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Rise of the Hero

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  • #46
    Thanks Manarak and Deepthroat for your responses.

    As far as member ratings go, I couldn't give a toss because I think this ratings system is a joke anyway. Sorry to whoever thought of it but come on, do any of us really need some approval rating in which to justify our membership here. But that is another matter.

    In regards to AB being mentioned as a hero....

    The facts as I understand them are:
    He communicated the details of a thread to a LB in Chiang Mai whom he has never met in person. His excuse was that he was trying to play "cupid" for FF and set him up. He then stated that this was ill-advised on his part and he made a mistake.

    Q: How can someone who has never met the LB in question play cupid for another BM who has been out with this LB and knows her on a personal basis? This does not make sense.

    Q: Why was no statement made on behalf of the Administrators to clear up this occurrence and set the record straight?

    Q: Does this mean that if you've got a high approval rating by other members that you can get away with such errors of judgement?

    I await your responses....
    dreaming about LOS again


    • #47
      I can't speak for the administration, I'm sure he/they will weigh in at some point, but my memory (which could be faulty - I'm turning over another decade in a couple of weeks) was that AB made his mea culpa in the thread. I thought FF made a comment and "signed off" on the apology as it were. I also thought I remembered seeing a comment from the Admin that matter seemed to be put to right and was being closed by agreement of FF, not by request of AB.

      I could be all wet about that, but that's what I remember.

      My personal feeling was that regardless of whether it were AB, or someone like Steff, Pacman, Snick, Kahuna, Burenboy, DaveDuke, RxPharm, GuyDeSavoy... all beloved/respected members - regardless of WHOM was the culprit, if it was an intentional breach of our rules, they would be summarily escorted out of the building and their keys to front door confiscated. But in this case it seemed so clearly a case of sheer stupidity - without any malice or ill intent - that the only reasonable reaction was to scold the Bear and make sure he understood how stupid and damaging his thoughtless action was, then tell him to never do it again and get back to work.

      I don't believe the popularity or lack-thereof of AB had anything to do with his "punishment", but I guess I could be misreading this.

      That's my 2 cents.
      Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


      • #48

        Ok myself and FF had are talk it was my mistake and i got my talking to . and all this hero shit keeps going and going now i do not loose my temper that often and i have not followed this thread but just looked at it and saw my name down in the dirt now i do not know you tomscam but back the fuck off me . you are so busy shitting on me are you the TRUE HERO THAT IS FUCKING EVERY ONE OVER.
        BS i am sorry i lost my temper but if this fuck nut wants to talk about the bear he will get bit . my two cents worth. fuck off tomscam .

        "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
        He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
        General George Patton Jr


        • #49
          (ALASKAN BEAR @ Jan. 08 2011,16:20)
          Ok myself and FF had are talk it was my mistake and i got my talking to . and all this hero shit keeps going and going now i do not loose my temper that often and i have not followed this thread but just looked at it and saw my name down in the dirt now  i do not know you tomscam but back the fuck off me       . you are so busy shitting on me are you the TRUE HERO THAT IS FUCKING EVERY ONE OVER.
          BS i am sorry i lost my temper but if this fuck nut wants to talk about the bear he will get bit . my two cents worth. fuck off tomscam     .
          Interesting response.

          Deepthroat, you have raised some very good points, however the thread has been removed and now we have no way to identify who said what.

          From memory, I thought it was AB that requested that the thread about the hero be removed. Possibly done so because it made him look bad?

          But now, from the quote above we have AB accusing me of being the hero. Well, for your information I'm not.

          You are a hero AB. Whether you like it or not. Whether it was intentional or not. You fucked up mate, and placed the life of a fellow BM in danger.

          AB got off pretty lightly I reckon and the issue was not addressed by the Admin. If it was addressed please show me where?

          I'm revisiting this issue because this affects us all. It also affects the credibility of this forum if it is not address. Maybe the rules of the forum need to be redefined?

          I have no grudge against AB or anyone else for that matter. AB, if you don't like having the finger pointed at you, why don't you fully address this issue yourself, instead of getting emotional, and clear the air. I read the posts you made in the deleted thread and you simply gave some crap about being a cupid. Surely you're not that stupid, so come one big guy, what's the story behind your reckless actions?
          dreaming about LOS again


          • #50

            i did not know that you ran this forum and had to be made aware of every message made by every member. as for what transpired between my self FF and the man that owns this forum witch is not you. BS / FF / and myself took care of this. if you want to pm BS and ask him to inform you on every thing he dose and how he runs this forum i am sure he will tell you something..

            "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
            He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
            General George Patton Jr


            • #51
              My recollection (and it may be as shaky as DT's ) is that AB's indiscretion was not related to the CM affair.
              The CM leaker is still on the loose. The resolution or otherwise of that particular matter may indeed be the subject of legitimate debate insofar as it may affect the Forum...

              As for FF and AB, what is wrong with fellow BMs sorting things out amongst themselves Surely as the interested parties, it is their right to handle matters as they see fit

              As principle, that should stand whatever the gravity of the offence.

              On the subject of 'punishment'. As has been pointed out, AB's actions were more of a reckless even negligent nature rather than malicious or deliberate. IMO the background and nature of any 'offence' are to be taken into account when considering what action should be taken against that Member.
              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


              • #52
                (guydesavoy @ Jan. 08 2011,14:44) actions were more of a reckless even negligent nature rather than malicious or deliberate. IMO the background and nature of any 'offence' are to be taken into account when considering what action should be taken against...
                You on the AFL tribunal by any chance?


                A worthy trip report


                • #53
                  (guydesavoy @ Jan. 08 2011,14:44) My recollection (and it may be as shaky as DT's   ) is that AB's indiscretion was not related to the CM affair.
                  The CM leaker is still on the loose. The resolution or otherwise of that particular matter may indeed be the subject of legitimate debate insofar as it may affect the Forum...

                  As for FF and AB, what is wrong with fellow BMs sorting things out amongst themselves Surely as the interested parties, it is their right to handle matters as they see fit  

                  As principle, that should stand whatever the gravity of the offence.

                  On the subject of 'punishment'. As has been pointed out, AB's actions were more of a reckless even negligent nature rather than malicious or deliberate. IMO the background and nature of any 'offence' are to be taken into account when considering what action should be taken against that Member.
                  Now you have put it the best way possible thank you

                  you almost sound like a lawyer or a judge . .

                  very good in sight .


                  "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
                  He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
                  General George Patton Jr


                  • #54
                    (guydesavoy @ Jan. 08 2011,17:44) As for FF and AB, what is wrong with fellow BMs sorting things out amongst themselves Surely as the interested parties, it is their right to handle matters as they see fit  
                    This is true, and has been pointed out before. They should be allowed to sort out what happened between themselves.

                    However, since this scenario occurred due to information from TLBF being relayed to a LB by AB, I believe that we should all be privy to the event as well. The reason: for those of us who post trip reports, particularly with pictures, should be able to do so in the knowledge that the information which we shared will only be in the hands of those who will not distribute it. If a BM has decided to distribute this information, it should be public knowledge as to why he has done so and what was done about it.

                    This will serve as a warning to others as well as provide knowledge about and therefore forewarning about any BM's who display reckless behaviour.

                    I can see that Alaskan Bear is not happy by seeing his name being brought up here but that is only because he is guilty of being reckless. A public statement of how he fucked up will serve as a warning for not what to do.

                    Now, something from the admin about this....
                    dreaming about LOS again


                    • #55
                      Moving right along...... you suppose the other thread might have been deleted for a REASON??

                      Kicking over old coals is POINTLESS and unproductive!

                      By now every member of this forum has got the message LOUD & CLEAR...... don't be a hero.

                      That's where it should start and stop!!


                      • #56
                        (azza33 @ Jan. 08 2011,14:49) You on the AFL tribunal by any chance?  
                        My little mate tells me the 'pay' is not worth the grief  

                        Besides, I have a full plate here at the ILBC  
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #57
                          (guydesavoy @ Jan. 08 2011,14:44) My recollection (and it may be as shaky as DT's   ) is that AB's indiscretion was not related to the CM affair.
                          The CM leaker is still on the loose. The resolution or otherwise of that particular matter may indeed be the subject of legitimate debate insofar as it may affect the Forum...

                          As for FF and AB, what is wrong with fellow BMs sorting things out amongst themselves Surely as the interested parties, it is their right to handle matters as they see fit  

                          As principle, that should stand whatever the gravity of the offence.

                          On the subject of 'punishment'. As has been pointed out, AB's actions were more of a reckless even negligent nature rather than malicious or deliberate. IMO the background and nature of any 'offence' are to be taken into account when considering what action should be taken against that Member.
                          I agree with AB and Guy.

                          I feel the AB "case" has been sorted, and it needn't be discussed anymore, other than to say as a general rule "under no circumstances disclose materials or info from the forum to LBs or other unauthorized people".

                          Maybe a short notice by admin somewhere giving a short summary and stating that the case is closed and settled, and that further comments will be deleted could be useful.
                          I think the lack of information is what causes this to pop up again and again.

                          But the unidentified CM hero as well as Juri's Philippine webcam hero (the latter having been identified 100%) are more serious issues, especially the one that has been identified, and about which no news whatsoever were posted, after again very bold announcements were made by forum management.

                          This is what disturbs me a lot.
                          I fail to see why publishing a username and banning that user is so difficult.
                          Unless... well...
                          The hero could be an "important" or well known user or...
                          the guy possibly threatened to expose the forum owner to Thai authorities, which would be a good reason for the latter to cower in fear, and also a good reason why we should not expect any kind of enforcement of the rules in future...

                          Either way, the forum is not in a position of strength.


                          • #58
                            I'm on my hols but will try to clear this up when I get home.
                            World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                            • #59
                              What the others have said is true, I'm cool with AB now. But this doesn't mean that everybody else is cool with AB too. So anyone can revive the issue if he's bothered by it. Just like what you did. Perfectly fine mate. You recently wrote an awesome and dirty TR with even awesomer and dirtier pix, so you're 1000% justified in worrying about heros.

                              I had tales to tell from left field towns like Chiang Mai and Vientiane. So you can be pretty sure that I've got major storiez from sleazehole Pattaya. I think you would have enjoyed reading them. It's a shame that I had to kill my TR because of this hero business. Anyway here's a mini "TR" update just for you, tomscam.

                              Confucius say naked man who walk to wall will Bangkok. After leaving Pattaya, my short layover in Bangkok was interesting(ish). For instance, I found a crisscross of streets with freelancing ladyboys. Nobody knows about this because these gems cater to locals. Hey, Thais are also into ladyboys. And they're not going to tourist traps like Nana Plaza. 300 baht for make sexy time. Howzat for bargain bangin in Bangers? Woot.

                              I also bumped into a cutie with the hugerest ladyboy dick in the known universe. That's right brah. She's NANCY. She needs her name capitalized with size 9 font in deference to her enormonstrosity. Feels great to be me. No PMs please because she wants to remain hidden. Seriously.
                              (Hero Disclaimer: Just because I have a club photo of Nancy doesn't mean anything sexual happened. We could have simply talked about Life, the Universe and Everything. 42 times.)

                              I'm not sure what this post is about anymore. Just want you to know that I'm still up to no good with ladydudes. And that I appreciate your support throughout this hero mess. I was hoping you'd come to Patts from Bangers to get ourselves into ladyboy trouble. Next time then. BTW I'm currently in Siem Reap, spreading my seeds where ladyboys need em. Great to be prowling in unknown lands again.
                              Attached Files


                              • #60

                                FF you are becoming a legend in your own time. Here I was thinking you were exhausted and spent after 3 months of tireless LB mongering throughout South east Asia. BUT on the contrary. You are like the fucking Ever-Ready Bunny that just keeps going and going and going. Wow. You are closing in on Juri status!

