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Rise of the Hero

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  • #61
    Steff, it's sometimes hard work being a monger. But me likey Siem Reap so far. US$5 - $10 a pop. With cute and petite ladyboys majorly desperate for attention. No complaints here.


    • #62
      (friedfrunk @ Jan. 09 2011,20:21) Confucius say naked man who walk to wall will Bangkok. After leaving Pattaya, my short layover in Bangkok was interesting(ish). For instance, I found a crisscross of streets with freelancing ladyboys. Nobody knows about this because these gems cater to locals. Hey, Thais are also into ladyboys. And they're not going to tourist traps like Nana Plaza. 300 baht for make sexy time. Howzat for bargain bangin in Bangers? Woot.
      Is this the place about 7 mins walk from Khao San rd, and not too far from Democracy Monument? That's another good spot myself and Eyemahk checked out one fun night.
      I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


      • #63
        Bingo my wise monger. You got it.


        • #64
          Some nice quality working there and farang friendly in general, we just don't go there.  I got talking to one one evening and surprisingly she told me she works in a bar in Nana, which one I can't remember, but she was up there working on her night off.  TIT.  

          I guess discovering these new LB hunting grounds makes us heroes of a different kind.
          I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


          • #65
            (Steff @ Jan. 09 2011,22:16) Wow. You are closing in on Juri status!  
            Let's not get carried away there Steff.... that's like comparing a 2500 watt metal halide lamp to the brightness of the sun.

            No disrespect intended FF - just a dose of reality.
            Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


            • #66
              None taken. You should actually apologize to Juri for calling him a metal halide lamp.


              • #67
                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • #68
                  Well... when I post pictures of a stunning newcomer that no one else has ever seen, and FF replies to my post with pictures of her 2 years ago in his suite with her anatomy displayed for all the world to see (and then follows up with a picture of her from her High School Yearbook) - THAT's when I'll agree he's the equal of the legend that is Juri.

                  Until then, he's just an extremely accomplished amateur.
                  Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                  • #69
                    (deepthroat @ Jan. 10 2011,09:05) Well... when I post pictures of a stunning newcomer that no one else has ever seen.............
                    In Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok or Chiang Mai it's huge odds about that statement being valid for a few hours longer than the moment she arrived

                    And previously......most of the boys back home in the village have already done the deed without protection.

                    Niki once told me that when she first arrived in Pattaya with her Thai boyfriend to work on a Jomtien building site......she was gang raped on her first, second and third nights before running away to the sanctuary of a beer bar.


                    • #70
                      (pentire @ Jan. 10 2011,00:54) Niki once told me that when she first arrived in Pattaya with her Thai boyfriend to work on a Jomtien building site......she was gang raped on her first, second and third nights before running away to the sanctuary of a beer bar.

                      And i thought I had heard everything!


                      • #71
                        an extremely accomplished amateur
                        ...add to that a quirky sense of humour and a certain way with words. Pretty finely tuned radar as well.

                        Suits me sir  
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #72
                          (deepthroat @ Jan. 10 2011,15:05) Until then, he's just an extremely accomplished amateur.
                          I suppose you meant that as a compliment, albeit a back-handed one.

                          Amateur? That's a loaded word, and very improperly used here. And you're in no league to pass judgment as yet, grasshopper . . .


                          • #73
                            Friedfrunk is no amateur. This I can be certain of. The escapades he has gotten himself into are far from amateurish, in fact the polar opposite.

                            My rant about the "hero" phenomenon essentially resulted from the way FF was treated and how a couple of fucksticks ruined his time in Chiang Mai and consequently got one of the best Trip Reports I've ever read withdrawn from this forum. That is a loss for us all.

                            I personally don't give a toss if AB doesn't like seeing his name vilified in this thread because for me, he got away with his actions far too easily. He's not that new to the forum and he should have known better. In my eyes he's simply another sad bastard who's looking for attention from some LB whom he has never met and uses info he finds on this forum to make a connection. If any of you guys believe this "I was just trying to play cupid" crap, you need your head examined.

                            AB, as far as your threat that I might "get a bit", your too dumb to ever be successful mate.
                            dreaming about LOS again


                            • #74
                              (deepthroat @ Jan. 10 2011,15:05) Until then, he's just an extremely accomplished amateur.
                              Friedfrunk is considerably more than an "extremely accomplished amateur."

                              He is a true professional of the first order...And a very funny and fun guy to hang out with...

                              I for one am very glad that I met FF and had an opportunity to spend a little time with him...

                              Poor choice of words DT...
                              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                              • #75
                                (PigDogg @ Jan. 10 2011,16:12)
                                (pentire @ Jan. 10 2011,00:54) Niki once told me that when she first arrived in Pattaya with her Thai boyfriend to work on a Jomtien building site......she was gang raped on her first, second and third nights before running away to the sanctuary of a beer bar.
                                And i thought I had heard everything!
                                I have spent a lot of time with Nikki... she's stayed with me in Bangkok on a few occasions and we've been on holiday together also.

                                I've heard her talk about her times on the building site also although a very slightly different and more detailed version.

                                Of course it may be hogwash but I don't think it is. She had no reason to make stuff up when she was with me and I don't think she did.

                                Certainly hers is one of the most compelling stories of an enigmatic ladyboy second probably to Boy/Emma...

                                She's totally fucked up and un-salvageable of course but there's still something of a doll inside there.
                                World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.

