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World Cup GAME CHAT!

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  • I'll add another thing. You lack the premier league's willing to use the world cup/ euro ball prior to its tournament so players have experience with it. Instead they use the nike ball. Look at the countries that have used the jabulani for months (Japan, Bundesliga, Russian Premier League, South America), their shots are much more on target.

    Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


    • so dave how were the headline/ front pages this morning in England?

      Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


      • (Bumpa STIKKA @ Jun. 28 2010,11:57) while this stupid game is run by Blatter and his corrupt and ageing cronies it won't change.
        My 'suggestion' to FIFA did ask that it was passed to the President.  I won't hold my breath on that .... expect he will be told about all the positive emails received at FIFA website, congratulating the President personally for a truly wonderful spectacle!

        It's amazing how corrupt autocrats like Blatter get away with it.   May get his comeuppance eventually, Tomcat, but what damage and what money-siphoning-cronyist-corruption has gone on under his 'leadership'.  Who pays him? -  in effect WE DO.  Must find out what enormous sum is paid by each country's FA FIFA .... for what? (answer ... FA   )


        • (TTChang @ Jun. 28 2010,21:33) what enormous sum is paid by each country's FA FIFA .... for what? (answer ... FA   )
          Wait wait, no, don't tell me . . . FA = "fuck all!"...?


          • The vote is made soon for the next president.

            Blatter will run again and no doubt bribe all the Africans and Third worlders that he did last time to get his snout in the trough. I think there are big block votes so he dont have to work to hard to get his cronies onside.

            We will have to wait and see but dont hold your breath.

            Mind you i suppose it could be worse, say no more...


            • And I do declare that I'm a fan of that fabulous blood-orange hue of the Netherregions kit.  

              If I was Laputanegra I would employ the word "FIERCE"! (I miss Big Mick)  It's a battle color . . .


              • FIFA make their money in advertising. Some of the stories coming out of South Africa are comical. One guy who for the last 18 years has been selling soft drinks out side a stadium, is now during the world cup not allowed sell his drinks within 3km of the stadium because he is not selling the official world cup drink. Bars, restaurants or any other business in South Africa are not allowed use a whole combination of words like, world cup, south africa 2010, or anything related to the world cup in their advertising. One South African airline was brought to court already for breaching this with a poster they had, with pictures of a stadium, a vuvuzula, a football, and a football player. The case was thrown out because the football was actually a golf ball, the vuvuzula was a golf tee, and the player was actually a man in shorts dancing.
                I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                • Well with Engerland out of the World Cup its "Advantage" Wimbledon

                  "Oh I say" The Ruski's are looking "HOT"      

                  Dammit, Maria had 3 set pionts to win the First Set against Serena Williams but blew it  
                  Attached Files
                  Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                  Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                  • (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 28 2010,14:51) so dave how were the headline/ front pages this morning in England?
                    "FRITZ ALL OVER"
                    Dopey linesman disallows England's clear equaliser
                    Don't ever call let-downs the Golden Generation
                    YOU LET YOUR COUNTRY DOWN
                    TIME'S UP FAB, Go and take these losers with you
                    IT WAS MEN v BOYS AND BOYS WON
                    WHAT A SHAMBLES, Fabio tactics were wrong and have been for ages

                    And that was just from "TWO" Newspapers
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • Maria's out  

                      No more Panty for me over her for the time being  
                      Attached Files
                      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                      • Its a sad day for tennis with Maria out. I love the camel toe shot in the first pic, and the banana shot is great
                        I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                        I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                        • Oh how i wish we had a photo like this from Wimbleton,
                          Attached Files
                          i love t-girls


                          • Here is another clip of the irish taking the mickey out of the English medias hype over the England team

                  ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344">
                            I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                            I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                            • No idea how the games are today since I'm at work, hopefully the dutch were upset.

                              And Dave, according to how people feel, I guess there maybe a multitude of reasons England players "threw" the game, but I've played football, I started out as a goalie and moved to left midfield/ left wing forward. I'm telling you, if I were the goalie for England.. I could save the first 3 goals. I mean I know the Germans are a world class team but at least make them beat you rather than avoiding the ball. That said I wouldn't have a prayer on the 4th goal, 1 pass and I'm out of the play.

                              We desperately need a better goalie or these goalies in better form next time around.

                              Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                              •  You can blame David James for the goals, but I doubt you would have saved them either because its a new ball and its too round  

                                As for the Germans being a World Class team     , not yet anyway  

                                Ive played football on the right or left wing and could kick, cross the ball and take penalties with "BOTH" Feet

                                My mate even says now I was a better crosser of the ball than Beckham  

                                Statistics I suppose cant be wrong as I did help set up nearly 40% of the 80+ goals our team scored one season  
                                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

