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Jimbo's Cocktails & Dreams Bar

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  • great advice farangbah  
    In my humble opinion... Pond would probably scare the living daylights out of johnnydiver if it's his first time....  
    If I was in his shoes, I'd go for someone a bit more 'reserved' if you see what I mean


    • "If its not too late, change hotels. Expat is cool with visitors, but not the greatest place to stay. A bit shabby."

      Jimbo! Thanks for looking out for me. I can still change hotels and will take all suggestions. I was looking at a three star with a pool that is guest friendly and my travel person gave me Expat Hotel. I would rather rely on the board experts for a good hotel with pool and a guest friendly attitude! When my departure time is near I will drop you a line and I would be happy to grab a couple numbers.

      As to Tally65, Farangbah, p4player, batman4ever and Jimbo! Thaks all for your assistance. I am not a newbie to the transgender world just to Thailand. Anyway, any reccomendations will be gladly accepted and hopefully put to good use. First maybe I should start a new thread called "Johnnydiver is lost and needs reccomendations." Jimbo, if you need to move this please do, as I do not want to detract from a great thread!

      My living quarters would be the first. Want to be in staggering distance from the action and close to my base, C&D's! Will be doing some day scuba diving so need to be close for pickup but more interested in a nice place close to the action. Any consensus of the board members on such a place?

      Anyway thank you one and all with your patience and assistence in getting the newbie through the first 12 hours in Phuket! I figure I will make enough newbie mistakes to tell stories later on!
      Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


      • Johnnydiver,

        you could try the Summer Breeze Hotel, it's five mins max from C&Ds.
        They don't charge a joiner fee and are absolutely cool if you bring back a LB (or two...).
        They do not have a pool HOWEVER you can access the pool of a hotel nearby (can't remember the name now).
        Anyway, feel free to PM me should you require further info.


        • (jimbo34 @ Aug. 27 2009,15:00) And here is little Bombay last night, in cabaret
          omg she is gorgeous !!!! WOW


          • the wait is over i leave Perth tonight an arrive tomorrow morning.sooo looking forward to it.would love to see Pond or Emma.


            • Jonny,

              check out this recent thread on Phuket Hotel Recommendations

              No honey, no money!!


              • When does Ae return?


                • Looks like there could be a lively week-end ahead !

                  Johnnydiver - The Yorkshire Hotel is ok if you get a deluxe room. Guest friendly, pool, fitness room etc. Its very near the action too. I'm not a mad fan of the (english) owner, but it fits the bill.


                  • see you on Saturday Jim

                    Yorkshire Inn was booked but I sneaked a room today because of a cancellation
                    No honey, no money!!


                    • Jimbo, Bigmick pointed me to a thread that had a lively hotel discussion. Prior to reading your last post I came to the conclusion that I was going to book the Yorkshire Inn Hotel! So I seem to be getting great advice. I liked the large double deluxe and am going to book it. Thanks to every one that chimed on this matter it is very appreciated! I also think that I am going to adopt a throw and go attitude on arrival to see who can get me to the hotel in 30 minutes as farangbah has suggested! I know I am way to early for this trip to being doing all of this but I want all of my ducks in a row when I leave frozen Chicago for the warm weather and the warm arms of beautiful hot and willing women!
                      Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                      • Hi Jimbo,

                        How about some more sexy pic's of Donut? She looks awesome!!!

                        Mickey, oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind, oh Mickey!!!


                        • No honey, no money!!


                          • I will second that! er, maybe third that...?
                            Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                            • a very good point was made above...
                              where is Ae these days?
                              Is she due back anytime soon?


                              • (johnnydiver @ Aug. 28 2009,23:38) I also think that I am going to adopt a throw and go attitude on arrival to see who can get me to the hotel in 30 minutes as farangbah has suggested!
                                JD, if you indeed book the Yorkshire, they use a taxi service by name of "Ping Pong."  About as reliable as any I've seen in town.  The different guys I had were all pretty astute.  5-600bt from the airport.  

                                May be worth your while to set up a pick-up so as not to deal with the hassle of touts at the arrivals area and tell your guy there's an extra hundo in it for him if he steps on it... (no one's gonna actually get you there in 30. Average is probably about 45)

