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Jimbo's Cocktails & Dreams Bar

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  • I'll try to deal with the points above:

    Firstly: Ae is still on "walkabout' presumably with a boyfriend/sponsor. She asked for a couple of weeks off and has been gone at least 3 already. If she comes back, all well and good. If not? Well, there's plenty more fish in the sea. IMO she's getting a bit above herself these days: thinks she's a superstar or summat. So we',, see what develops.

    Johnnydiver: looks like quite a posse arriving this weekend. usually i take sunday off, but in view of impending arrivals, i'll postpone that until monday, so that i can give you the C & D welcome.

    Had a few issues with cameras last night, so didnt get any pics. My old camera doesnt like the wet, and it was very wet last night. The other one: Doh, i forgot to put the memory card back in. I was in the Shagging Shack with a certain young lady - i only took 6 pics, all legs and upskirt ones, and then the camera told me its "Memory Full!". I hadnt even got to the naughty ones! Anyway, the point of this is to reassure you that more pics of Donut and the others will be forthcoming tonight!


    • farangbah: You are the man with the plan! I will follow your lead and use "ping pong" as I am sure they will know exactly where they are going! I'll wave some baht tied to a string and stick in front of them and tell them to step on it!

      I am sure that anybody that has read this post will know who I am when I come bursting into C&D's at 2:55 AM with my hair on fire and my ass catching up ordering a singha for one hand and a san miguel for other proclaiming that I have just traveled half way around the world to drink these beers and I will want to know who is drinking with me! Until then, Jimbo please keep these great pictures a coming as this is the only way I survive until the trip.
      Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


      • I bet Ae will not be back. She never wanted her roommate Emma to work from C&D, because Emma is a bit of a wild girl . Ae did not want to be responsible for her behavior.
        The day Emma moved to C&D it was a sign that Ae was planning her own exit. Good to her , bad news to the fanclub.
        Funny enough Emma is already back to Alexander bar.

        There is still hope. Last year Ae disappeared also end of augustus and came back at the end of the year.



        • Jimbo, I have minutely scoured every beautiful image and background of your fine drinking establishment and haberdashery along with video tape on you tube and I have been unable to locate the "bell"  Now in my bar, I have ensured that all patrons can easily find the "bell" and I send forward a picture of same (if I do this right) for the calling of all patrons and staff to bring their drinking cups near for their ration of grog!  My bell!  Any questions?
          Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


          • and for all the Annie fans on here (including myself of course), a little treat... courtesy of the Femboy Gallery thread  


            • your find the bell in cocktails and dreams,
              myself, ronan, farangbah & batman not there swinging off it
              a little tip, once you ring it, say white sambuca the girls like that one
              you wont be alone for long jonny



              • I certainly hope that I am not alone the whole vacation
                Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                • Dont worry Johnny, we have 3 bells! And i'll help you ring 'em !

                  Ae returns ! After a week with a boyfriend, another week cremating grandpa, and a further week "relaxing", Ae is back in the fold sporting a slightly fuller arse! Methinks the third week was spent "relaxing" after some injections!


                  • Emma and some cabaret crew.

                    Sultry Kitty


                    • Pat: - many say the face of C & D.

                      Pond: - settling in now, making friends and getting regularly barfined


                      • (jimbo34 @ Aug. 30 2009,15:30) Ae returns !
                        Great timing     .....  see you tonight Jimbo (tried to persuade 'you know who' to visit - but I don't work miracles   )


                        • Back on the patch- may be out for a beer on Tuesday
                          I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


                          • (Ivor Biggun @ Aug. 30 2009,18:36) Back on the patch- may be out for a beer on Tuesday

                            Cool, good to know.
                            Collecting lbs one ass at a time


                            • looks like the twat is stalking me now as well. Shame he's on iggy and I can't read his inane comments as he tries to trash yet another thread. What a
                              I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


                              • (jimbo34 @ Aug. 30 2009,15:33) Pond: - settling in now, making friends and getting regularly barfined
                                hhhhmmmm..... checked Pond's video on LB69, have to say she has a pretty nice tool, bigger than I expected!

