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Premiership predictions 2009/10...

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  • (BlueBallz @ Nov. 08 2009,18:08) That Evans is a dirty bastard!!  Should ahve been sent off for that!!  

    Nah he's a softie... guys footy is soft these days..

    You want hard tough no nonsense defender?

    Try Elizabeth Lambert..">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344">

    Forgot how this forum works  


    • she's exempt from punishment because she's hot
      No honey, no money!!


      • (BlueBallz @ Nov. 08 2009,17:08)  Drogba is a great player and is also a tool
        but a tool is going a bit easy on the the "cheating" fucker
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • Punishment ? that was a blatant dive by the No21 at 39 seconds..
          Forgot how this forum works  


          • poor refereeing.utd a little unlucky,but the game is about scoring goals.
            the "protection" of players is ruining the game,making it especially difficult for defenders.refs should punish shirt pullers + the like + allow for more physicallity in the game.
            what was only seen before in Italy(oscar seeking performances)is now prevalent at all levels world is now a game played predominantly by a bunch of that ok to say on this blog?


            • if the players stopped diving the refs would make less mistakes


              • Would you really like it if the game was perfect ?...

                Imagine goal line cameras,perfect refs, we'd have little
                to chat about..
                It's a beautiful but flawed game,it would be crap it it was perfect.
                Forgot how this forum works  


                • I think Football needs a TV ref like rugby, then you would clean up the game and it would run smoother, rather than like at the moment where mistakes by both refs and players have been costly to teams playing.
                  i love t-girls


                  • Fifa were trialing lines men behind the goal to prevent players diving for penalties. Think it might be in the next world cup. But with regards to TV refs like in rugby, I think that would be a bad idea. Decisions not going your teams way is part and parcel of the beautiful game.
                    I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                    I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                    • the problem with the flawed decisions,is that it CAN cost a club millions if it deprives them of uber status
                      I would like to see more physicality back in the game,with the divers+shirt pullers,whingers etc more harshly+consistently dealt with


                      • (benjy @ Nov. 09 2009,17:27) the problem with the flawed decisions,is that it  CAN cost a club millions if it deprives them of uber status

                        Yes, and add to a clubs coffers and status also..

                        Agree with the needed increase in physicality and

                        I think divers should not be yellow carded but any player
                        in the next challenge on said diver should be immune from
                        discipline.... just for a laugh..
                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • Bring back the back-pass to the goalie!
                          No honey, no money!!


                          • (Naang Faa @ Nov. 09 2009,23:43)
                            (benjy @ Nov. 09 2009,17:27) the problem with the flawed decisions,is that it  CAN cost a club millions if it deprives them of uber status

                            Yes, and add to a clubs coffers and status also..

                            Agree with the needed increase in  physicality and
                            I think divers should not be yellow carded but any player
                            in the next challenge on said diver should be immune from
                            discipline.... just for a laugh..


                            Humm Funny you should mention that NF. I was wishing Carsleywould ahve "done" that cheating bastard Ngog. What a diving twat!!! It was quite the compelling match though. That pen was disgraceful!!!!
                            Be careful out there!


                            • (BlueBallz @ Nov. 09 2009,22:46)
                              (Naang Faa @ Nov. 09 2009,23:43)
                              (benjy @ Nov. 09 2009,17:27) the problem with the flawed decisions,is that it  CAN cost a club millions if it deprives them of uber status

                              Yes, and add to a clubs coffers and status also..

                              Agree with the needed increase in  physicality and
                              I think divers should not be yellow carded
                               So what did you think of Nnog's dive last night, Mark Spitz would have been proud of that  

                              Sorry I'm still "seething" over the Ref giving a foul by Fletcher on Ashley  Cole who went down like his missus   , and from the resulting free kick Didums Drogba "hauled" down our Wes in the area as Terry scored   , how can TWO officicals not see that  

                              12 men

                              C'est la Vie, we should have put the "Rent Boys" out of sight by then

                              Bring back the old days, like Souness, Robbo and Keano etc

                              Bunch of Wussies these days  
                              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                              • everytime man u loose , fergie acts like a school child, you cant blame baby elephant for anythink........................

                                he's great and he's in my fantasy team!!!!!

                                2 PARTYS TO BLAME 4 THIS LATEST NON STOP QUESTIONING???

                                fergie and the whole chelsea team.

