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Premiership predictions 2009/10...

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  • You are from Manc?? Oh YOU are the one then!!!! I wonder if your lot would have behaved the samw way OUR lot did when there was the minutes silence at Old Nafford a couple of years ago!! Humm let me think about it-NO WAY!!


    Dont mention class and ManUre in the same sentance. You reign is coming to an end pal!!! Your team is definitely on the downslide. Talk about bitter-you will be soon. To borrow a line form Ronald Reagan in Berlin:


    BTW I am from New York and have been a loyal City supporter for 32 years!! United fans like Dave Duke talk sense. Prawn eating sarnie prats like yourself talk via your backside!!!

    Win or lose the Carling Cup tie, tick tock tick tock!!!!
    Be careful out there!


    • A Bitter from New York! WTF-and you have the cheek to slag United fans!Youve never even seen the sky over Wastelands.!You never stood on the Kippax and saw Bell,Lee and Summerbee?-maybe never heard of them! Be honest,youre not a true city fan,youre just a yank who wants to be trendy in the "english"pub on 57th st.        

       You are the architypal armchair supporter,sorry pal,how can I take you seriously? Youre on here commenting on football and City,but you've never even seen them play in the flesh-or have you?-what was that about prawn sandwiches?-or should it be salami on  rye while you watch your soc-ker?

      Incidentally-32 years a city fan!-that is coincidentally the amount of years since siddy won anything!(And that was only the league cup!)

      And by the way,i'd like to remind you,you started the personal attacks.....


      • What a dick!!! Guess what schmuck?? I have seen FOUR home derbies and I have NEVER seen us LOSE one!! I live almost 3,000 miles form Manchester and have been to about 25 City matches. I have seen the highs. I was stood on the Kippax on that glorious September day and saw us smash you Rags 5-1. I was sat right behind the Stretford Bench at the first Eastlands Derby and saw Robbie Fowler score and wave nicely to your lot sat behind the goal. Oh yess Seany Wright scored a nice screamer that day as well. I have also seen us go down to Huddersfield at Maine Road on Barry Conlon's debut!!! So I dont have to establish my Bone fides to assholes like you. You are the typical one eyed Rag. The joke you told about Ade was a fucking poor taste. You probably sit around laughing your dopey ass off about the time Jock Stein had a heart attack on the pitch-oh that must have tickled your funny bone!!!!

        You dont know shit!! Your time is coming to an could be this year, it could be the next. Already out of the FA Cup, you have a titanic battle to retain your Prem title, your lot are shitting yourself over the two legged CCup semi against Liddy Ciddy and you peaked in the Chimps League in last years semi right before you got tonked v Barca. Tick tock tick tock. Oh hunders of millions in debt and counting. Old Purple Conk losing the plot blaming refs more and more when he doesnt get his way. Bully personified. I hope the old coot sticks around for a few more years to see his team get passed by Liddy Ciddy!!! We are getting stronger and you are getting weaker!!!

        I have time for Stretford supporters like David Duke but they are the exception not the rule. They are mostly tools like you!!!!!

        Be careful out there!


        • Forgot to mention-our bar is on 3rd ave......come see us.
          Be careful out there!


          • The joke you told about Ade was a fucking poor taste.
            FFS!! It was was a joke
            Mister Arse


            • (Stewart @ Jan. 13 2010,06:20) FFS!! It was was a joke  
              nah.. it wasnt a joke, it was meant to be cutting and spitefull IMO.

              Gloves off now Gents... its Round 2.. ding ding..


              • Hey Travis did you hear the one about the Haitian kid buried in rubble??? Baaaaaa waaaaaaaa!!!!
                Be careful out there!


                • :u p:
                  Blessed are the cheesemakers eh!OK here goes -The joke is a pun on the word "gunners" A "gunner /gooner "is an arsenal fan-adebayor ran the length of the pitch against City to confront the "gunners" after he scored in the recent match!The Americans on the forum might not understand the pun!I'm sure everyone else had a chuckle at it!


                  • (BlueBallz @ Jan. 13 2010,23:52) Hey Travis did you hear the one about the Haitian kid buried in rubble???  Baaaaaa waaaaaaaa!!!!
                    sorry-I dont get it-too subtle for me-is that american humour?


                    • (BlueBallz @ Jan. 13 2010,05:25) What a dick!!!  Guess what schmuck??  I have seen FOUR home derbies and I have NEVER seen us LOSE one!!  I live almost 3,000 miles form Manchester and have been to about 25 City matches.  I have seen the highs.  I was stood on the Kippax on that glorious September day and saw us smash you Rags 5-1.  I was sat right behind the Stretford Bench at the first Eastlands Derby and saw Robbie Fowler score and wave nicely to your lot sat behind the goal.  Oh yess Seany Wright scored a nice screamer that day as well.  I have also seen us go down to Huddersfield at Maine Road on Barry Conlon's debut!!!  So I dont have to establish my Bone fides to assholes like you.  You are the typical one eyed Rag.  The joke you told about Ade was a fucking poor taste.  You probably sit around laughing your dopey ass off about the time Jock Stein had a heart attack on the pitch-oh that must have tickled your funny bone!!!!

                      You dont know shit!!  Your time is coming to an could be this year, it could be the next.  Already out of the FA Cup, you have a titanic battle to retain your Prem title, your lot are shitting yourself over the two legged CCup semi against Liddy Ciddy and you peaked in the Chimps League in last years semi right before you got tonked v Barca.  Tick tock tick tock.  Oh hunders of millions in debt and counting.  Old Purple Conk losing the plot blaming refs more and more when he doesnt get his way.  Bully personified.  I hope the old coot sticks around for a few more years to see his team get passed by Liddy Ciddy!!!  We are getting stronger and you are getting weaker!!!

                      I have time for Stretford supporters like David Duke but they are the exception not the rule.  They are mostly tools like you!!!!!

                      MR. FERGUSON TAKE DOWN THAT BANNER!!!!!
                      Well,what can i say,you certainly seem to have all the credentials for a true blue,and your bitterness is evident for everyone to see.Hats off to you for travelling to see siddy 25 times!You must have more money than sense.!

                      Football supremacy goes in cycles,leeds in the late 60's early seventies,liverpool the 20 yrs after,and united since then.(Interspersed with a few outings from Arsenal,Everton,Villa, Forest and Chelsea)
                      City have never had their turn,and you seem full sure that the time is now .Their new found wealth has to bring them sucess quickly,or the sheiks of Araby will soon lose patience,like they did with Hughes.Then they will find themselves a new toy,like Abramovitch will at Chelsea.The foundations of a club have to be built slowly and patiently,like Fergie has done,and Wenger at Arsenal.

                      City can never make money for the ADUG group,(for several reasons),and they will eventually get tired of haemmoraging millions (£94m last year)-so if they are not sucessful big time and soon(3yrs max),i believe the Arabs will pull out.Money does not guarantee trophies as you know,Chelski for all their millions havent won the league for 3 yrs now,and the Champions League is still elusive.BTW-will u still call it the chimps league if you qualify?

                      So,like Fergie,I cannot see any real long term threat coming from City.The foundations of a great club are not there.Until they actually win something,they will have trouble attracting anything other than mercenaries like ADE(eg KAKA)The fan base is not there-(yourself withstanding-hehe) And the money cannot buy your club a heart or soul.These only come with history and tradition.For all your claims,youre just a small club,and since you mentioned Huddersfield,they have actually won the league ,more than city.(3-2).....come back when youre on 18

                      And finally....for all the shine you put on your beloved City...u must remember

                      YOU CAN'T POLISH A TURD!


                      • Liverpool 1 2 Reading..


                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • Losing Gerrard and Torres to injury aswell. Hard times at Anfield.
                          I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                          I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                          • The Haiti president has thanked Liverpool fans for their 2 hour silence at last nights FA cup tie against Reading.


                            • seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                              • very quiet on the man city front.perhaps the news hasn't crossed the pond?

