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Jimbo's Cocktails & Dreams Bar

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  • Criticism is hard to handle for you Borhoag I know  

    Must be hard to stay in Australia and to dream of what is happening here ;-)

    But we all know you want to help to make life here easier in Phuket, I am just not sure if we need your help here.

    But take it easy Hoggy your time will come and then you can afford to come to Phuket again and work on your dream 55555555555
    Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


    • (paradise_juggler @ Jun. 24 2009,05:12) Criticism is hard to handle for you Borhoag I know  
      Must be hard to stay in Australia and to dream of what is happening here ;-)
      But we all know you want to help to make life here easier in Phuket, I am just not sure if we need your help here.
      But take it easy Hoggy your time will come and then you can afford to come to Phuket again and work on your dream 55555555555
      I have no problem with criticism as long as its constructive, however you and Ivor haven't offered anything but personal attacks of a harmless little contest.

      Its funny how you and Ivor have to remind us live there, so that makes you so much better than us or something.

      I hope that glorious day comes when I do live there. However you won't see me gloat about it on an internet porn site like I'm better than the next guy.

      I don't wish to engage with the resident elitist on this thread. I'm sure 99% of the other forum guys would much rather see a sexy photo or read something positive about Phuket.

      Hopefully Jimbo comes in here and washes all the dirt off the sidewalk with his usual pictorial report. We are fortunate to have one local we can count on to update us the ladyboy scene.

      The end.


      • Kitty, Paeng and the one eyed crotch monster.


        • Pat showing off her panty bulge. I trust she had a great brithday celebration. Happy Birthday you good thing.

          The little minx clings to the pole on the main stage. Kitty looks for a prospect giving us a great view of her world class ass, while Aum puts her hip shift move on.


          • Ok, sorry to everyone for bringing this up but enough is enough.
            I may be in a minority of one here but I'd like to say that I have had enough of all this bickering, both in this thread and in other thread of this great board.
            The contest is rigged, no it's not.... you live in Melbourne, haha we live in Phuket.... my ladyboy is bigger than yours..... you live in a phantasy world, no I don't, yes you do.... why don't you run a compo yourself then.... sorry guys but I think that the vast majority of BMs visit this forum because it's a great cyberplace where we can admire LBs in all their beauty and have some light-hearted banter with like-minded people.
            I am not taking sides here at all (I couldn't care less to be honest with you) but can you all please take a little step back?? If you really want to have a cyber-argument, then do it by sending private messages to each other and please stop spoiling this superb thread with all your bickering.
            I am a newbie and I haven't been here for long so you may think that I have no right to ask you to stop all this nonsense. If that's what you're thinking, then please do it for Jimbo - the purpose of this thread is to promote his excellent bar and you are doing him no favours at all by having a go at each other on here.
            Oh and by the way, I did vote for Maggie in the other thread.... she got bumped off.... never mind, it's no big deal really, is it?!?? Whether Bombay or whoever wins the compo or not, I would still shag Maggie ahead of any winners so it doesn't really matter who the winner is, does it?!? It's just a light-hearted beauty contest on a ladyboy forum FFS, we're not electing the new President of the US here. Some of you people really defy belief...

            Ok, rant over...


            • I am completely with you on this Tally. This thread is to promote C & Ds bar, not have petty squabbles over who is posting the most, the best, the biggest, the most truthful etc etc.

              Whatever we may think of Boarhog's style, he is a major contributor on here, and helps me no end. My mission is not just to promote C & D Bar, but also Phuket as a holiday destination. because i know with 100% certainty that if a ladyboy- loving holidaymaker comes to Phuket, he will visit C & Ds. My competitor is not Tequila Bar, or any other bar, no the competitor is Pattaya. Boarhog was a consistent and valuable customer when he was here, and he also managed to do an incredible amount of mongering, covering a wide variety of "types" and his lurid stories and pictures are bread and butter to the Forum.

              If all you want to do is monger amongst Ladyboys, then Pattaya is probably going to win that battle. But if you want something else besides, then this island has so much to offer. It would be beneficial to us Ivor, if you would use that beautiful, and expensive-looking camera to start a thread in the Off Topic section entitled "What to do in Phuket", and help sell Phuket as a tourist destination. Its only a suggestion Ivor, and for sure you're not going to get any thanks from the Tourist Board, but i know carrying a heavy camera around on your bar-hopping missions is a true pain in the arse, but maybe you have some pictures of this beautiful island and some of its attractions?

              In the meantime Boarhog and the other picture posters are helping me, and i really appreciate their effort.

              Lecture over. Lets get on with posting some pictures:


              • Last night was Pat's 29th birthday (whaaat? 29 again??)Lol.

                She kindly provided a buffet for her friends and colleagues, whilst we provided some booze.

                Pat is the face of C & D, as has been said earlier. She may no longer be the most barfined girl in the place, but is surely the most remembered. Her good humour and good heart endears her to everyone. Everybody loves Pat, including me!

                Happy Birthday Pat


                • girls having fun


                  • Bee dropped in to say hello


                    • More party food
                      Pat and Nick


                      • Pat with her cake


                        • Sonya at the pool table

                          Sonya getting the boot!


                          • Another of this week's birthday girls, Oh


                            • I just want to say thankyou to Jimbo, Boarhog and all the other guys who post photos here. Its made my mind up for where to go in LOS next time.

                              Keep up the great work,

                              Collecting lbs one ass at a time


                              • (p4player @ Jun. 25 2009,15:17) I just want to say thankyou to Jimbo, Boarhog and all the other guys who post photos here. Its made my mind up for where to go in LOS next time.

                                Keep up the great work,

                                yes great work!!! thanks      

