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NFL FOOTBALL Competition

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  • (BLUEBALLZ @ Jan. 03 2007,14:14) Smuttley let me get this straight that we are picking the games straight up-NOT with the spread.  Correct??
    Yeah that was the general consensus of opinion

    Not to rain on Blueballz's parade but just a hint to everyone even though everyone is getting two points per correct answer, now is the time to take some risks if you want to catch BB. If everyone makes the same picks as him all you are doing is spinning your wheels.

    Just my opinion, conversely BB can wait until Saturday at noon eastern and make his picks. So now is the time where craftiness and reckless abandon comes into play.

    Have fun guys and play nice

    BTW I saw it fit that since I won the last bonerus points to give myself 5 points since I've sucked wind all season
    I will correct that booboo when the next standings are published.

    It's good to matter what the pay

    Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

    Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
    ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

    "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


    • (stogie bear @ Jan. 03 2007,16:12) All the home teams will win! That is my pic!  
      Stogie made the right pick and I'm sure BB will follow suit. But Sampler Doc and Kevin should consider the Cowgirls in order to catch up and get into striking distance.


      • (PigDogg @ Jan. 03 2007,22:09)
        (stogie bear @ Jan. 03 2007,16:12) All the home teams will win! That is my pic!  
        Stogie made the right pick and I'm sure BB will follow suit.  But Sampler Doc and Kevin should consider the Cowgirls in order to catch up and get into striking distance.      
        dude, you are *killing* my play here!
        btw, do i get any bonus points for picking the chargers to win it all *way* back before they beat the seahawks mid-season to turn it all around?
        maybe a good tie-breaker would be to pick the superbowl winner *before* the play-offs start?
        if so, les chargers pour moi.
        wow, i'm *so* nervous and excited about the *play-offs* i gots to go suck on some candy to calm my nerves.
        and - *where* in bkk does one watch the play-offs *live*?
        anybody know? shall i ask in a new thread?


        • Well, thatss why i would have thought it would have beenn better (fairer) to pick v the spread. BTW, the home team that Stogie picked happenned to be the favorites. The smallest fav is Seattle annd that game is only a 3 point spread. The rest are about 7-9 points, which is a lot for the playoffs. picking the games staright up i will probably opt for the favs but against the spread I might take all the dogs!! pickss to come....



          • Well Smuttley, can't outwait BB any longer, will be out and about from early on Saturday hence my posts now:




            Pats, this breaks my heart, I do remember Wahoo Mc
            Daniel, kinda sad huh, in BKK in 2 weeks, hope I can get online from there
            Life is short. Live it well.


            • Smuttley great win by the Lionns but you know they losy the first pick with that win handinng it to the Raiders!! even when they win they lose. Might not make a big difference but it will if the LSU QB comes out. that guy has a HUGE upside much more than Brady quinnn. man that kid can be VERY good.


              • Well, it loooks as though I will pick the "chalk' in all of these games:

                INDY-you can make a good case for KC as they have a great RB in Larry johnnson and the colts d isnnt the best inn the world. Also, indys history in the playoffs isnt that good. Sinnce I am a Jets fan I ahve seen WAY TOO much of herm edwards and his coaching style.

                SEATTLE-this is the smallest spread this weekend. both teams have been shitty this season annd both limped in to the playoffs. Thought about taking the Cowgirls but couldnt do it. Nnice home field advantage as well.

                NEW ENGLAND-now there are a lot of folks here inn NY City who are going ga ga over the Jets and COACH MANGENIOUS. aAs well they should but calm down folks. Just look at the Pats recent resume.

                PHILLY-the Giants continue to write checks with theor big mouths thatthey cannnot cash onfield. Can NEVER pick with the gmen in a big game with this lot. Whats the over under on how many passes Shockey drops?? Predictionn-he wont finish the game.

                now these picks are the same as my mate Stogie and there is only one swing game that 3rd place thaibound picked against us. Thats the SEATTLE-DALLAS game. If seattle wins it thenn this comp is a two horse race-those of you who havemet me annd stogie might agree with this descriptionn of us literally!!!

                BE CAREFUL OUT THERE AND ENJOY THE NFL-the season is too short and one of the reasons the league is such a success. BTW if you want to read a book that captuers the feeling of a real NFL season read JONH FIENNSTIENS-NEXT MAN UP now out in paperback!!


                • does it stay '2 points per pick' straight thru the superbowl? you *sure* you don't want to up the ante, say to 3 points in 2nd round, 4 pts championship game and 5 points superbowl...? just to 'keep it alive' as it were? imagine having to pick the 13 point underdog in the superbowl to nudge out a victory -- and winning!


                  • My Picks are:
                    E A G L E S

                    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                    • Thai,
                      2 hours before game time and ya wanna change the formula  
                      You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                      • (SamplerDoc @ Jan. 06 2007,13:14) Thai,
                        2 hours before game time and ya wanna change the formula  
                        ; )
                        nah, not for *this* week! lol
                        i'm just saying that *usually* the fewer games there are, the more they're worth to pick.
                        just as the play-offs are immediately double-valued because there are only 4 games, doesn't it follow that when there are two or only one, the points might increase correspondingly?
                        i totally intend to win whatever the point-per-game parameters, i just wanted to air it out *before* the first round rather than after. but you're probably right, it's a bit late to change the plan and smuttley's got it under control anyway.
                        good luck to all.
                        and although i find it hard to believe i'd *ever* actually say this, gulp:

                        go cowboys!


                        • Ok...Thats a thought for further games or using the point spread with our picks thus making it a wee bit harder.

                          Hate to say it too but ....hell I can
                          GO Seahawks and LOSE
                          Same same but not
                          You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                          • (thaibound @ Jan. 04 2007,04:34) dude, you are *killing* my play here!
                            well at least I didn't promise to go longtime with you.


                            Good luck in the playoffs TB!


                            • Whoo Hooo

                              For all you that are in LOS did you ever miss a finish in the Dallas/Seattle game!!!!!

                              Gotta love the playoffs!!!!!

                              It's good to matter what the pay

                              Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                              Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                              ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                              "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                              •  Great game that! If you hate the Cowboys you gotta love being alive right now.

                                Watched it live on ESPN.

                                So - Who will the Saints play? Hmmm...

