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NFL FOOTBALL Competition

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  • titans
    is that five? okay. done.
    oh yeah, uh...
    bears 32. rams 17
    how did i come up with 32?
    ming+mint+pla+# of days until i land in bkk.
    when is the trophy presentation?


    • In anticipation of two 5-0 weeks in a row:






      bears 23 rams 16
      Life is short. Live it well.


      • Another weekend away and missing the games, lets hope I picked better this week

        Well I think 3 of these games are a huge toss up and will be close.  I am just concerned that Mirimark and Smuttley have the same picks

        Good Luck guys and enjoy your  

        My pick is the Titans

        My pick is the Colts

        My pick is the Eagles

        My pick is the Vikings

        My pick is the Ravens

        Monday Night Bonerus

        My pick is the Bears  27-14
        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


        • My pick is the Titans

          My pick is the Colts

          My pick is the Redskins

          My pick is the Lions

          My pick is the Chiefs

          My pick is the Bears 24-10


          • Oh I just had to remind you to make picks
            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


            • So I was sitting over at my friends house yesterday watching the ;
              Oakland Raiders game. When the Raiders Kicked a Field Goal my freinds Dog ran up to the T.V. and did a Back - FLip. I started Laughing and I said;
              Does your dog always do a Back - FLip when the Raiders kick a field goal ?
              My friend said Yes he does. I then asked my friend, what does your dog do when the Raiders score a touchdown ? My friend said, I don't know I've only had the dog for Two (2) years.

              My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


              • Ladies and Gents.........Boys and Girls............

                Week # 14    

                Only three weeks to go and we have everyone still alive for the Champeenship   Even me and Mirimark!!!!! Co-leaders this week are Stogie and Thaibound after TB won 2 of the last 3 boneruses just think if he cold only count to 5   ...........Kevin4252 has gone 13-2 over the last three weeks and moved right into contention and the leader from the opening week Blueballz has hit a bit of a slump.........kind of like rumhead rumsfeld  

                At any rate here we go with week# 14

                Week # 14 Games

                Game # 1

                Miami Dolphins (6-7) at Buffalo Bills (6-7)

                Bills by 1

                Believe it or not both these teams are still alive for a wildcard spot and the Fins are coming off a surprisng shutout spanking of the Pats last week and the Bills put a serious hurting on the J E T S Jets, Jets,Jets playoff chances with a spanking of their own. Its going to be cold as hell in Buffalo but the Fins adjust well. I see Jason Taylor chasing Lohman around in circles.

                My pick is the Dolphins

                Game # 2

                St. Louis Rams (5-8) at Oakland Raiders (2-11)

                Raiders by 1

                The Raiders are fighting the Motor City Pussies for that # 1 draft pick and the Rams have fell completely apart after a 4-1 start. All the talent is there for the Rams they just haven't been able to put it together mainly because their O line is like a freaking sieve. But the Raiders rush D is amongst the worst in the league so that makes that a wash. I see the Rams righting themselves a bit.

                My pick is the Rams

                Game # 3

                Denver Broncos (7-6) at Arizona Cardinals (4-9)

                Broncos by 2 1/2

                The Broncs are still in charge of their own destiny while the Cards are only playing out the string and trying to save Dennis Green's job while testing Matt Leinhart for the future. The Cards are one of the most fun teams in the league and this game promises to be a track meet. The Broncos defense has been suspect lately so the Cards will score but Shannahan needs this W and should get it.

                My pick is the Broncos

                Game # 4

                Pittsburgh Steelers (6-7) at Carolina Panthers (6-7)

                Panthers by 3

                When the schedules were drawn up for this season alot of people picked this game as the pre-cursor to the Super Bowl......goes to show what people know.   The Steelers are playing a bit better now that some pressure is off and still have a slight chance of sneaking in as a wildcard but not as much of a chance as the Panthers do. Delhomme is still iffy for the game and Chris Weinke (How the hell did he win the Heisman? ) who had throw 61  passes last week for over 400 yards and still lost. If Delhomme is playing I like the Panthers

                My pick is the Panthers

                Game # 5

                Jacksonville Jaguars (8-5) at Tennessee Titans (6-7)

                Jaguars by 3 1/2

                This game will be a fun game to watch, the Jags are coming off a Peyton Spanking and ran wild with Jones-Drew and Taylor both going for over 100 and the Titans run D is almost as bad as the Colts. Last week you could just see it in the eyes of the Texan fans watching Vince Young run in that TD in OT that they were wondering if Matt Millen did the drafting for their team!!!! One thing is for sure Vince Young is for REAL!!!! and if he stays healthy he will have the Titans back in the Super Bowl within 3 years. The kid is awesome and fun to watch. The Jags need this more but if the Titans keep it close in the 4th they will pull it out again.

                My pick is the Titans

                Monday Night Bonerus

                Cincinatti Bengals (8-5) at Indianapolis Colts (10-3)

                Colts by  3 1/2

                Remember last year the final score of this game was 45-37 and I think it was 35-27 at halftime or close to it as both teams abandoned their defense and played run and gun. The Colts have proven very vulnerable in the past few weeks and its mainly because they have no run defense. If Palmer is connecting to TJ and Ocho Cinco the Bengals will be in this along with Rudi J piling up some yards. Peyton doesn't lose two in a row very often anymore and losing 3 in a row isn't very concievable........

                My Pick is the Colts 45-37

                There we go boys and girls have at it. Keep in mind everyone is still alive..........except maybe Oldasiahand???

                It's good to matter what the pay

                Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                • Miami.
                  Begals (31) Colts (27)
                  My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                  • Smuttley...good with the picks now.  That extra time is sure to bring down my scores
                    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                    • Game 1. Miami Dolphins
                      Game 2. St. Louis Rams
                      Game 3. Arizona Cardinals
                      Game 4. Pittsburgh Steelers
                      Game 5. Jacksonville Jaguars

                      Monday Night Bonerus Game:

                      Cincinnati Bengals 48 Indianapolis Colts 38


                      • My pick is the Bills

                        My pick is the Raiders

                        My pick is the Broncos

                        My pick is the Panthers

                        My pick is the Jags

                        My Pick is the Colts 31-24


                        • MIAMI





                          BENGALS 43----COLTS 38
                          Life is short. Live it well.


                          • Buffalo

                            Cinci 31-25

                            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                            • Hummmm you manged to mention me and Rumsfeld in the same sentence-you know how to hurt a guy!!! HALIBURTON BUY BUY BUY!!!

                              BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!


                              • boom:
                                now, back to packing....
                                btw, where am i gonna watch the games next sunday in pattaya?

