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The music in Guess Bar poll - Please vote!

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  • (Road Runner @ Jul. 14 2008,03:43) If you don't come round for your beating BAM tracks down your address and we send the gang round to throw stones at your windows!      

    well, i have been down a similar road before, and as you can see, i've learned how to adjust.


    • (bkkldby @ Jul. 13 2008,15:37) not a bad little forum...
      I'm speechless!


      •     Don't be, he didn't say it's a good little forum, he just hasn't written us off yet.

        What can we possibly do to make him happy ...
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • bkklby,

          Welcome to the Forum. Have to say love the photo in your Avatar. Is it yours and if so is there a story behine it? Never done a 4some, although had plenty of the 3somes. Always wondered what you'd do with the 4th person?
          Beer Baron


          • I think it was even a 4-some

            see his posts in the 2somes thread
            No honey, no money!!


            • (geezer @ Jul. 14 2008,09:13) bkklby,

              Welcome to the Forum. Have to say love the photo in your Avatar. Is it yours and if so is there a story behine it? Never done a 4some, although had plenty of the 3somes. Always wondered what you'd do with the 4th person?
              yes it is my photo, new year's eve at the davis hotel 2007-08.the girls are all from Cascade, all close friends and we planned it a week in advance.

              the davis is a great place, low-key and no sidewards glances either. i rented a suite decorated in the Sukhothai style, big space with a full kitchen, dinning area, lounge, kick-ass bedroom and a fantastic bathroom as you can see. i stocked the bar and the kitchen myself, bought chocolates and pastries at the Oriental shop and all that kind of marlarkey that girls like.

              what do you do with a foursome? have you ever watched tag team wrestling? do i need to elaborate.  the trick is to only do this with girls who you know. i had already spent a lot of time with them all individually and in pairs. i then sat with them several times, told them what i wanted to do, made sure they all got the picture, and then we set a date.

              actually it was on the 29th of December. i hate new years and all the hype, the girls wanted to be at work for the big stupid ass bar fines that cascade demands on a holiday, and so we were all able to have a good time and be happy.

              they are all very good with their English so when i was explaining my plan to them i made certain that they understood that this was to be a bit of a pay back to me for all the times i had bar fined them and paid them more than the normal rate, bought them dinner and gave them shopping bags full of trendy clothes from the Emporium. (i do not have a hobby, but i do have a vice.) they all understood and complied.

              when the front desk dude brought them all up to the room (they arrived together) he gave me the big thumbs up out in the hall when i was signing for them, and when he left he said Gaeng maak.  

              all tolled i think it was 20,000 THB for everything, breakfast buffet included.  


              • Third pic resized...
                Attached Files


                • (bigmick22 @ Jul. 14 2008,10:01) I think it was even a 4-some

                  see his posts in the 2somes thread
                  that is a different party, and that lasted 5 days on Samui.

                  once or twice a year i treat myself to some ridiculous fun, spare no expense, and have the time of my life. i am a firm believer in practice makes perfect.

                  it also builds very good rapport/face with the girls and i now find that they are all vying to get on the next bandwagon, wherever it may be headed.

                  i am single, have been for quite a few years now. i work my ass off and have little time to myself, so i pamper myself and i pamper my playmates. not really extravagant, but i try to show my appreciation and they seem to reciprocate 99% of the time. the ones who are already on the team recruit buddies, tell them the rules, and make sure that no one screws up this good thing. granted, every once in awhile things do go a rye, but people are human, they are young and learning how to be mature and professional, and we just have fun.

                  they have got to be drop dead gorgeous or terminally cute, no smokers, druggies or heavy drinkers allowed.

                  although i speak thai, they must speak English.

                  they have to understand etiquette and also realize that a watch is not jewelry but a tool to be used at all times.

                  all text messages must be replied to, no calling and hanging up for me to call back and then pay for the call (god i hate that).

                  and they must always dress their best and be clean, RIP ROI.

                  if someone bucks the system i never argue, i just do not ever invite them back again to party. they all know it, and it seems to do the trick. actually, they police each other, no one wants to be thrown from the gravy train.

                  oh yeah, one last thing, i may be crazy, but i insist that they be pleasured as much as me, 50/50, self-serving i know, but a hell of a lot of fun.


                  • Excellent pics and great story!


                    • now, to get back on topic, the music at guess bar.

                      i was there today (Sunday) around 5:30. there were only 5 or 6 girls and 2 other customers when i arrived.

                      the only regular staff present was the bartender, i believe his name is Kong, do i have that right?

                      the music playing was a very sensible volume and also very tasty mix of cool jazz, latin/bossa nova, tolerable pop, etc and that lasted about an hour an a half.

                      then a girl named Parn came in and an older girl i believe her name is Pee Gong or Pee Pong. (sorry, i do not know them all but there are only 3 that i know of.)

                      within 5 minutes of Parn being there, all the girls playing pool were back to their hooting and cat screeching, and the music had shifted back to techno/disco/white noise. it would seem that Parn is the influence.

                      by then i was the only customer present, the other two had left earlier. i was casually hanging on the sofa with the incredibly, insanely, intensely gorgeous, long and lanky K. Four. just love those braces, and i do not mean she has polio. i had bought drinks for three of the 7 girls who were now there and i was the only one paying the freight at guess bar at the time.

                      i would have stayed a bit longer, i was hoping Vivian, Ohm (Thom), Ae and Nan would show up for a chat, but i paid the bill, paid the bar for Four, and we left leaving the place empty with no one to pay the overhead.

                      during the course of the afternoon while on my way back from the toilet (that is an entirely different issue in itself) i ran into the bartender (Kong?) out in the hall sorting bottles. i stopped and i told him that i appreciated the music today and i thanked him for it. too bad he looked at me with disdain, or maybe it was the smelly beer bottles that made him look like that, i do not know. what i do know is, he could not muster a smile or an audible reply.

                      i was a f & b trainer here in Thailand for 15+ years, that is my curse and my cross to bear. i know how to talk to Thai staff, what to say to them, how to explain things in their convoluted way, and most importantly, what motivates those who actually give a rat's ass. all the others, like anywhere in any job who do not give a damn, are a lost cause anyways.

                      it is too bad that no one has really taken the time to explain to them how to do it right and how to get customers to tip without all the cajoling and impolite asking that so many employ when they have not been tipped (because they are undeserving). if they have been taught then these three fall into the category of not giving a rat's ass, and they should be shown the door for one last time. (i can dream, can't i?)

                      despite being a small place, with very little inside, it fills the bill. it knows who its market segment is, but just can't come to terms with the fact that that is who they are there for.

                      so i will return, i will spend half or less of what i would have, i will take out some amazing girl, and i will enjoy myself off premises.

                      unlike many other bars in BKK, ladyboy or genetic, i have never had a dud of a short time with any girl who works there. that in and of itself says a lot about a place for me. but the regular staff, and management, are two different groups of people from the girls. their incentives and payback are usually not the same.

                      but hey, this is only one guys opinion ...................  


                      • 3 more new yeas party pix for you all.

                        genetics do not have breasts this soft and sweet, uncanny to touch.

                        more water sports.

                        now i know where the term asses and elbows comes from.
                        way too much flesh for one guy to appreciate? heck no, never.


                        • you should start a separate thread in the Trip Report forum
                          No honey, no money!!


                          • (bigmick22 @ Jul. 14 2008,12:15) you should start a separate thread in the Trip Report forum
                            i am reluctant to do so for one reason, i would censor all the pics so no faces show.

                            i have posted innumerable pics on other forums and i have gone back in and painstakingly removed them all as of last week.

                            i have always sought permission to take my pics, and i have always gotten permission to post them, but about 10 days ago i was made aware of something new that is going on in bkk and i decided to pull all the pics with faces so that my friends do not suffer for it.

                            i will not elaborate here in public, but if you want to contact me privately i will explain.

                            if members do not mind viewing censored pics then i will gladly post away my stories, my DIY advice and the accompanying photos.

                            so just let me know, and if there is a call for it, i will start a thread. maybe i will call it: DIY Ladyboy Parties, Lost Weekends and Hollidaze   .


                            • think a TR with censored pics would still be appreciated
                              No honey, no money!!


                              • (bkkldby @ Jul. 14 2008,04:56) now, to get back on topic, the music at guess bar.

                                i was there today (Sunday) around 5:30. there were only 5 or 6 girls and 2 other customers when i arrived.

                                the only regular staff present was the bartender, i believe his name is Kong, do i have that right?

                                the music playing was a very sensible volume and also very tasty mix of cool jazz, latin/bossa nova, tolerable pop, etc and that lasted about an hour an a half.

                                then a girl named Parn came in and an older girl i believe her name is Pee Gong or Pee Pong. (sorry, i do not know them all but there are only 3 that i know of.)

                                within 5 minutes of Parn being there, all the girls playing pool were back to their hooting and cat screeching, and the music had shifted back to techno/disco/white noise. it would seem that Parn is the influence.

                                by then i was the only customer present, the other two had left earlier. i was casually hanging on the sofa with the incredibly, insanely, intensely gorgeous, long and lanky K. Four. just love those braces, and i do not mean she has polio. i had bought drinks for three of the 7 girls who were now there and i was the only one paying the freight at guess bar at the time.

                                i would have stayed a bit longer, i was hoping Vivian, Ohm (Thom), Ae and Nan would show up for a chat, but i paid the bill, paid the bar for Four, and we left leaving the place empty with no one to pay the overhead.

                                during the course of the afternoon while on my way back from the toilet (that is an entirely different issue in itself) i ran into the bartender (Kong?) out in the hall sorting bottles. i stopped and i told him that i appreciated the music today and i thanked him for it. too bad he looked at me with disdain, or maybe it was the smelly beer bottles that made him look like that, i do not know. what i do know is, he could not muster a smile or an audible reply.

                                i was a f & b trainer here in Thailand for 15+ years, that is my curse and my cross to bear. i know how to talk to Thai staff, what to say to them, how to explain things in their convoluted way, and most importantly, what motivates those who actually give a rat's ass. all the others, like anywhere in any job who do not give a damn, are a lost cause anyways.

                                it is too bad that no one has really taken the time to explain to them how to do it right and how to get customers to tip without all the cajoling and impolite asking that so many employ when they have not been tipped (because they are undeserving). if they have been taught then these three fall into the category of not giving a rat's ass, and they should be shown the door for one last time. (i can dream, can't i?)

                                despite being a small place, with very little inside, it fills the bill. it knows who its market segment is, but just can't come to terms with the fact that that is who they are there for.

                                so i will return, i will spend half or less of what i would have, i will take out some amazing girl, and i will enjoy myself off premises.

                                unlike many other bars in BKK, ladyboy or genetic, i have never had a dud of a short time with any girl who works there. that in and of itself says a lot about a place for me. but the regular staff, and management, are two different groups of people from the girls. their incentives and payback are usually not the same.

                                but hey, this is only one guys opinion ...................  
                                It would not actually surprise me if the issue stems around Gong the barman and pseudo mgr - he probably earns a quarter to a third of what the top girls do (incl extra activity of course) - if it were me in his place, I would certainly have issue with it. No idea what the solution is, but it really would be no shock to me if it turned out to be true enough.


