a screaming dervish for suggesting her bottom was as big as the Goodyear blimp?
      exactly, it is not only about the pictures


      • #33
        (Stewart @ Jan. 01 2011,10:08)
        I love the Forum and the Staff and all the years of banter, bickering and bullshit  

        Maybe Bumpa will sell and then Stogie can set up a new Forum and we can all take the gloves off again and have fun  
        Yes, I miss Ozzie too  
        Not me... and as from today - not you either!
        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


        • #34
          I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


          • #35
            Interesting comments.
            I've just had a rant on another forum about the lack of interesting new threads, particularly the VIP members, who prefer to stay in their secret enclave. What happened? A flurry of coments...and then? Silence!

            I do at least see a daily input into this forum, which is making it feel worthwhile to continue posting. However, we DO need new blood. I have a few worries about the capability of this forum to actually attract new members.

            Interestingly, i have not found a single one of my girls who knows anything about this forum, so i reckon this is now just about the safest place you can post your 'loom' shots....IF YOU CHOOSE.

            I think the 'hero' thing is being a bit overstated. We know all LBs love to make a bit of drama, and, as with ezflips story about the call from Cindy, they're often just probing to find out what has been said or shown.
            Any excuse to have a bit of a drama.

            Please, please continue to give us TRs....with or without the porn shots. Whilst some TRs in the past have indeed been crap, it makes the good ones seem even better. And many guys have a great way with words often producing memorable lines, and images. Keep it coming. Keep the forums alive!


            • #36
              (Squid55 @ Jan. 01 2011,10:52) I always ask before I take pictures: and get agreement if I plan to post them.

              But I now have a more subtle concern: if the girls are reading the TRs or being told about them, is it appropriate to go into intimate details of their performance.

              I'm not worried for their sake, but if I turn up at the bar a week later am I going to be confronted by a screaming dervish for suggesting her bottom was as big as the Goodyear blimp?
              While the photos continue to prove to be an excuse for extortions from the girls, I cannot see the actual text being a problem... how many of them will bother to have it read to them or translated?
              Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


              • #37
                (jimbo34 @ Jan. 01 2011,21:34) Interestingly, i have not found a single one of my girls who knows anything about this forum, so i reckon this is now just about the safest place you can post your 'loom' shots....IF YOU CHOOSE.
                Now that TLF is hidden behind a pay wall that does nor surprise me even a little bit Jimbo.

                It's perhaps safe to assume that the only time a Thai lady boy sex worker views these pages is when a paid up member shows her.


                • #38
                  I guess there are several sponsors amongst our VIP subscribers.  If I was sending money from abroad to a Thai LB, I would certainly buy a sub.  To keep an eye open for any ... errr ... 'sparetime activity reports'.   Maybe that's why some BMs dont post much.

                  One LB told me that her sponsor reads all the forums .... 'I tell him I not work, so he want to check'  


                  • #39
                    (TTChang @ Jan. 02 2011,09:28) If I was sending money from abroad to a Thai LB, I would certainly buy a sub.  To keep an eye open for any ... errr ... 'sparetime activity reports'.
                    That's an interesting point and one I've overlooked as a selling tool!

                    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                    • #40

                      Capitalist swine


                      A worthy trip report


                      • #41
                        (Bumpa STIKKA @ Dec. 31 2010,10:54) One final point is that TR writers need encouragement.

                        If you see a new trip report or picture post thread then comment on it.

                        Also, if you see information about ladyboys, hotels, etc, being updated then why not add your appreciation to the thread?

                        The community thrives by people communing!

                        I agree Bumpa! All boardmembers should comment on new trip reports especially by first timers who may not be sure if the report will be well received! I thank all of the brethern that encouraged me to continue to write!
                        Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                        • #42
                          (jimbo34 @ Jan. 02 2011,03:34) Interesting comments.
                          I've just had a rant on another forum about the lack of interesting new threads, particularly the VIP members, who prefer to stay in their secret enclave. What happened? A flurry of coments...and then? Silence!

                          I do at least see a daily input into this forum, which is making it feel worthwhile to continue posting. However, we DO need new blood. I have a few worries about the capability of this forum to actually attract new members.

                          Interestingly, i have not found a single one of my girls who knows anything about this forum, so i reckon this is now just about the safest place you can post your 'loom' shots....IF YOU CHOOSE.

                          I think the 'hero' thing is being a bit overstated. We know all LBs love to make a bit of drama, and, as with ezflips story about the call from Cindy, they're often just probing to find out what has been said or shown.
                          Any excuse to have a bit of a drama.

                          Please, please continue to give us TRs....with or without the porn shots. Whilst some TRs in the past have indeed been crap, it makes the good ones seem even better. And many guys have a great way with words often producing memorable lines, and images. Keep it coming. Keep the forums alive!
                          I agree Jimbo! We need the new blood to keep the board alive!
                          Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                          • #43
                            I just had a read through this thread, as the rise of the "hero" has been in TLBF headlines of late.

                            A few things; many good points have been brought up. Such as sponsors subscribing to this site in order to monitor girls as well as the fact that the "hero" phenomenon has been going on since the earliest days of the forum and will probably never be fully eradicated.

                            The pro's for having a paid subscription to this forum is that it does make it more secure in that your posts aren't exposed to the full viewing public, but it is definitely not failsafe. The con's are that by making one pay to view that new guys on the scene may hesitate in joining the forum and thus never become part of the community.

                            Many things to consider yes, but things have gone this way and all people reading this forum must be happy enough or they wouldn't be here.

                            I am concerned about one thing that has failed to get any attention yet has been the major occurrence that has disturbed me most. I am not one for singling out other BM's for attention, particularly any negative attention but in this case my conscience has stepped in and I am compelled to mention the particular BM and the event that occurred:

                            Not long ago, a very well liked and humorous BM, Friedfunk, got exposed on our forum and requested that his thread be removed. I liked FF. Very much so in fact. Whilst I have never met the guy, his thread was one of much enjoyment to me and I looked forward to reading his adventures on a daily basis. But then some dickheads went and exposed his adventures to some ladyboys mentioned within his thread. There were two BM's who communicated with LB's in Chiang Mai that exposed FF. Remember, not one, but two. Alaskan Bear was mentioned by FF as one of these BM's. There was a thread created thereafter which mentioned AB as the culprit yet at AB's request this thread was then removed. The only BM who mentioned this occurrence was Manarak.

                            My question is:
                            Why was the thread which exposed AB as one of the "heros" removed and how is it that AB is still a member of this forum?

                            PS I have no grudge or relationship with AB at all. I have never met the guy. But he was exposed as a "hero".

                            How can anyone have any faith in the "system" that is this forum when this is allowed?

                            My 2 cents....
                            dreaming about LOS again


                            • #44

                              with that post you just made sure your rating here will stay below 3 forever!
                              apparently too much people have embraced the mai pen rai mentality

                              I feel the consensus about AB was that he did a "newbie mistake" and was pardoned. His tongue or mind slipped for a moment.
                              I don't think he qualifies as a "hero".
                              Also, the LB he leaked information to was cool with having her pix on the net, so no negative consequences... luckily.

                              No information about the other leak was uncovered inspite of very bold announcements by board management.

                              I helped you to get over 3


                              • #45
                                Tomscan, I think Manarak said one thing that was correct in his response above - I recall AB threw himself upon the mercy of the court, apologizing and admitting he did a stupid thing in the heat of the moment, and it was clear that he meant no ill and it was just him being stupid. It was very much in character for AB (acting with his dick while brain not engaged) that I know I certainly felt like he'd made an honest mistake and hopefully learned a lesson from it. I could be wrong about this part, but I believe even FF agreed to let bygones be bygones.

                                I don't think anyone will begrudge you positive ratings points for asking questions and looking for responsibility. Sometimes it's not what you say, it's how you say it. I gave you + points as well.
                                Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to

